Fighting the Boss

[Reporting to Boss - the main system has been detected.]

Lonemoon took a closer look at the huge thing. Faintly, he could sense that its power was comparable to that of managers. The only difference was that this thing contained a mess of powers - the power it had was not as pure as managers'. It was a combination of power from all different sources. And the strongest point was in the centre of the thing.

"There are so many systems. What do we do now?" Lonemoon asked. He instinctively suggested, "Why not we look for an entrance to this thing? We can make our way quietly inside of it." This main system had to have a main power switch, right?

"Why do you want to go inside?" Shen Ying tilted her head, asking in a very serious tone.

"nonsense - what else can we do?" The core of this huge thing was located right in the middle f it.

"Why can't we just kill it?"