Strange Changes in Hao Ran

Chan Ji brought the group of them to closer to the disciples who were meditating. As they walked along the river, he picked up a lotus and handed it to Lonemoon, saying, "These lotus flowers in the river are doused in Buddhist glow day in and day out. They've already become spirit herbs themselves. We only get one such lotus every hundred years. They can be used to refine weapons and its seeds can be used to stabilize one's internal qi. Fellow Daoist, do try out its effects."

"Oh?" Lonemoon took the lotus somewhat curiously. A strong surge of spirit Qi exuded from it. It was no worse off than top-grade spirit herbs. Faintly, he could smell its fragrance. Out of habit, he handed it to the foodie. "Foodie Ying, you-"

"I don't want it!" Shen Ying turned him down immediately, full of contempt. "I hate vegetables!"

"Don't eat it then!" Lonemoon rolled his eyes. Stupid girl, you think I would give this to you? He plucked out a seed from the lotus.