Lotus Pond Glows

They had to say that Hao Ran Court's standards for guest rooms were pretty high. Not only did they have a place to house the guests, they also had everything prepared for them. They even found some commonly used elixirs in the house, like grain liberation elixirs and spirit-returning pills.

Lonemoon took one look at the pills and elixirs and then faced Yi Qing. "Chef, what do you think of Hao Ran Court?" Did Chan Ji genuinely want to help Fatty out, or did he have a hidden motive?

Yi Qing frowned as he poured Shen Ying a cup of tea. "We cannot trust them so soon."

"No," Fatty immediately retorted without a hint of suspicion. "Isn't Hao Ran Court the most just place? What's more, Master Chan Ji helped me to fend off the attack from that immortal weapon earlier. He doesn't look like a bad person. Master, I think… they're not…"

Fatty trailed off mid-sentence as he caught Lonemoon's face. He shrank back into a ball.