
He Was A Pervert

While Alec sent daggers in the snickering Mimi's direction, Tobias, who stood behind Mimi arched his brows curiously, his eyes darting from the crossed dressed girl in front of him to the scowling blond haired man.

"Although I don't understand what's happening, I know you have something to do with it." Tobias sighed as he looked down at the girl leaning against his chest.

"Eh? Why do automatically assume it was me?" Mimi pouted, her eyebrows furrowing.

"Because it's you." Tobias bluntly responded.

I mean...he wasn't wrong. But why didn't he think to assume Alec first?!

Puffing out her soft white cheeks, Mimi crosses her arms while walking away from Tobias's muscled chest.

Noting the girl's pouting behavior, Tobias sighs, a large hand running through his thick black hair.

Walking towards the young girl, Tobias calmly kneels down until his face was leveled with the girl's pouting expression.

"No pouting. We came here to celebrate, remember?" Tobias's voice was soft and warm as he spoke, a faint smile forming on his lips.

Dramatically blinking her eyes at the man's actions. Up close Mimi could see the man's long dark lashes, and intense deep eyes. Damn, this man was too handsome!

Releasing a few light coughs, a wide smile spreading across her lips.

"En, I forgive you!" Mimi chuckles.

What did he do wrong?

Unsure why she was forgiving him, Tobias decided to push it aside seeing how she had finally flashed him a smile. A deep chuckle escapes the man's lips, as he stands up straight once more while ruffling the girl's glossy hair.

"Come on, let's go," Tobias said softly.

"En!" Mimi nodded enthusiastically.


Standing on the side, both Jinny and Alec watched the scene before them with a stunned expression - of course for various reasons.

Alec was stunned that the two had completely forgotten he was there and began to display such...unusual and friendly actions! He could practically feel the warm aura surrounding the two!

Seeing Tobias's unusually tender tone and affections towards his sister caused Alec to frown, his brows furrowing.

Don't tell me the reason why Tobias was never romantically interested in anyone was that...he preferred underaged girls?!

If that was the case, then that would mean his best friend for years was, in fact, a pervert!

Now that he looked back at it; Tobias had always been kind towards younger people. During an event, Tobias had been exceptionally kind towards the host's daughter.

While bitterly thinking of Tobias, Alec had forgotten who the host of the event was. Tobias's uncle.

Who would have thought the type of people you disgust the most in the world is actually your closest friend.

Then again, he could be overthinking things.

Looking back at the two, Alec watched as Mimi beamed brightly up towards the tall man who bore a kind and gentle smile as he looked down at the crossed-dressed girl talk about the food she wanted to eat.

Seeing his sister's admiring expression that she had never shown toward him once, Alec's light eyebrows twitch irritably.

Hmph! Yup, he's a pervert. Look at the way his dear sister was worshipping him, she practically fell for his trap!

As Alec sent dark ominous glares in Tobias direction, Jinny, on the other hand, stared at Tobias with glistening eyes.

It was Tobias Itou! The Tobias Itou!

The CEO and creator of their company, the man who owned multiple companies in various countries. The man who had built his own company with his own hands when he was just a teenager.

Tobias Itou, the legendary figure in the industry known for being both cold and emotionless!

That exact man was standing right in front of her. However, what shocked her the most was the expression the attractive indifferent man expressed.

Staring down at the previous young man Jinny bumped into who was cheerfully chatting away, Tobias looked at him with a tender expression. He was even smiling!

Jinny couldn't help but stare at the two with a dazed expression. Compared to Alec and Mimi's interactions, theirs were definitely more intimate.

The cold and rich CEO, both strongly built and handsome, coupled with the delicate and small stature young man with feminine features.

So this was what witnessing a live boy love was like…

While Jinny practically drooled over the two and Alec glared bitterly at Tobias muttering a few curses, none had noticed the two people they were gazing at had stopped and been currently staring strangely at them for some time.

Mimi: What was her idiot brother thinking of now?

Tobias: ...Why were they staring at him?