
Character Q&A - Answered

Hello precious readers! As promised, here's the Q&A - the remaining questions will be answered on Friday with a few sneak peeks!



To Mimi: Can you donate me a few thousand dollars?

Mimi: "Hmm, that depends. Are you willing to do anything for me for a few thousand dollars?"


To Tobias: Are you looking forward to joining WIFE DOTING CLUB under the rule of LU TINGXIAO?

Tobias: "Who's Lu Tingxiao?"

Lu Tingxiao: "Hello."

Ning Xi: "Hello, darling!"

Tobias: "…who are these people?"


To Paramyis: Tobias has a memory of seeing Mimi at her sister's funeral does he know it's her or will he realize it's her after finding out the truth?

Paramyis: As of now, he doesn't remember seeing Mimi at Emily's funeral (since he so desperately did not wish to be there). As for when he finds out the truth…you shall find out soon fufufu~


To Paramyis: when will there be the time-skip? I am so impatient! >~<

Paramyis: Very soon I promise! ( ͒˃⌂˂ ͒)

I have two arcs left one called the Emilia arc and the second surrounding around Tobias's company and goth Mimi. Afterward, the time skip and romance will begin!


Author-nim: Can you switch Mimi and Tobias' personality?! Like a cold Mimi and a flirty Tobias �� omg, I can't imagine.

Paramyis: I don't know…can I? ┐('~`;)┌

*cuts the lights and a small stage is displayed*

[After a long day of work, Mimi and Tobias sit in Mimi's café EMIRI – both enjoying a set of snacks and drinks. Bringing her cup of tea up to her rosy lips, Mimi quietly reads over the documents in her hand.

Tobias, casually seated across from her, lazily plopped his head on his hand as he delivered a charming smile to the cold, emotionless girl in front of him.

"You're really no fun, are you? I invited you out to share a meal with me yet you're ignoring me."


The corner of Tobias's thin lips twitch.


Still silence.

"If you don't look at me in the next three seconds, I'll kiss your cute little nose."

Furrowing her brows, Mimi's expression turns dark as she finally lifts her gaze to look at Tobias.

"Don't joke around," Mimi unfolded her legs and placed the documents on her hand onto the table.

"Why would I joke around with such a beauty in front of me?" Tobias gave an enigmatic smile.

Mimi's eyes remained emotionless. Tobias's smile disappeared as he helplessly chuckled.

"You're really cold, you know that?"

"I'm well aware." Mimi drinks her tea.

Watching the girl calmly sip her tea and the gleaming sunlight shining through the windows light up behind her, he felt somewhat disappointed he didn't bring a camera.

Tsk, such an angelic being in front of him and he didn't bring a camera. What a shame.

Taking a bite of the cake in front of him, Tobias eats with a sulky expression on his face. Mimi pauses her sips and watches the handsome man munch blissfully on the cake.

"How many have you eaten today?"


"Cakes, how many have you eaten?"

Tilting his head to the side, the man hums lightly. "Mn, around ten maybe."

Mimi's expression darkens, and her lips pursed into a tight line.

"No more for you. After this, I'm taking you out to get a salad."



"No thank you."



Mimi sighs and sets back a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"You can have a steam bun afterward if you eat two salads."

"And?" Tobias said slowly, never taking his eyes off the strands of hair fallen over Mimi's small face.

"And I'll take you out tomorrow. Anywhere you want to go, my treat."

Slowly, a charming, bright smile curled on Tobias's lips.

"My Mimi is so kind to me," He said happily.

Mimi merely nodded, but her eyes softened as she turned her gaze away from the handsome man. For the remainder of the day, the two ate, talked and drank warm, comforting tea. ]


*Curtains close*

Paramyis: Hehe, that was fun to make! (^ω^)


To Paramyis: Did you plan the entire storyline before creating this (like did you plan the major events, how the characters will grow etc.) or are you just going with the flow/seeing how the audience reacts to the storyline? Also, do you have the end planned out?

