The First Fight

'Quest? Is this a game? What the fuck?!?'

Zayn tried to understand the meaning of these messages. He did not receive enough messages to conclude anything meaningful of it. His only reference to these messages were the games he played on earth.

Zayn tested his strength before and was not sure if he could fight off the Snow Wolf or even defeat him. Should he listen to the quest and fight the Snow Wolf? What else could he do? It's not like the Snow Wolf would just let him go.

Meanwhile, the Snow Wolf was bitterly disappointed, that his charge didn't work out. For him, Zayn seemed like an easy meal to get, but now he had to put a bit more work into it. Turning around he stared at Zayn, trying to charge him and also convey his disappointment.

'He's attacking again! Wait, why does he look so fucking disappointed? Just my imagination… Just my imagination.'

"Stupid Dog try to hit me!" Zayn once again dodged, jumping to the side. Thinking about his next move, Zayn suddenly felt a sharp pain coming from his right arm. The Snow Wolf predicted Zayn's dodge and baited him to jump to the side. As Zayn jumped to the side so did the Snow Wolf. Then the Snow Wolf bit Zayn. 'Who's stupid now?' could be read from the Snow Wolf's face. In pain, Zayn used his left hand and desperately tried to punch him. As it was a desperate attack and Zayn was in pain, the attack itself seemed weak and the Snow Wolf did not even try to dodge that, by letting go of his right arm.

'Do you think this pathetic attack will hur-' Not getting the chance to complete his brag, the punch connected to the Snow Wolf's head. Even though it was a weak and desperate attack, the punch itself harbored an immense amount of force, sending the Snow Wolf flying. The Snow Wolf crashed into a tree and landed there. He seemed to be knocked out.

Zayn used the time to desperately look at his wound on his right arm. Expecting the worst, he discovered only bite marks. There wasn't a wound on his right arm, not even blood. Shocked, he touched the bite marks. He really only had bite marks on his right arm. Still, the pain was real, and it felt like his right arm being penetrated by sharp fangs. The only explanation, he had, was that his body got tougher through his cultivation, making him sturdier, but the pain remained unchanged. Still, only getting bite marks from the Snow Wolf's attack, gave Zayn great confidence in his combat prowess, coupled with his weak attack harboring an immense amount of force, he felt invincible.

'Right, the Quest!' Remembering the quest, he expected another message to show up, but nothing happened. He thought about it and concluded, that he didn't defeat the Snow Wolf yet. So, he walked up to the Snow Wolf, trying to verify the state of the Snow Wolf.

When he was right in front of the Snow Wolf, the Snow Wolf stood up. He seemed really exhausted and coughed up some blood. Still, the Snow Wolf didn't give up the fight. The Snow Wolf thought that both of them were equally damaged. A fire was burning in the eyes of the Snow Wolf. He was prepared to fight it till their death. Staring at Zayn, he looked towards his right arm and discovered only bite marks there. Walking a few steps back, you could see the terrified face of the Snow Wolf. Fear came over him and he shuddered.

"Stupid Dog let us stop for the day. You are more than hurt right now. I am just too strong. Just give up and flee."

The words, spoken by Zayn, did not trigger the desired effect. In fact, it triggered quite the opposite. At first, the Snow Wolf was terrified and prepared to flee from Zayn, but after Zayn spoke those words, the Snow Wolf, again, ignited a fire in his eyes. 'Who cares if I die? At least I must take him with me. No one talks trash about me!' Preparing for his death, the Snow Wolf only did not want to die as a coward. His pride took over.

Charging Zayn, the last time, he used all his remaining power. He tried to predict where Zayn would dodge. 'Left? Right? Jump above me?' But instead, a punch was coming straight at him. The last thing he would have thought of, a direct clash against his charge. 'You will lose that hand, for real, this time!'

The punch was aimed at the fangs of the Snow Wolf. Knowing that his body got tougher after the cultivation and that the fangs could only leave marks on him, he chose to finish it with a punch.

