Upcoming Alchemy Competition

After learning that her son was going to change, Zhen Xiang no longer bothered him and left. But before she left, she said to him about the upcoming competition between the Four Great Families that would be happening next week.

"The purpose of this competition is for every family to flaunt their young geniuses in the Dao of Alchemy, and knowing that you have no experience in that field, you do not have to worry about it. But you should at least show your face."

Competition in the Dao of Alchemy? Yuan Qiyuan wouldn't participate in such a childish play even if Zhen Xiang hadn't told him.

For a legendary Alchemy God with millions of years of experience in the Dao of Alchemy under his belt to shamelessly compete against young Alchemists that are still wet behind their ears, people would laugh til their jaws drop if it were to be known!

After Zhen Xiang left, Yuan Qiyuan called for Yu Lihua by asking someone who had happened to pass by his room.

"Go get Yu Lihua for me, I have something to ask of her," he said, momentarily scaring the maidservant he stopped.

"R...Right away…Young Master!" The maidservant turned and ran the moment he stopped talking. It was as though she was afraid that he might attack her if she stayed within his vision any longer.

Yuan Qiyuan sighed at her actions, thinking to himself that it will definitely take some time and effort to change his image in the eyes of these people.

After the maidservant conveyed Yuan Qiyuan's message to Yu Lihua who was cleaning the residence, she and others watched her leave with pity in her eyes.

"How unfortunate for her, really. Not only is she young, but she is also new here, yet she has already been soiled by the hands of our vicious Young Master…"

"I would rather kill myself than be Young Master's personal maidservant. What was the Mistress thinking when she assigned her to him? Isn't she aware of his dog-like behavior?"

"Maybe the Mistresses had decided to sacrifice her so the rest of us would not be touched…"

"Really...what an unfortunate fate she has to go through…"

The servants within the residence would look at Yu Lihua with pity every time she was around. They could not imagine the things Xian Yu would do to her while they were alone…


"Young Master called for me?" Yu Lihua's nervous voice called from beyond the doors.

"Yes, enter." Yuan Qiyuan said.

Yu Lihua opened the door and entered, her heart beating with anxiousness. This is the first time he's called for her since that incident yesterday. What could he possibly want from her?

She stood there silently waiting for his orders.

"I want you to go on an errand for me," Yuan Qiyuan said casually.

"An errand…for the Young Master?" Yu Lihua did not expect this when she heard that he needed her.

Yuan Qiyuan nodded. "My family has a medicine store stationed in the middle of the city, and I want you to go fetch a few medicines from there for me."

As one of the most prominent family in the Yin Province that dealt with Alchemy, it would only be natural for them to own a medicine store if not a few.

"Here's the list. Make sure that you have the exact amount as written on there," he said as he handed her a slip with dozens of ingredients that she has never heard of before.

"4 grams of Heart Soothing Powder…Four-Legged Purple Ginseng at least 100 years old...1 gram of Black Bamboo Powder…" Yu Lihua read the entire list, but having never dealt with Alchemy before, she was clueless at what she was looking at.

"You don't have to know them for now, just hand it to the storekeeper and let him know that it is I, the Young Master of Xian Family, who needs them. If there are any problems, let them know that I will personally visit them if the delivery is off by even a hair's width."

"And you can use this for verification to prove that you are indeed from the Xian Family." Yuan Qiyuan handed her a jade medallion with their family name neatly engraved into it.

Yu Lihua held the list and the medallion in her hands, dumbfounded. She had many questions in her head, such as why he needed these things when he isn't even an Alchemy Apprentice, but she didn't dare linger around after hearing Yuan Qiyuan's next words.

"If you don't hurry, then I will find another person to go and will have you dance naked in here while we wait for that person's return…" Yuan Qiyuan said with a grin.

Yu Lihua's heart nearly leaped out of her throat when she heard his words, and not daring to delay any longer, she ran outside for the city, making this her first errand since joining his family. "R...Right away, Young Master!"

Yuan Qiyuan chuckled after she left, finding it fun to tease her. Even in his previous life, he was someone who loved to tease others. It was something he not only genuinely enjoys doing but also finds it an effective way to connect with others.

Additionally, Yu Lihua had a natural face that has 'please tease me' written all over it, so Yuan Qiyuan would be going against the Heavens by not teasing her when her face was clearly heaven-sent.

"Mortals are especially fun to tease. Unlike Immortals and Gods, they are actually 'living'." Yuan Qiyuan thought to himself as he patiently waited for Yu Lihua's return.