
Adopted Bastard

Outside of the office.

When the two walked out of their father's office, Alec turned to leave but stopped upon hearing Kenji's voice.

"As expected of an adopted bastard, completely useless. You won't even try helping father out." His voice contained a trace of scorn and mock.

Alec snorted and turned to look at his brother, "Unlike you I have morals. I don't betray anyone just because father told me to. I have no interest in joining in on the family drama. Besides, that's your domain anyway, I'm an adopted bastard child remember?"

Kenji's eyes narrowed, a cold sneer curling up on his lips. "That's good to hear. I don't need another pest getting in my way."

A dark shadow reflected across Alec's blue eyes.

"Well then, since we've settled that I'll be leaving now." Alec bade goodbye, his figure disappearing down the hall.

Walking down the long set of stairs, Alec stopped upon identifying the familiar figure of Lillian Hirogori, his father's second wife.

Seeing the handsome blond haired man walking down the stairs, Lillian's eyes lit up.

"Alec dear, is that you?" Her plump crimson lips curled up into a dazzling smile.

Giving her shopping bags to a nearby maid who stumbled after receiving such a hefty amount, Lillian walked over toward Alec, her curvy hips swaying seductively from side to side.

"Oh my, you've gotten so handsome, it's sure been a while since I've seen you." Lillian's eyes examined Alec's body from head to toe with a fervent gaze she tried to conceal.

Unfortunately, her seductive and hungry stare was seen by Alec, a feeling of disgust swelling inside his heart.

Suppressing his displeasure, Alec smiles indifferently. "Yes, it has, mother Lillian."

A sweet giggle escapes her lips as she lightly slaps Alec's hard chest - her hands lingering a little longer than necessary.

"Look at you being so formal, just call me Lillian sweetie."

Alec continued to smile, "Well then, Lillian, it was nice to see you but I have to get going."

"So soon? Why don't you stay a bit and keep me company? It's been so lonely with your father and brothers working all day. I hardly have anyone to hang out with." She pouted her red lips and stared tearfully down at her plump and round chest.

The corner of Alec's lips twitched.

Honestly, how could his father marry such a fox? All she knew was how to seduce. She was even trying to seduce him! Her own step-son!

Such a woman sickened him to no ends.

"I'm sorry, but I really should be going." Alec smiled stiffly before leaving, not allowing her the chance to say anything else.

Watching Alec's leaving figure, Lillian pouted and huffed, her heels clicking behind her as she made her way up the stairs.

Once outside, Alec breathed in the fresh air and sighed heavily.

Who knew staying a few minutes inside felt like a century of hell.

Walking toward his car, Alec immediately enters and drives away.

After a safe distance from the Hirogori Mansion, Alec parks his car to the side and takes out his phone to dial a number.

Three rings before a young girl's voice sounded out.

"My, my! Big brother, it sure has been a while since you've called. What pleasure do I have to receive your call?" Mimi's chirpy voice said on the other end.

Unknownst to Alec, hearing the young girl's voice brought a genuine and warm smile on his face. "I have some information for you, I think you'll be interested."

"Oh really? Then don't keep me waiting, spill!"

"I will, but you have to promise me I'll get a break from being your assistant for one week."

"That's a big promise, big brother."

"Yes, but I think it's worth it. After all, I just had to deal with being touched and seduced by a sly fox."

Mimi was silent on the other end and as if it suddenly dawned on her she spoke, "Deal, now tell me what you have."

"Father called me over. He wanted me to force Tobias to agree to his contract arrangements."

"What?" Mimi's voice turned cold.

"I said no, but it's obvious he won't give up. I want to give you a heads up and be careful when you're around the company, maybe even take a break from working there for a bit."

On Mimi's side, her lips pursed, "Actually, that might not be possible. Kenji saw me in Tobias's office yesterday."

"What?!" Alec couldn't contain his shock. "Did he know it was you?"

A scoff escaped Mimi, "Of course not, I was wearing glasses and a baseball cap. Besides, even if I wasn't, I doubt he'd know it was me."

Alec sighed in relief, "That's good then. But I still think you should be careful. If he saw you in Tobias's office he might try to look into your identity."

Mimi giggles on the other end, "Don't worry big brother, I'll take care of it. I think I understand what father's plans are."

And she'll make sure he doesn't succeed.

"Alright," Alec sighed. "Mimi…please be safe."

"Hehe, someone sure is a worrier." Mimi teased.

"I'm serious, Mimi. I don't want you to get hurt, physically and mentally." Alec said firmly.

Mimi went silent.

"I understand. I'll be careful." Mimi finally said after a moment of silence.


"Ugh jeez! You're acting just like Toby! I can barely handle one; I don't need another. But yes, to get you to stop nagging, I promise."

"Thank you." Alec smiled.

"Hmph, I'm hanging up now."

"Okay bye," Alec chuckled.

"Wait, Alec…"

"Yes?" Alec's brows furrowed as he waited for Mimi to speak.

After a while the girl's whispered voice spoke up on the other end, "Were they big? I mean I know she probably got surgery with father's money, but did they look nice? Were they firm and round looking?"

Alec nearly coughed blood toward his sister's questions.

What the hell was wrong with her?!