The Secret Of Preserving Souls

Yi Qing glanced at Shen Ying before opening the storage bag with some hesitance, after picking and choosing for a long while, he finally pulled a fish about half a kg heavy and handed it over. "Here!" This was the smallest one.

Lonemoon turned and threw it to the ferocious beast below.

Perhaps it was too scared, Weeping Beast did not even move, and remained as a stiff being on the ground, working hard to feign death.

"Chef, bring Shen Ying further away." Lonemoon said.

Yi Qing then conjured another bubble and brought his Master slightly further away.

After sometime, Weeping Beast finally moved, its body that was made up of black Yin Qi suddenly had a tiny aura strand out and carefully moved towards the fish from the side. As if having confirmed that no one was stopping it, it then straightened up and swiftly pounced towards the fish. The black aura of its body separated then wrapped the fish into itself.