Green Leaf City

"Recommendation Letter? Daisy?"

"This is the reward. The host should use it as he pleases. The recommendation letter is currently inside the Inventory. It can be accessed through will, thinking about it will open and close it."

'Inventory… Again, a game-like feature. I should just take it as it is.' In thought, he opened the Inventory. It really was like those in the games. A window appeared in front of Zayn. It had many empty spaces and only one space was occupied. It had a letter in it. Thinking about this space, it disappeared and on his hand, a letter appeared.

After reading it he learned that inside the Green Leaf City was a Cultivation academy. It was the Thunder Head Academy. With this recommendation letter, he could directly enroll in the academy without waiting for and taking the tests to enroll. The reward worked as a direction for Zayn to take, but also only as a choice. He did not need to go there if he did not want to. Ignoring the recommendation letter was also a choice.

Zayn thought about it and decided to enroll in the academy. The Daily System surely had its reasons to recommend the Thunder Head Academy. He himself did not have any direction in mind. The world was new to him. The Daily System and Cultivation itself was too much on his plate. And as the Daily System told him, it wants to lead him and make him stronger. He put his complete trust into the Daily System.

"Daisy, one question. The recommendation letter is only a few words written to the Thunder Head Academy. There is no seal or name or anything like that. How could they know if it is real or not?"

"The host does not need to worry about that. These lower worlds use qi imprints as proof of authenticity. Cultivators create qi imprints. It is not a visible form of proof, it can only be sensed by other cultivators. The host already learned to sense qi. Try to sense qi on the letter."

Zayn started to sense qi and focused on the letter. He felt a powerful electric kind of qi around the letter. It was way more powerful and purer than the qi in his environment. It felt like two different worlds. This qi was so calm and so furious at the same time.

"This is the qi of the Thunder Head Sect Patriarch. Those at the Thunder Head Academy would instantly recognize it and let you freely enroll. Every qi cultivator has his own qi imprint. Every imprint is unique to their cultivator. You cannot fake it or cannot accidentally mix it up"

"But... you faked the letter."

"The Daily System is a supreme relict from the Star Gate. Faking it may seem impossible for those on the lower worlds, but for the Daily System it is merely a child's play."

"All right Daisy... Well, let us enter Green Leaf City and enroll in the Thunder Head Academy."

"Quest added: Reach the 3-Star Body Refinement Realm"

"Ok… Yeah sure let's do it."

"Wait. The Daily System does not promote babysitting. We do not want the host to only rely on the Daily System. The host should learn to cope in the world without any outside help. Meaning, the Daily System will be unavailable until the current Quest is fulfilled. This will happen more times on the journey, be prepared."

"Shutting down."

"Great… Well, I know what to do."

Entering the Green Leaf City Zayn noticed the uniqueness of the city. It was a mix of modern and medieval added with a small amount of fantasy. The city really looked like those in the games. The beautiful thing about the Green Leaf City was its touch of nature in it. All around the city were many trees, flowers, and plants. The citizen did not plant these trees, flowers, and plants themselves. It looked far more natural, as they did not form any aesthetic reason. The city also seemed under heavy constructions. Many older buildings were torn apart and would be replaced by more modern looking buildings.

The city really was bustling with life. Zayn saw a crowded bazaar, selling many items, from clothes to cultivation items. He also saw many more high-quality selling shops. These shops each had their own location within a building, like those on earth. This displayed the diversity in the Green Leaf City. From high-quality shops to a crowded bazaar. Zayn could also see fancy restaurants and fast food restaurant. Many people approached Zayn and chatted with him. There were also a few who tried to sell him high-quality stuff. The reason for that was Zayn's clothes. He was still wearing the same clothes he had on earth. A pair of jeans, black sneakers, and an oversized black shirt.

Zayn was never a person for fashion. He only bought clothes that were on sale and mixed them randomly up to wear. Given his handsome face and his good built, he looked good no matter what he would wear.

