
Lustful Stares

As the four standing in the large restaurant's hallway all stared at one another with their own bizarre thoughts, the sound of footsteps came in their direction.

"Jinny's sure taking a while I'm hoping nothing bad happened to her." A woman said with a concerned tone.

"I hope so too. She did drink a bit too much earlier." The second woman sighed. "She can be a bit dense, so who knows what could've happened to her."

As the two female employees turned to the corner, down the broad hallway, they stopped upon seeing a heart-stopping sight a few feet in front of them.

Three gorgeous men were currently standing in the hallway, all dressed elegantly in their fit suits.

The aura all three men gave were both powerful and sophisticated.

One of the men was handsomely dressed in a light grey suit with gleaming golden hair and piercing blue eyes.

Although his body wasn't considered strongly built, he had an acceptable and eye-catching body that caused women to stare.

Standing across from him were two other men, one tall while the other was evidently shorter by him by a couple of feet.

The tall man, standing nobly with his hands in his pants pockets wore a black suit matching perfectly with his silky black hair that was messily and seductively ruffled out.

His lightly tanned skin and strongly built body caused women's mouths to water and hearts to burst.

However, what caused women to pause on approaching him was his emotionless cold black eyes. Not an inch of emotion could be seen within his dark gems.

Standing beside the tall man was a man that contrasted greatly with the other two sturdy men. Although he was evidently different from the two, his youthful looks possessed their own distinctive charm.

His soft brown short hair tied neatly in a small ponytail, and his glowing jade-like skin provided the young man a gentle and angelic appearance. The man was celestial being!

Adding to his innocent looks, was his dazzling green eyes, a rosy tinge of purple clearly seen within them.

These men...were simply too handsome!

Wait a minute.

Both women snapped out of their delicious thoughts as they suddenly looked back at the tall man standing beside the shorter man.

How come he looked vaguely familiar?

It took the women ten whole seconds as their brains thought over the cold man's figure.

It was him! Tobias Itou! Moreover, known as their boss!

What was he doing here?

Suddenly remembering the event that was taking place at this current moment, the women felt like slapping themselves in the face.

Of course! He was the CEO, the exact man who had planned today's event for the employees. Him being there hadn't seemed weird to the two women once they thought of it more clearly.

However, they never would have considered the reason Tobias was there was because Mimi had wished to celebrate her hard work at his company.

If she hadn't asked him, he most likely wouldn't have attended.

Just as the women were planning to walk away, they once more halted upon identifying another familiar figure standing beside the blond haired man.


What was she doing there? And with three gorgeous men at that!

Both women look at one another with furrowed brows. Hesitantly, both women decide to walk over towards the four.

"Jinny, what are you doing over here?" The first woman says, her eyes brightening upon seeing the three men up close.

"Eh?" Breaking out of her fantasizing trance, Jinny gently turns towards the feminine voice to identify two of her colleagues.

"Honestly Jinny, we were worried something happened to you when you didn't come back after being gone for so long." The second female employee walked delicately closer towards Jinny with concerned eyes.

"Oh! Um...I'm sorry, I guess I got distracted." Jinny nervously chuckled.

"Hehe, Jinny you can be such an airhead sometimes. Always getting distracted." The woman giggled with glittering eyes.

Towards her words, Jinny's smile almost falters before it widens, an uneasy laugh escaping her lips.

"Haha, yeah, I guess I am sometimes." Jinny scratched her neck shyly.

As if suddenly realizing the three men were present, the woman gasps surprisingly before flashing a sheepish smile.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't notice you there." The woman said gently with glowing and seductive eyes, her gaze landing on Tobias. "Ah! President Itou, you're here too?"

Towards the women's words, Tobias merely stared at her with indifferent eyes, a light grunt escaping his thin cherry lips.


"..." Trying to hide her embarrassment toward his response, the woman continues to smile flashing her eyes.

"Then does that mean you came here for the companies employee party as well?" The woman sweetly spoke.

Tobias looking at both women stare at him with admiration and glittering eyes caused his bushy brows to twitch.

Were these women really trying to flirt with him? And even acting like they hadn't noticed them before. The minute the two walked down the hallway Tobias had noticed the two female employees.

Including their lustful stares.

He couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed towards their pestering actions. Just as he opened his mouth to speak, a cheery voice cut him off.

"Oh? A party? How come you never told your company was hosting a party, Mr. Itou?" Mimi asked eagerly, her smiling eyes looking up at the tall man beside her.

Tobias stares down at the cross-dressing girl beside him, his lips twitching slightly.

This little fox, acting like she didn't know about it.

Arching his noble brows and flashing a seductive smile at the girl, Tobias parts his sensual lips.

"Do you want to go?" He asked gently, with a tinge of amusement in his deep voice.

With sparkling eyes, Mimi bobs her head vigorously. "Why not! We can stop by for a few minutes and then go back to our own party."

Chuckling once more, Tobias shakes his head helplessly.

"Alright, we'll do that."

Both female employees, along with Jinny and Alec stare at the duo with awe and fascination.

He chuckled! And so seductively too!

Both women found their cold boss to appear more calm and sexy when he chuckled. Especially the gaze he gave the young man beside him.

However, they merely thought of it as amusement and kindness one would show a friend or junior.

Although his eyes were vacant without a hint of emotion, the aura he gave off when staring at the young man was much warmer compared to his intimating cold self.

"Let's go then," Tobias said soothingly, already walking past the group, down the hallway.


Willingly following the dignified man happily, Mimi and Tobias's figures gradually disappear down the hall.

Instantly breaking from their trance, Alec, the first to break free, speeds towards the two. Very soon the two women follow behind along with Jinny.

However, unknown to the rest, as Mimi spoke to Tobias, he had detected a mischievous glint flash within her lively eyes.

A hidden smile curled up on the man's lips as he stared at the girl walking beside him, softly humming.

Looks like an interesting show was about to begin...