Fragile Scent Pavilion

The Fragile Scent Pavilion is situated in the middle of the Fleeting Cloud City that was only a few kilometers away from the Xian Family's residence. It is also the largest medicine store they have, one where over 50% of their entire stock is shipped to.

Currently, inside the Fragile Scent Pavilion, Yu Lihua stood before the counter with the medicine list Yuan Qiyuan had given her in her grasp.

"I am on an errand for the Young Master from the Xian Family, here is the medicine list the Young Master requested." Yu Lihua handed the medicine list to the assistant behind the counter who was frowning.

The Young Master of the Xian Family? What would a silkpants like him want from their medicine store? He couldn't possibly be here to cause trouble again, right? The last time he requested for some medicine, they were all expensive medicines for the sole purpose of flaunting his family's wealth in the middle of a busy street…

"Are you a maidservant from the Xian Family? I cannot give you medicines just from your words," said the assistant.

"Then is this fine?" Yu Lihua showed to the assistant the jade medallion in her hands.

"That's!!!" The assistant's eyes widened with shock when he saw the Xian Family's command medallion in her hands.

The command medallion is not just any ordinary medallion that a mere maidservant like Yu Lihua could hold but something only the highest authority from the Xian Family can hold! Additionally, to have a command medallion in Yu Lihua's grasp meant that she is one of the most trusted confidants within the entire Xian Family!

"The Young Master also said that if there is even the slightest mistake in the delivery, he will personally come here for a greeting…" Yu Lihua believed that they wouldn't give her the medicine on the list because of her status, and not wanting to get punished for returning with empty hands, she decided to use her last resort.

"The Young Master?! Why didn't you say so earlier! I will be right back with the things!" The assistant reached and grabbed the list from her hands from behind the counter, startling her.

He will do anything, even bark like a dog while crawling on the floor, if it could prevent the silkpants from coming to this place to play with them! Moreover, he also wanted this maidservant with the Xian Family's command medallion to leave, too. The presence of the command medallion was just too much for him. It is as if the family head or the Mistress was here in person, and the assistant couldn't handle it.

While Yu Lihua waited at the counter, the assistant broke a sweat running around the back of the store, where all of the medicine is kept, trying his best to gather everything as soon as possible, afraid that the Young Master might show up if he were too slow.

Suddenly, an old man who was sitting in front of an iron cauldron glanced at the assistant, thinking to himself how odd the assistant was acting.

Why would he be in such a rush? Is there an important guest out there?

"Hey, you!" The old man shouted from where he sat, quickly catching the attention of everybody in the storage room.

"What is with the rush? Haven't I always say to notify me when an important guest arrives? Who is it?" He said to the assistant who nearly did not hear him due to his mind being occupied with the list.

"Senior Hang!" The assistant halted his movements and bowed to the old man with respect.

This Senior Hang is a renowned Alchemist within the Yin Province as a low-grade Alchemy Master, only one step behind the famous Xian Chen.

He is someone Xian Chen recognizes with high regards not only for his skills that were only slightly behind his but they are also old friends. And Senior Hang's position as the manager of this Fragile Scent Pavilion shows just how much trust Xian Chen has in him.

"Senior Hang, the Young Master from the Xian Family is requesting medicine from our Fragile Scent Pavilion…" he said to him.

"That brat is here to cause trouble again?" Senior Hang frowned, "And you listened without saying anything to me?"

The assistant shook his head, "The Young Master did not come here in person but had sent a maidservant here instead; he even gave her the command medallion, saying that he will come in person if we do not comply…"

"What? The command medallion?" Senior Hang was startled, even angry that this silkpants had the audacity to give the command medallion which holds enough power to command their family's army to a mere maidservant. What was he thinking to do something so damning?

However, as ridiculous as giving the command medallion to a maidservant was, Senior Hang did not say anything else.

"Let me see what this brat wants," he said.

The assistant handed the list to him who was surprised to see so many medicines.

"The majority of the medicines listed there are common and pretty cheap, which is why I didn't bother speaking with Senior Hang," said the assistant.

"Indeed, there is nothing on this list that is worth much, but this makes it even more puzzling. If he's not here to cause trouble, then what's the purpose of this list? I don't know of any prescription that could be made with the medicines listed… What is that troublemaker up to now?"

As an Alchemy Master, his knowledge in the Dao of Alchemy could be considered at the top in the Yin Province. For him to not recognize ingredients for a medicine, either he was incapable or the other had written the ingredients randomly and did not really know the ingredients. And knowing that the list came from the Xian Family's Young Master, it wasn't hard for Senior Hang to guess the answer.

"Xian Yu does not have any experience in Alchemy, so this list is definitely not for any prescription. However, why he wants these medicines, I do not know, nor do I care. If it can keep him out of this place, then give it to him. The ingredients are not expensive, and the quantity is reasonable. His family owns the place, anyway." Senior Hang shared the same opinion as his assistant.

If it can keep him from causing trouble at this place, giving him a few cheap medicines would not hurt them at all! In fact, they would gladly do this every day if they could!

"Understood!" The assistant retrieves the list from Senior Hang and continued on completing the order.

Senior Hang returned to his iron cauldron, but for some unknown reason, he could feel uneasiness in his heart.

"No matter the combination, the medicines on that list cannot be made into anything, but for some reason, I was able to feel a sense of profoundness from it. It was as though I was reading an unknown recipe for something valuable…"

Senior Hang shook his head an instant later, believing that he was thinking too much. This was the Xian Family's Young Master that he was thinking about, after all.