Announcing His Change

Taking the towel and robe that Yu Lihua had left behind for him, Yuan Qiyuan navigated through the residence with the help of Xian Yu's memories.

It did not take long before leaving his room for him to experience the contempt and disdain Xian Yu felt when people looked at him; it was all too clear in their gazes that nobody in the residence liked him.

But Yuan Qiyuan did not blame them. The previous owner, Xian Yu, was a bastard even to his own people, so it's no wonder why nobody liked him.

However, even with their disdain towards him, not a single soul within the residence dared to speak out their contempt, fearing that they might be killed by him for offending him. He was just that dangerous in their eyes.

Sighing inwardly, Yuan Qiyuan bathed himself inside the bathroom that was a wooden square built into the ground.

During his bath, he could not help but reminiscent back to the time when he would do this every day.

"I have really changed ever since I became a Cultivator, huh." He mumbled to himself.

Yuan Qiyuan has lived a long, long time. So long that he has outlived even many of the stars in the starry sky.

For him to have lived so long, it was a wonder that he didn't lose his sanity to the flow of time.

With his eyes closed, he continued to wander in his memories. It was something he didn't have the time to do in his previous life.

It was unknown how long Yuan Qiyuan had stayed inside the bath, but by the time he opened his eyes again the water had already gone cold.

Deciding it was time to leave, he stood up and went to dry himself before changing into the new robes and walking back to his room.

However, the first thing he noticed when he saw the doors to his room was that it was wide open. He was sure he had closed it prior to leaving, so who went inside without his permission?

Upon entering his room, a beautiful and elegant middle-aged woman sitting on his bed entered his view.

"Zhe… Mother… What are you doing here?" Yuan Qiyuan said, feeling awkward to call a stranger in his eyes his mother.

Although he has inherited all of Xian Yu's memories and emotions, he did not have to follow them. So even if Xian Yu had loved his mother dearly, it wouldn't mean that Yuan Qiyuan would also love her dearly.

Yuan Qiyuan was his own person with his own soul, but he wasn't willing to expose his identity right now.

Even if he told Zhen Xiang that he was actually an expert from the Primordial Era who happened to have taken over her son's body, would she believe him? Most likely not.

Additionally, even if she believed him, how much would that hurt her? He wouldn't want to find his own child have their body haunted by some ancient deity out of the blue, either. Therefore, he decided to act as her 'son' not only for the sake of himself but for Zhen Xiang, the mother who cares deeply for her son.

Zhen Xiang stood up and quickly walked to him wearing a worried expression.

"Are you okay, Yu-er? Yu Lihua said to me yesterday that you weren't feeling well. What about now? Are you feeling better?" Zhen Xiang began touching Yuan Qiyuan all over his body, afraid that he might have been hurt somewhere.

"...I am fine," said Yuan Qiyuan as he took a few steps back and away from her, afraid that she might undress him if he allowed her to continue.

"I was having this headache last night, but I am fine now," he continued.

"A headache? Do you need some medicine? I'll get your father to concoct some medicine for you later."

"Father is a busy man, you need not to bother him over something minor like a headache," he said.

Zhen Xiang stared at him with wide eyes, not daring to believe what she had just heard from him.

Did her son just put his father over himself? This is the first time she's had heard him show care for his father!

"Did you hit your head somewhere, my dear son?" she asked him with doubt in her eyes.

Seeing him, who was infamous for his bastard-like behavior, Zhen Xiang couldn't help but feel that there was something wrong.

"No, I did not hit my head."


Yuan Qiyuan knew why she was acting like this, so he smiled and said: "I had a revelation last night, and I have decided to change the way I have been living my life. I am sorry, Mother, for being a worthless son and always causing the family trouble for so many years."

Yuan Qiyuan couldn't afford to continue living his new life the way Xian Yu did as a silkpants even if he were only acting, so he decided to declare his decision to change. This way, the people around him would not get freaked out by his sudden change in behavior in just a single night.

Zhen Xiang covered her mouth with her trembling hands when she heard his words, her eyes flickering with lights as though she was about to cry.

She has been trying to change the way her son was behaving ever since he got into an accident that forever changed his personality. Xian Yu wasn't always a silkpants. In fact, he used to be honest and righteous when he was a young child. It was only after a certain accident did he start behaving like a bastard without any morals, such as harassing the female servants in their family and always bringing back from the outside problems for his parents to solve.

"Yu-er... Is my Yu-er finally back?" Zhen Xiang cried. She has waited for this moment for many years. In fact, her patience had long been gone, and it was only her love for the son she knew that kept her in believing that he would one day return.

Seeing her joy, Yuan Qiyuan smiled bitterly, feeling bad for her inwardly. But it was too late. If he told her now that her son is actually not her son but some ancient deity in his body, she will most definitely look at him as though he had gone crazy.

"Although it may take some time, I will try my best to return the reputation that I had trampled to the family," he said.

Tears flowed down both sides of Zhen Xiang's face. "No…compared to having my son back, our family's reputation is easily disregarded..." she said in a trembling voice, "Don't worry about it too much and focus on your health… we can deal with the rest later."

Yuan Qiyuan sighed inwardly, "Before I leave this place I will definitely show to her that her son is not useless but a genius. This is all I can as an apology for taking her son away, and my gratitude to him for giving me this new life… even if it was unintentional..."