While his fist collided with the fangs, Zayn was smiling. Never before in his life was he in a fight, this counted as his first. But the thrill, he got in this fight, excited him. A kind of excitement he never had before. Thinking about his invincibility, he only saw the good sides of the fight. He became delusional.

"Stupid Dog! Take that!"

His fist destroyed the fangs and sent the Snow Wolf flying, crashing through a tree. Only after crashing through a tree did he land. No movement was seen from the Snow Wolf, he seemed dead.

"Quest completed!"

"Receiving reward!"

"Unlocked Daisy!"

'Daisy? Who the hell is Daisy?'

"I am the Daily System, aka Daisy." A robotic voice ringed inside Zayn's head. It sounded neither male nor female.

"Daily System? What's that?"

"The Daily System is an ancient relic from the Star Gate. It is used to summon and raise powerful cultivators."


"Simply put, I am here to make you strong. You could call me an assistant for you."

"Sure, sure. But… why?"

"I cannot tell you that. The host is currently too weak to access this information."

"… All right, helpful. Can you at least tell me where I am?"

"The host is currently in the Royal Blue World, inside the Thunderlord Empire, near the Green Leaf City. It is one of the lower worlds."

'I really am not on earth…'

"Daisy, can I ever go back to the earth?"

"If the host follows the main quests and the lead of the Daily System, he will be granted a wish at the end. With the capability of the Daily System, even the return to the earth is possible as a wish."

"Main Quest? What is the Main Quest?"

"I cannot tell you that. The host is currently too weak to access this information. Reaching the Body Refinement Realm 3-Star will unlock this information."

"Great… Still, reaching the 3-Star should not take that long. Ah right, what was that inside the temple? Why was I there and who was this voice?"

"The voice belonged to the Infinite Star. The host is currently bounded with the Infinite Star and can regard this as his Beginner's Gift. Reaching the Body Refinement Realm 3-Star will unlock the Infinite Star."

"A star? Ok… I am not getting smarter talking with you. Well, let us wait and see."

"Quest added: Travel to Green Leaf City"

"Another quest, huh."

"The quests from the Daily System are designed to lead the host and also challenge him. The rewards are depending on the difficulty of the corresponding quest and tailored for the host's need."

"Yeah, like how they are in games. All right, Daisy, I am going to use my telepathic skills to find this "Green Leaf City"." As he said it, he closed his eyes and held his hands on his head, while he mumbled made up words.

"Map added! Route added!"

"The host only needs to ask; the Daily System will assist him then. No sarcastic tone needed."

"I was just joking Daisy."

On the top right corner of his vision appeared a Map. It was a square Map, like those from the games he knew of. It only, like in the games, projected his discovered environment. Also, a small blue path was marked on the Map, the path to Green Leaf City.

"Like the games, great."

"The Map can be turned off and on at will. Only think about it and it will happen."

After trying that out Zayn followed the blue path to Green Leaf City. On his way, he encountered more Snow Wolfs. They were always alone and tried to eat him. He easily fought them off and always felt boundless joy in fighting them. Daisy explained that these Snow Wolfs were a variant of the wolfs. They were born inside the forest. These Snow Wolfs counted as one of the lowest beasts. Beasts were animals that evolved or were born with qi. The gap between the Snow Wolfs and ordinary wolfs was nearly non-existing. This made them an easy hunt for cultivators. Their strength could not even amount to the 1-Star of the Body Refinement Realm. Still, they only were weak for cultivators, a non-cultivator would die in seconds against them.

Traveling for the whole night, Zayn left the forest and stood on top of a small hill. It was daytime now, so the hill gave him a splendid view to his destination. The Green Leaf City. From the view, Zayn had, he saw that the city looked a bit medieval. It also had a small touch of modern earth.

"Quest completed: Travel to Green Leaf City"

"Receiving Reward: Recommendation Letter"