These clothes were ordinary on earth. If someone was wearing it on the street, no one would leave a comment. It was far too common. But Zayn was not on earth anymore. Everyone he was passing gave him looks of interest. Many people approached Zayn, talking about his clothes, many others trying to sell as Zayn seemed rich with his unique clothes.

The citizen of Green Leaf City wore mostly robe-like clothing. Their clothing was really loose in comparison to earth. There were people wearing finer robes, which resembled suits a little bit, people wearing white cloth robes and many more variants of it. It resembled a bit of a medieval look.

Zayn was really immersed in the city. It was so lively. The interaction was great, he asked for direction to the Thunder Head Academy and many told him the way, many others offered to walk him there, but he refused. He was not really in a rush. In a way being in a different world excited him, he wanted to take his time with exploring the city.

After 2 hours of walking, he felt really exhausted. Somehow in all the rush, with fighting against the Snow Wolfs and traveling to the Green Leaf City, he completely forgot that he passed a full day. In his exhausted day, his body let him know of his immense hunger. He did not eat at all the entire day, from cultivating to nighttime to traveling to daytime. One would think, that he would use the meat of the Snow Wolfs to prepare food for him, but he did not know anything about preparing wild food, he lived a comfortable life on earth, always eating instant noodle and many other fast and cheap foods. Another reasons, for not eating anything at all, was because of his excitement in the fights and then again in the city, he completely forgot about his hunger.

Zayn walked really exhausted towards the Thunder Head Academy. The Thunder Head Academy was inside the Green Leaf City, but it was isolated from the city. Around the academy was only the forest and to walk there, one would need to follow a long path, surrounded with the forest, from the city. In front of the gates, a young boy was standing there, as he noticed Zayn walking towards him, he first got really terrified. Zayn seemed like a zombie, with his exhausted state, and his walking did not make it better. He was dragging a leg along him.

"Halt! Who are you?"

"Th… Thunder… Head Academy?"

"You are right. This is the great Thunder Head Academy! The supreme academy in the entire Empire!"

"I… enroll… here."

"You are too late. The enrollment was last week. Get out of here!"

"I… letter… enroll."

Zayn took out the letter while he told the young boy about it. His Hulk impression was due to his exhaustion. All this fighting, traveling, walking really exhausted him. The young boy in front of him seemed like a student inside the academy. Zayn did not know why a student would work as a guard for the academy. 'Wasn't the academy supposed to teach them about cultivation and make them stronger? Why the hell would they abuse their students as workers here?'

The young boy was one of the weaker students inside the academy. Still, he would not lose his pride against a 1-Star Body Refinement Realm retard. He could not even speak properly. So, why should he let him freely enter? He had his job to do. Gathering his pride and feeling much better, he noticed the boy in front of him talking about a letter.

The letter immediately attracted the attention of the young guard. He felt a powerful qi around it, but he could not sense it entirely. Trying his best to sense the qi, the qi on the letter was just too much for the youngster. Experiencing an intense headache, he lost his concentration and caused a backlash with the qi on the letter. In the next moment, an explosion blew the young boy away. Sending him flying against the gate.

"… Urgh… I… I am… sorry, sir! I will get someone capable enough to read the latter."

And with that sentence, the young boy fled, as if his life was depending on him. Even though he was injured, he just ignored it and ran.

'FUCK! I thought anyone could recognize this recommendation letter. Man, I really hoped they would let me just in and give me something to eat. This recommendation letter should have given me a good standing here in the academy. I mean it was written by their leader or something like that. Well… It wasn't really… but still. They don't know that. Who would have thought that the student would just explode from nowhere and just run away. It's not like I did anything to him. Wait… What's that?'

Zayn started to sniff around. He smelt something he knew. What was that? It was definitely something to eat. But what? He walked towards a path, left from the gate. It only brought him deeper into the forest, but he smelt it with every step clearer than before. This smell, he knew what it was. Walking quite a distance, he saw a small lodge. In front of the lodge was a boiling pot. It was filled with a delicacy.


Losing all his reasoning, he just wanted to eat. As he walked up towards the pot, a voice behind him ringed.

"Who are you?"

Turning around Zayn could only say, "Food… Please!" After that, he fainted.