Devouring Qi Body

"Let's fight!" Zayn agreed to Kayn's proposal.


Kayn began to charge at Zayn instantly. "You've held back during our first fight, didn't you? I know, I was too weak, but this time I'm going to force you to use your Martial Skill!"

Zayn clearly saw the incoming attack and was surprised at Kayn's progress. His Devouring Qi Body was truly shocking to Zayn. The broken one being able to keep up with Zayn's cultivation speed.

As the attack came closer and closer, Zayn dodged it with ease. Now having a reference point, Zayn was again surprised, but this time to his improvements.

He clearly noticed Kayn's improvement and how much stronger he got after their previous fight, but Zayn was still able to triumph over Kayn's improvement.

"You're still amazing, Zayn! You're the real deal!"

Zayn smirked at the compliment. He was excited right now fighting Kayn. Their fight wasn't a stupid competition to see who was stronger, it was just an amazing entertainment for both of them.

It seemed like Kayn really loved fighting. He only tried to have fun during the tournament and didn't care about winning or losing. He had the chance to win the fight against Zayn, but he truly didn't care and gave Zayn the one-minute break to have more fun.

Zayn, after dodging Kayn's attack, also punched at him. But due to his analysis, Zayn presumed that Kayn was far weaker than him, so he held back in his attack.

The attack was so fast that Kayn couldn't react at all, he was hit straight away.


Kayn flew off, hitting a tree. He was pushed back, but in an instant, he collected himself and stopped in his track.

"You've held back... Don't do that!!!" Kayn was enraged. He noticed Zayn's half-assed punch.

For Kayn it wasn't hurting his pride or something like that, that Zayn held back. It just seemed to diminish his fun in the fight. He wanted to go all out against his opponent and also that his opponent would go all out.

So, Zayn holding back enraged Kayn. Kayn started to scream, as he began to absorb Qi.

Zayn was shocked by this development. It was just like in their first fight, but this time Kayn was already in his lively state. Zayn began to think about Kayn's undertaking.

The whole Qi, in the cultivation side, began to form a vortex around Kayn and filled Kayn up.

'His speed is incredible!' Zayn noticed the absorption speed from Kayn and was amazed by it. Alone in his absorption speed, he was far ahead than Zayn.

The Qi began to be compressed inside Kayn, as Kayn's Qi turned slightly red.

It began to turn redder and redder, the more Qi he compressed inside him. After a while, he compressed so much Qi, that his own Qi was pure red and formed an aura around him.

Zayn obviously noticed this change and even felt Kayn's power rising up through this process. But what caught Zayn's attention the most, was Kayn's Qi color change.

"Infinite Star, what's up with his Qi color change?"

"...Really? This is your question after seeing that...It's simple, kid. Your Spirit Sense is unlocked now. And even without any training in Spirit Sense, you'll still be able to use it subconsciously.

The Qi color change that you're seeing, is just through the Spirit Sense, which helps your sight sense detect unique and powerful Qi. Those Qi colors are most of the time a product of the Cultivation Technique, which the cultivator is cultivating.

But this isn't the case here. The boy's Devouring Qi Body has many features and this powerup process is one of them. The blood red Qi is pretty normal for those kinds of things. It's a highly compressed form of the Qi, which flows through the bloodstream, letting the cultivator experience a powerup.

Taking into account that we're nearby a cultivation side means that the boy was able to absorb an extreme amount of Qi, in regards to his normal absorptions. Making the transformation far more extreme than during your first fight.

Still, if the boy was able to use his real Devouring Qi Body, he wouldn't even need that much of Qi for this kind of transformation."

Zayn paid attention to what Infinite Star told him and understood pretty quickly what was happening here.

After hearing that the Qi color change was, nearly always, a product by the cultivation technique, Zayn began to look at his own Qi.

He instantly noticed streams of dark blue Qi around him and was amazed by it.

"It's not the Infinite Star Qi's color. The Infinite Star Qi's color is pure white. Empty, blank, formless!

The color, you're seeing, is thanks to Sirius Star, which you absorbed."

Zayn noticed his Qi's resemblance with the Sirius Star.

"Kid, be careful! The boy is far stronger than the Python Beast, right now!"

Zayn smirked at Infinite Star's warning.

'It would be too boring if he wasn't at least that strong!'

Zayn also started to get serious, as he used his Fire Fist.

The True Fire Fist was also, like the True Thunder Fist, far more powerful than before. It also engulfed Zayn's complete arm and at his hand, the True Fire Fist was most powerful a concentrated crimson red fire.

As Zayn was excited about his True Fire Fist, he also noticed that in the True Fire Fist, faints of the dark blue Qi were present. The Sirius Star Qi. This left the True Fire Fist to feel even more powerful than before.

As both, Zayn and Kayn powered up, they began to rush at it each other. Zayn with his True Fire Fist and Kayn with his blood red Qi Aura.





Meanwhile, in the Thunder Head Academy, a huge crowd, nearly the entire academy, was on the campus.

The huge crowd left an even bigger circled in the middle empty.

In the circle, the principal was there. He was panting and bleeding.

There was also another person there. An elegant and proud elderly man, which had red hair and red eyes. He began to approach the principal.

"Where's he? Where's that brat? My beloved grandson!"

The principal only smiled and replied. "I don't know..."

The elderly man was enraged by this answer as he slapped at the principal.

*BOOM* A huge shockwave, which was felt in the entire academy, swept through.

The principal was pushed back by the slap. He stumbled and dropped to the floor.

The elderly man again began to speak. "If you don't talk about that brat's location, you'll die!"

As the elderly man said that, a new voice sounded out, out of nowhere. "I don't think so!"

The principal immediately recognized the voice. "Vown! You're here!"

The new voice was Vown. He rushed towards the Thunder Head Academy and arrived pretty quickly there.

"I'm sorry, principal! I didn't think that the trash would go so far..."

The elderly man heard the Principal's and Vown's conversation and was left wondering. 'Vown?'

As he began to look closely and analyze Vown in front of him, his face darkened. He began to shake and to panic.

"You... You- You're- Are you really... Black Lightning! What are you doing here?!? I thought you were exiled?!?" The elderly man's voice was shaking and shuddering.

"What I'm doing here? I'm protecting the Thunder Head Academy and my student!"

"You- ... Your student? Don't tell me..." The elderly man began to understand what was happening and who Vown's student was.

"I- I didn't know! I'm sorry!" The elderly man was completely deprived of his previous proud self.

Vown began to utilize his Qi. It was pitch-dark and resembled lightning.

"You're sorry? After doing all of this?"

"... Please, don't kill me!" He began to drop on his knees and beg. After Vown utilized his Qi, the elderly man was 100 percent sure that Vown was Black Lightning and that again frightened him.

"Don't kill you? ...Heh! You're lucky today!" As Vown said that a tiny black dragon out of his Qi flew towards the elderly man.

Seeing this, the elderly man was expecting death coming at him and peed his pants.

The tiny black dragon flew inside the elderly man's body and positioned itself onto his heart.

"You won't die today! I'll let you scram! But don't forget about Dragon's Order! If you ever try to tell anyone about today's events, my presence or about my student, you'll instantly die! And don't think that you can cast it away or anything like that. The Dragon's Order will constantly remind you of its presence!" As Vown said that, the tiny black dragon inside the elderly man began to put pressure on the elderly man's heart.

"ARGHH!" The elderly man screamed and howled. In his entire life, the elderly man didn't feel pain like this once. It was truly frightening.
