Destroying the Core

With the parenting system's assistance, no matter where the main system moved, a red warning side would appear on the machine it was in. What's more, Chef's fire wall was closing in on all the systems and Lonemoon had set up multiple sword arrays within in. All around, the supplementary systems were being taken down. They were being constantly reduced in number until there were only a few of them left.

The main system seemed to have realised this. The red warning light above one of the supplementary systems suddenly disappeared. The coarse arms of the huge thing in the middle began to move once again.

[Ding! Reporting to Boss - the target has reverted to its original position.]

The huge plane-tree-looking main system suddenly shot out beams of eye-blinking green light. They resembled lasers, which swept toward the three of them. Everything that the beams of light touched seemed to explode. The beams also seemed to carry with them the aura from the source.