Ferocious Beasts And Domestic Beasts

Fatty felt as if he was being introduced to Shen Ying for the first time, he scrutinized her from head to toe, staring in disbelief, turns out Miss Shen was this formidable?

As if having sensed his gaze, Shen Ying suddenly turned around and handed something out on her outstretched hand, asking with a serious expression, "Want some fruits?"

"Huh?" Fatty hesitated and peeped at the fruit on her hand that obviously had a bite taken out of it, why was she treating him to fruits again?

Hold on, was she mindful that this fruit had the saliva of the ferocious beast splattered on and that's why she was giving it to him?

No no no, Miss Shen definitely wasn't such a person, it must be because she noticed that he was shocked and wanted to give him some to calm his nerves. As for why there was only half, it must be because this was the only one left, absolutely so!

"No need, thank you Miss Shen." Fatty shook his head.