
Girls Day Out!

After ending the call with her brother, Mimi turns around and is met with the sight of a pouting Emilia Yimo. With her arms crossed over her chest, she stared at Mimi with full pouted lips.

Mimi curiously looked at her and tilted her head to the side. "What's wrong?"

Emilia's expression worsened in response to Mimi's question.

The nerve this girl had! How could she ask such a question?!

That day, Emilia invited Mimi out for shopping. Considering the fact Mimi never once had a friend her age, Emilia took it upon herself to grant Mimi the experience of a lifetime.

A girls day out!

Emilia planned to spend her own money she earned after working for Mimi instead of using her fathers.

Yet, who would have thought rather than spending the whole day shopping for clothes and getting pampered, they bought food from every food stall in sight!

Whether it was fried, baked, sweet, salty, spicy, Mimi didn't care. If it was food, she would buy it. And because it was her money, Emilia felt even more bitter as she watched the girl take a large bite of [1]Jianbing.

Finally, after buying from ten food carts did they arrive in front of Emilia's favorite clothing store, Ethereal.

Unfortunately, upon arriving, Emilia noticed she was the only one who seemed interested.

Mimi's eyes would wander around the store, her hands in her jean pockets while she stared off in the distance - bored.

After a while, Mimi stopped and stared at a particular dress. It was a blue, spring dress the brand recently produced and was quite popular these days. Medium length and sleeveless with gold embroidered strap curling around the waist. It indeed does justice to looking ethereal, despite its modest appearance.

Seeing the dress Mimi was looking at, Emilia's eyes brightened.

This was her chance!

"Did you find something you like?"

"Mm," Mimi absentmindedly nodded her head while staring at the dress.

Hearing her response, a broad and victorious smile rose on Emilia's face.

Lifting up her chin slightly, Emilia says, "Well in that case, since it's your first outing with a friend, I'll buy this dress for you."

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Mimi turned to look at Emilia, her brows knitted.

Emilia's proud expression stiffened.

"Don't you like this dress? I'll buy it for you if you want it." Emilia pointed to the dress Mimi was gazing at.

Looking in the direction of where Emilia pointed at, Mimi's face turned bitter.

"Why would I want that ugly old rag? I was looking behind it. There's a buy one get one free strawberry crepe sale over at that café across the street."

True to Mimi's words, behind the dress was a glass window showing a large sign from the café across the street.

Emilia's expression dropped as she stared at Mimi in disbelief.


The dress was around the price of a ten bedroom mansion, yet she called it ugly! And she was still thinking about food!

Emilia held back her urge to snap and breathed in deeply.

She smiled through gritted teeth and said, "Oh, in that case how about we go there when we're done shopping?"

Mimi's face brightened, and she bobbed her head happily like a small child. Seeing her expression somehow soothed Emilia's anger.

After the two finished glancing around in the shop and Emilia purchased the items she wanted, the two headed toward the café across the street.

While buying the two strawberry crepes, Emilia sighed.

Despite today being meant to spend time shopping, she couldn't help but find it fun.

They were still hanging out together, that's what mattered right?

"Mimi, here you go—" Emilia choked on her words when she turned around to find the girl once standing behind her, missing.

Where did she go?

Slightly panicked, Emilia exited the café, crepes in her hands and urgently searched for Mimi.

Shifting her head to the front of the café, Emilia's expression immediately blackened.

Standing in the front, her back turned to her was none other than Mimi. And she was on the phone!

Scowling, Emilia approaches behind her and waits for her to finish her call.

"Hmph, no need to scold me I was just asking," Mimi muttered. "I'm hanging up now and don't worry I won't forget."

After speaking, Mimi hung up from the phone and turned in Emilia's direction, leading their current situation.

"What's wrong?" Mimi blinked, not perceiving the reason for her expression.

"Hmph! You dare ask me what's wrong! Why don't you use that smart brain of yours and find out?"

Mimi's brows arched. A look of pure confusion on her face. Looking Emilia's body up and down, Mimi thought deeply.

"You're on your period?"

Immediately, Emilia's expression snapped.