


Mimi's eyes opened groggily, revealing her bright violet pupils that blinked slowly at the familiar ceiling - this was the ceiling of her bedroom.

Her body, previously surrounded in chills began to feel warmer again. However, at some point, she felt stiff. Almost restrained.

Looking down, Mimi saw her entire body was wrapped tightly into large blankets.

She looked like a burrito!

Frowning, Mimi struggles to unbind herself from her 'cocoon' of blankets but found it quite difficult. After a while, Mimi surrendered and plopped her head down onto the plump pillows.

How did she get here anyway?

Wrapping her mind around the recent events that took place, Mimi's thoughts recalled the call with Tobias and suddenly seeing his handsome face up close, looking at her with worry.

Ah…so that's how. Then wouldn't that mean…

Right on cue with her thoughts, the bedroom door opened.

Walking into her room with a steaming bowl of soup was none other than Tobias Itou. As he entered her room, Tobias immediately noticed that the young girl had awoken from her deep slumber.

Her head, which was all that was uncovered, propped up while the remaining of her body was wrapped in a cocoon – this had been the sight Tobias saw when he entered.

"You're up." Tobias walked over to her with the bowl of soup and rested it on her side table. "Does it still hurt? Do you feel any discomfort or pain anywhere?"

Mimi looked at the handsome man before her with blinking eyes. Out of his business jacket, the man's white fit high collar shirt was slightly unbuttoned to reveal a part of his toned, smooth chest. His rolled up sleeves displayed his firm, muscled arms.

The man was a delicious treat in Mimi's eyes. It was a shame, due to these 'restraints' she couldn't touch him.

Snapping out of her thoughts, Mimi lightly coughs. "Not as much as before, but there's still a bit of discomfort in my back and stomach. Oh, and my legs feel a little numb."

And despite lying in her own blood, she felt peachy!

Tobias's brows furrowed as he listened to Mimi list the areas of discomfort. He never took care of anyone, or a woman for that matter whenever they were ill…or on their period.

"Should I take you to the hospital?" Tobias asked gently, his figure sitting down on the small bed.

Mimi held back the urge to laugh after seeing the man's serious expression.

"Hehe, it's okay. I already took the limited number of pills for today, so I guess I'll just to bear with it. But this pain is normal for women on their period. Which is what makes us so amazing don't you think?" Mimi grinned mischievously.

"En," Tobias nodded his head seriously.

Mimi chuckled and wanted to lightly slap the man on his smooth, muscular arm but found her hands restrained to her sides from the covers. Pursing her lips, Mimi looks at Tobias.

"Erm…do you think you can unravel me from these blankets? It's a bit stiffening."

Looking at the girl wrapped like a round piece of mochi, Tobias chuckled and nodded his head. Standing up, the man leaned forward to help unravel the blankets.

Because she bore a high fever and was constantly cold, Tobias grabbed every blanket he could find in the girl's small apartment and wrapped her in it.

When it still wasn't enough to keep her warm, he ordered one of his men to bring him a set of blankets. In less than five minutes, a new set of blankets came.

After she showed no signs of discomfort, had he stopped the demand for more blankets.

Once freed, Mimi spread her arms and legs wide on the blanket and released a content sigh.

"Ah, freedom!" She purred while stretching her limbs.

Tobias watched the girl stretch like a carefree cat and waited until she positioned herself in a comfortable position.

"Here, drink this."

He held the steaming bowl of soup in his hands while sitting down on the edge of the bed.

"Hmm? What's that?"

"It's soup."

"What kind of soup?"


Mimi's brows knitted in response. How come he always came up with these strange concoctions for her to eat? Raw vegetables, salads, lentils - what's next, dirt?

Taking note of the girl's sour mood, Tobias sighed.

"It'll help ease your cramps," He explained gently. "Also, drink some of the lemon water and chamomile tea; they'll help. I have a heating pad ready for you whenever they start to worsen."

Tilting her head to the side, Mimi couldn't help but ask, "How come you're so experienced with these things?"

"I looked it up."

The man's blunt response left Mimi speechless. He looked it up? What exactly did he search? But most importantly, he did it for her?

Mimi stared at the gorgeous man and felt somewhat warm inside.

Hehe, indeed, having an attractive boss like Tobias was certainly the best!

Feeling giddy, Mimi smiled warmly and obediently agreed to drink the soup. She reached for the bowl, but it was quickly pulled away. Mimi looked at Tobias with a confused expression.

"I'll feed you. You just sit and relax."

Not denying the chance to be lazy, Mimi humbly agreed and rested back against the wall. Picking up the spoon, Tobias softly blew on it. Assuring it wouldn't burn her, he lifted it to her lips.

Upon touching her lips, Mimi was stunned by the flavor. It didn't taste like lentils or vegetables at all!

It was salty and rich in flavor with a satisfying warmth spreading throughout her body. The lentils themselves were soft, containing a mild earthy flavor, which seemed to dissolve in her mouth.

"Mm, this is good! What brand is it?" Mimi asked, opening her mouth for another spoonful.

Patiently, Tobias lifted the spoon to Mimi's lips. "I made it."

Had it not been for hatred for wasting such quality food, Mimi would have spat the soup all over Tobias's handsome face.

He…He made it? With his own bare, beautiful hands?

Not noticing anything odd, Tobias continued to feed the girl soup. Mimi absentmindedly opened her mouth and swallowed while staring at the God molded man before her.

This man…he was simply too perfect. It was almost scary.

For the majority of the day, Tobias tended to Mimi's needs.

Whenever the cramps returned, he'd be there with a heating pad, tea and to Mimi's delight, dark chocolate. Although it was slightly bitter than milk chocolate, Mimi, nonetheless, found it delicious.

Almost as delicious as the man feeding it to her…

After a while, Tobias offered for Mimi to walk around a bit to ease her cramps.

His exact words being, "Research says, walking around, or even exercising helps get rid of cramps."

Of course, disturbed by his words, Mimi pitifully displayed her act to gain sympathy.

"Ah, the pain! It hurts, I don't think I'll ever be able to walk again! Toby, please end my misery right here and now! Relieve me of this pain and suffering!"

Tobias stared at the girl with an emotionless expression.

Afterward, he offered to go to the nearby convenience store to give her more things for her as she called it 'her bloody battle.'

Although he knew she was being dramatic and acting out to gain sympathy, he didn't mind. He knew she was in pain but not to the extent she displayed in her act.

However, pain was pain, making him feel the slightest bit of sympathy for the girl.

After he left, Mimi reached for the chocolate on her bed stand and munched on it with a blissful expression.

Once she reached the last chocolate square, Mimi stared at it for a while before plopping it into her mouth.

He was going to get more anyways~

For the next few minutes, Mimi drank chamomile tea and scrolled through her phone.

Suddenly, the sound of the doorbell ringing caught her attention. Looking at the time on her phone, she saw it had been ten minutes since Tobias left.

Assuming it was him and he forgot her keys or his hands were full, Mimi hopped out of her bed and walked toward the door.

"Did you get me more chocolate, my stomach still hurts~" Mimi sang as she opened the door.

However, looking at the figure in front of her door, Mimi's eyes widened and her lips closed shut.


Staring back at Mimi with their bright silver eyes wide, and fair skin slowly paling was none other than Emilia Yimo.