Paramyis: In the beginning, no. I originally wrote and posted my stories online for fun and to share my work rather than keeping all my thoughts and ideas to myself.

But then people, (you wonderful people) started reading my story and engaging so much into it!

So I started planning the storyline out and yes occasionally based on some reactions from the readers I changed a few things. But I do have everything planned out and I have the ending for the story as well!


To Mimi: How did you become so smart from a young age? I know it is realistic to be somewhat smart or even a genius but creating a concept which usually takes professionals multiple years at the tender age of 5! How did you become so intelligent???

Mimi: "Would you believe me if I said I was born this beautifully smart?"


To Mimi: Can we exchange lives?

Mimi: "Of course! If you think you can handle running a business and crossing dressing every day then be my guest! I've always wanted a vacation!" (^ヮ^)


To Tobias: Do you have already romantic feelings for her? If so... When are you gonna make a move?

Tobias: "No. I'm not a pervert." (--;


Author: is there a chance to have a snusnu time? :)

Paramyis: Hohoho~ You shall wait and see. You'll wish you went to church after reading it!




Henry Hirogori: "This is a waste of time. We have more important things to do then say what we think our spirit animals are."

Mimi: "Ooh, I'm a cat! They just sit around, eat, sleep, and orders their owners around. Sounds so fun! I'm also extremely cute!" (=ↀωↀ=)✧

Jean: "Ah…I've never thought of it. But if I were to randomly choose I'd say an eagle since they represent vision, wisdom, and strength." *Lifts glasses to face*

Author: Mmm…Mines a bear honestly. Especially when they're in their hibernation phase. I love sleeping and eating.

Alec: "Hmm, well, I'm handsome, courageous, and strong, so I'd say mine is…"

Mimi: *Cough* "A dog."

Alec: "Hey! You had your turn already!"

Mimi: "You're right big brother, I'm sorry."

Alec: "Thank y…"

Mimi: "You're more like a small sheep."

Alec: "…"

Mimi: "Or a small, little mouse."

Alec: "Fine, fine! I'm a small, vulnerable, helpless sheep! Don't downgrade me!"

Paramyis: *cough* moving on.

Emilia: "What do you mean annoying? Hmph! For your information I didn't personally steal the tie from him, he did it first! *crosses arms*"

Emilia: "And if you must know my spirit animal is a beautiful, graceful swan!"

Tobias: "Owl."

Paramyis: Ah? Is that all Tobias, you don't want to say why it's an owl?

Tobias: "No."

Paramyis: Okay...


Author-nim: What is your hobby? Daily schedule?

Paramyis: Well, when I'm not writing I like to exercise daily, watch videos of people eating (my favorite to watch is nado and honeykki), go for walks, read novels and eat! I have no friends so my life is extremely boring…ヽ(~~~ )ノ


Mimi: what is your favorite type of girl? (can I be one of them?)

Mimi: "A girl who can cook really well, pampers me and has big boobs!"


Tobias: If there was one person you had to marry, who would it be?

Tobias: *Turns to look at Alec*

Alec: "No…No! I'm not gay! Even for some as handsome as you, I'll never bend! I like women!"

Tobias: "I was going to ask you for Mimi's birthday…"

Alec: "Oh…*wipes sweat off forehead* Thank goodness. And it's April twenty-third. "

Tobias: "En, thank you."

Alec: "You're welcome…wait a minute! Σ(・口・)"


To MIMI: do you like animals??, If yes adopt one!!

Mimi: *Turns toward Alec*

Alec: "Why! Why does everyone keep turning to me?!"

Mimi: "Because you're my pet."

Alec: "You little…"

Mimi: "Go get me some food. Answering all these questions has made me hungry."

Alec: ( ̄□ ̄;)


Paramyis: That's all for the day, on Friday I will answer the rest of the questions and more if they're asked! There will be a little sneak peek to a future chapter in the next Q&A on Friday as well!

Thank you for your love and support, now enjoy today's chapter!