Primordial Chaos Scripture

After spending many hours to see through all of the memories left behind by Xian Yu, Yuan Qiyuan helplessly sighed, feeling as though he had just wasted his time by watching a good-for-nothing youth run amok and doing nothing but harm his family's hard-earned reputation.

Out of the 16 years of Xian Yu'a memories, there were only a few noteworthy ones, and the rest were pointless scenes of Xian Yu harassing good women and being a useless Young Master that only knows how to stress his parents and everything else besides doing good for his family.

From what he gathered and found useful, he was in a place called the Fleeting Cloud City, the third largest city in the Yin Province.

Yuan Qiyuan also found out that despite already having traveled around the world and all Four Divine Realms, he has never heard of this place before.

Just how long had actually passed since he tried to concoct his pill?

Additionally, judging from the fact that his father, being a mere middle-grade Alchemy Master is already a renowned Alchemist in this province, he would not be surprised if this was the lowest realm of the Four Divine Realm, the Lower Realm.

After Yuan Qiyuan finished sorting out his memories, he went ahead and analyzed his current physique and condition, only to find out that he was only a mortal without even the slightest of cultivation base inside his body.

This brought a nostalgic feeling in his heart that was as ancient as the Primordial Era.

Furthermore, having no cultivation base is actually a blessing in disguise for him, because without a cultivation base, he could basically cultivate any cultivation techniques while ignoring the hassle of needing to crumble his foundation and rebuilding it again.

If Xian Yu already has a built foundation, then Yuan Qiyuan would have had to destroy it and start again so that it would not interfere with his cultivation techniques that may not be compatible.

To start from the beginning, Yuan Qiyuan didn't know what to feel.

He wasn't saddened because this meant that he has another chance to chase his ambitions and complete his pill, but he also wasn't happy that he has to start from scratch, potentially taking thousands if not millions of years to reach where he once was.

"If I have to build my cultivation from the beginning, so be it. As long as I can chase my dreams, I wouldn't mind starting from scratch every time I fail!" He held a positive look to being given a second chance in life.

As to why he replaced Xian Yu, and at such an awkward time, he still doesn't have the slightest clue, but that is something he could slowly investigate.

The most important thing for him now is to begin building his foundation so that he could start concocting pills again.

Yuan Qiyuan knew of the advantage he held because of his knowledge. This time, he will build his foundation with all of his previous knowledge, and he is certain that he will reach his previous heights much faster and even surpass it!

Suddenly, right before Yuan Qiyuan was about to search for a cultivation technique amongst the thousands he had in mind, the door to his room was gently knocked on, interrupting him.

"Enter," he said.

The door slowly opened after he gave his permission, and a petite figure walked in.

Yuan Qiyuan looked at the lovely face that could easily attract the attention of anyone that favored cute thing and smiled slightly, "Does this mean that you are willing to continue to serve as my maidservant despite what I have done to you?" he said with a mysterious feeling around the word 'my'.

Yu Lihua who was standing by the door nodded, looking shy. "This little one had promised the Mistress that she will take care of Young Master, after all…" she said in a timid tone.

"Aren't you afraid of what I might do to you in the future like what I have done today?" Yuan Qiyuan asked her in a clear and calm voice. It was as though he was testing her.

He silently observed Yu Lihua, and he could see hesitation and fear in her eyes, but he didn't say anything to her and only continued to smile.

Yu Lihua takes in a deep breath after a moment of silence before saying: "This little one is Young Master's maidservant. Anything the Young Master wants, it is this little one's responsibility to fulfill. If the Young Master wishes for this little one's unworthy b-body...then this little one shall give the Young Master her body…"

Yu Lihua's voice stuttered and became shaky towards the end, but she still managed to complete her pledge as a maidservant to him.

Yuan Qiyuan praised her inside his heart. He could tell that she still feared him and didn't fully trust him, but she still managed to overcome her fear, even telling him that she is willing to give her body to him, allowing him to use it as he pleased.

"I appreciate your words, but I do not need your body, little girl." He called her a little girl out of habit because as someone who has lived countless years, she was just a baby.

"What I want is your loyalty. However, I can still see fear and doubt lingering in your eyes. Until they fully disappear, I will not accept you as 'my' maidservant," he said, dumbfounding her.

"L-Little girl…" Yu Lihua did not expect him to address her in such a way, especially when they were around the same age.

"Okay, enough with this topic. What did you come here for? Surely you did not come here just to offer your body to me, right?" Yuan Qiyuan smiled, causing Yu Lihua to blush profusely.

"T-The Mistress wishes for this little one to call the Young Master for dinner…" she said with difficulty.

"I will pass," he said instantly, "Tell Zhen Xiang that I am not feeling well today and will be skipping dinner."

"This little one understands…"

"Also, you can stop addressing yourself as 'little one' from now on," Yuan Qiyuan added, catching her off guard.

"You don't like it? Well, I don't like the formality either."

"I understand, Young Master…" she said with a weird feeling inwardly.

"Good, then you may leave."

"Excuse me, Young Master."

Yuan Qiyuan closed his eyes once Yu Lihua left the room; he has already decided on a cultivation technique to build his foundation on.

And in his head, the words 'Primordial Chaos Scripture' appeared.

The Primordial Chaos Scripture is one of the Seven Sublime Scriptures that are known to be the most valuable techniques in all Four Divine Realms that dates back to the Primordial Era. Nobody knows how it came into existence or who created the Seven Sublime Scriptures, but each one of the seven scriptures has heaven-defying features that could temper a mortal to become a true god and would easily create a bloodbath if it were to be shown in public.

The Primordial Chaos Scripture in Yuan Qiyuan's grasp allows the cultivator to absorb any type of Essence from heaven and earth and transforms it into the pure Essence, leaving the impurities out and absorbing only the purest form of the Essence.

Essence is the primary source for Cultivators and Alchemists alike. Without it, even the strongest of Cultivators are powerless, and mortals will remain mere mortals for the rest of their lives.

There are many types of Essence in this world, but the most commonly found type of Essence would be Spirit Essence that could be found almost everywhere in the world.

However, with power comes danger. Essence naturally has impurities within them, but it does not immediately harm one's body when absorbed. Impurities will build up in one's body until it becomes a burden to the Cultivators, affecting their cultivation and even health. If the impurities within one's body are not exterminated properly, then it can even lead to an early death.

And out of the Seven Sublime Scripture, the Primordial Chaos Scripture ranked first in cultivation mainly because it allows its cultivator to cultivate without the hassle of cleansing the impurities within Essences since the technique automatically does it for the cultivator.

Simply put, the Primordial Chaos Scripture would help Yuan Qiyuan cultivate twice as fast with half the effort.

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Qiyuan began cultivating the Primordial Chaos Scripture for the first time. If he hadn't found it after he had already stabilized his foundation in his previous life, then he would have definitely cultivated it the moment he obtained it.