Cultivating with Ease

The atmosphere in the room changed dramatically as Yuan Qiyuan's breathing pattern became rhythmic. It now has a more ancient feeling, as though a primordial being was present inside the room.

The furniture in the room seemed to have aged dozens of years despite being new, and the space around Yuan Qiyuan looked as though it was frozen.

Currently inside Yuan Qiyuan's body is a dark purple vortex that sucked the surrounding Essence in the room like a hungry beast that has been starving for years. But unlike a real beast that would eat anything without a care, it did not touch the impurities within the Spirit Essence and would cleanse them before it could build up in Yuan Qiyuan's body.

This purple vortex is precisely the Primordial Chaos Scripture, one of the Seven Sublime Scriptures, the strongest cultivation technique under heaven.

Yuan Qiyuan had only just begun cultivating, yet he has achieved what many normal people couldn't even if given their entire lifetime, breaking through his mortal shackles and achieving the First Level Essence Gathering Realm in mere minutes.

The Essence Gathering Realm is where all Cultivators take their very first step towards the cultivation path. It may be a small step, but is one of the most important steps, just like a baby's first step. While it may not seem significant at first, it is where it all begins.

However, many may never be able to take this small step even if given their entire lifetime and others may take this step within only a few years of time, some even months. Yet, Yuan Qiyuan had achieved this feat in mere minutes, officially starting his cultivation path once again.

"I am now no longer a mere mortal but a Cultivator with strength and senses above an ordinary person." In Yuan Qiyuan's previous life many, many millenniums ago, he had said the same words.

The feeling of breaking through and giving up his journey on the mortal path to walk the cultivation path was extremely nostalgic. It felt as though he was the same naive youth countless years ago when he first started his cultivation path.

Closing his eyes to enjoy the refreshing feeling with a smiling expression, Yuan Qiyuan did not look like his was cultivating at this moment and instead looked more like he was just relaxing. If anybody were to witness this scene at this moment, none of them would dare to believe that he was cultivating with such an easing expression. Since when had cultivation become so easy that even the good-for-nothing Xian Yu could cultivate with such a relaxed expression?

After a few more minutes of cultivation, purple light could be seen flickering around Yuan Qiyuan's body, increasing the speed of the Spirit Essence that was being absorbed.

Suddenly, boom! The sound of a door being kicked open that only Yuan Qiyuan could hear loudly resounded in his mind, and as though something had exploded from within his body, Yuan Qiyuan felt another wave of refreshing feeling wash over him; he has broken through the First Level and has entered the Second Level Essence Gathering Realm.

It took him at less than ten minutes to breakthrough from the First Level into the Second Level. If people knew of this, they would surely be shocked to the core. For anyone to achieve what others required months, even years, in mere minutes, would be more than enough to scare even ghosts, let alone humans.

However, even after breaking through to the Second Level Essence Gathering Realm, Yuan Qiyuan was not satisfied, so he continued to cultivate for the remainder of the night.


Time passed by in a flash during Yuan Qiyuan's cultivation, and before he was aware, the sun was already up.

Opening his eyes for the first time since he started cultivating, his gaze flickered with a profound light.

"Ninth Level Essence Gathering Realm…" Yuan Qiyuan sighed with disappointment, "I have spent the entire night cultivating, and I was only able to achieve the Ninth Level Essence Gathering Realm? It seems like this body is worse than I had initially thought, and I will have to put some effort into changing my talent and physique before I continue," he mumbled to himself.

He talked of changing his talent and physique as though it was not something only a crazy individual would say. It was something only he, a legend from the Primordial Era, could possibly say with such confidence and ease.

"At least I can finally concoct pills again," he encouraged himself, "I'll be able to concoct pills up to the 3rd tier for now. Once I reach the Essence Spirit Realm, I'll be able to concoct at least tier 4 pills."

If it was anybody else besides Yuan Qiyuan that had gone from the First Level Essence Gathering Realm to the Ninth Level Essence Gathering Realm in a single night, they would surely grin until their lips fall off.

"Young Master, are you awake?"

Yuan Qiyuan turned to look at the door when he heard Yu Lihua's voice calling for him from the outside.

"I am awake," he said.

"...May I enter?" she asked in a reserved tone.

"You may."

Yu Lihua enters his room after getting his permission, and in her grasp was a pair of new robes and a plain white towel.

Yuan Qiyuan, despite his curiosity on her reason for carrying these two things, patiently waited for her to speak.

"Umm… Young Master…" Yu Lihua blushed just thinking about her next words, "It is time for your morning bath, please allow me to wash you…"

Her words instantly dumbfounded Yuan Qiyuan. "What did you just say? A bath?"

As someone who found it normal to cultivate for years in one sitting, he could not recall the last time he had gotten a bath. Furthermore, Cultivators have other means to clean themselves and would not waste their time and effort on something so pointless when they could be spending it on cultivation. The higher one walks in the path of cultivation, the less they cared about the things mortals would bother, such as taking baths and using the bathroom.

"Yes… It is my responsibility as a maidservant to take care of all of the Young Master's daily needs, and taking a bath is one of them." Yu Lihua said, her heart beating like war drums at the thought of washing him.

"I will have to refuse on that offer." Yuan Qiyuan quickly refused with a frown. How could he possibly let another individual wash him? And a young girl at that? He does not have enough face to throw around like Xian Yu who would definitely have agreed without the need to think about it.

"But…the Mistress was already upset that the Young Master couldn't make it to dinner yesterday."

"I can clean myself," he finally said, relieving some of Yu Lihua's anxiety.

"You can leave the robes and towel behind and leave," he added.

"Yes, Young Master." Fearing that he might change his mind, Yu Lihua did not dare to delay and quickly placed down the robe and towel before hurrying out the door with her face still visibly red.

Yuan Qiyuan sighed after she left.

The change in lifestyle was too sudden and great, so much so that even he was having trouble with adapting to this new lifestyle.

He wanted to already leave this place and adventure outside to learn more about this world, but he needed some power for reassurance before anything.

No matter the day and age, no matter the era and place, as long as people continue to strive for power and wealth, the rule of strong ruling the weak will forever exist, and Yuan Qiyuan was well aware of that.

Without power, he will only be bullied by the strong. Without status, he will only be suppressed by the titled. Yuan Qiyuan was not willing to experience any of that, so until he has a sufficient amount of strength, he will be laying low. That is something that he had decided before he'd even begun cultivating the Primordial Chaos Scripture.