Mystic Realm

In the Python Beast Forest, there were many beasts who were, what seemed like, fleeing from something. As if their life was at risk.

There were more than hundreds of beasts who were fleeing.

This sight would shock the ordinary cultivator. What event could force hundreds of beasts to flee out of the forest? Did a new beast emerge, which fought the Python Beast?

It was naturally, Zayn and Kayn's fault. The Qi shockwaves terrified the beasts inside the forest. Their fight was far too overwhelming for the beasts of the Python Beast forest and left them in fear for the life.

But now, after many beasts fled, Zayn and Kayn's fight seemed to be ended.

Zayn was standing near the cultivation side, as he was panting for air and bleeding. He held onto his right arm, it seemed that his shoulder was dislocated.

Kayn, on the other hand, was lying on the floor. He was also panting for air and bleeding. His injuries were far more severe than Zayn's injuries.

Kayn also seemed out of life. His body was back to its corpse-like self.

"You're... good..." Kayn's lifeless voice was also now out of breath, as he continued to pant.

"You, too!" Zayn was smiling, he enjoyed their bout.

Their fight was nearly only for entertainment purposes. And after Kayn's power-up, Zayn could fight without any restriction whatsoever.

This somehow went overboard, as not one of them stopped at one point. They continued to brawl. Only after one of them wasn't able to move anymore, did they stop their fight.

Thanks to Zayn's Infinite Star Arts and Kayn's Devouring Qi Body, both of them instantly began to recover from their fight. Normally a cultivator would take far longer to recover from these kinds of injuries, but according to Infinite Star, Zayn would be able to recover all of this in less than a day.

"What's your... goal... now?" Kayn asked Zayn in a lifeless and lazy voice.

"Goal? What do you mean?"

"The Python Beast Forest... useless... No Qi source anymore... Where are you... headed now?"

Zayn began to think about it. After Zayn absorbed the Star Body, the Python Beast Forest became utterly useless, as most of the Qi inside the forest dispersed.

With Vown's leaving he also only had Infinite Star as a guide. Through Infinite Star's recommendation, Zayn walked to the second cultivation side and met Kayn. Originally, his goal was to use the second cultivation side and cultivate there, but after Kayn's transformation, the whole cultivation side was sapped dry.

So now, Zayn was really clueless as to where to head. He would have to ask Infinite Star again for guidance.

"I've sensed.... a Mystic Realm... in the mountains..."

"Mystic Realm?"

"You don't know?..."

As Zayn wanted to answer to Kayn's question, Infinite Star interrupted Zayn.

"Kid, a Mystic Realm is a term used for places that are shut-off from this world. Those are most of the time really valuable chances for cultivators. If you enter one of those Mystic Realms you'll be transferred into a different "world". These "worlds" aren't that big, most of the time there are only a few palaces, buildings and so on there. The most interesting part, about those Mystic Realms, is that they are from the Ancient Times.

The Ancient Times is an era of time, before my existence. And my existence already spans more than billions of billions of years, so much that I lost track of it. Those Ancient Times is said to be the pinnacle of the cultivation world. That's also why the Mystic Realms are so sought-after. Inside it, you could find many valuable items, resources and so on from the Ancient Times.

I've heard that the Mystic Realms were created through the Space Law. But unfortunately, the cultivation world declined so much that the Laws were lost and became non-existent... *Sigh*"

Infinite Star began to sigh after talking about the Laws. It seemed like he was really interested in that term and was really dispirited about the loss of it.

Zayn, on the other hand, was on a quite contrary mood to Infinite Star. He was enthusiastic, after hearing of Mystic Realms.

"Ah, Mystic Realms! I, of course, know about them!"

"You... interested?"


"Let's go together..."

Zayn nodded in a great mood.

But his excitement died down, as he wanted to move. He noticed still the backlash of their fight and was still injured.

"How about we rest for now?" Zayn laughed as he asked that.

Kayn, still lying on the floor, nodded and began to cultivate.

"Kid, you should also start to cultivate. It'll enhance your recovery speed. I'll wake you up when you recovered completely."

Zayn sat down and entered the Zero Heart State, as he began to cultivate.

Infinite Star was silently watching this as he began to think about a matter.

'He sensed a Mystical Realm... Maybe he doesn't only have the Devouring Qi Body... Well... It could also be that the Mystical Realm is known... We have to see... One thing is for sure. He awakened his Spirit Sense in the Body Refinement Realm. Maybe through his Devouring Qi Body. Maybe through something other...'


The next day arrived when both Zayn and Kayn started to wander to the mountains. As Zayn and Kayn were familiar to their surroundings and they both got stronger throughout their trip in the Python Beast Forest, they quickly arrived at the mountains.

Kayn was leading Zayn now, as he began to jump up the mountain. He sometimes began to close his eyes and in the next moment continue to jump up.

Zayn was fascinated by his own jump height and jump speed, as they climbed the mountain.

They quickly arrived at their target. It was a huge cave in the mountain, which couldn't be seen at first sight.

Both of them entered the cave and Zayn quickly noticed the entrance to the Mystic Realm.

'... It's highly encrypted. I was able to sense, but still... No one should be able to easily sense this... Maybe... It's the most likely case...' Infinite Star thoughts again began to ravage around.

The entrance looked like a colorful, bizarre split, like a portal. This didn't fit in with the mountains sight and really stood out there.

"We're here..." As Kayn told that, he entered the Mystic Realm, without any hesitation whatsoever.

Zayn was astonished by this sight, as Kayn just straight up disappeared in front of him.

He also followed behind and jumped inside the entrance.

His surroundings began to feel blurry and constantly moving. He seemed like in a vortex of color, which was moving and moving. He began to feel nauseous. It was really a unique experience for Zayn.

"Kid, don't pass out! It's normal to experience something like that when entering a Mystic Realm for the first time. Don't worry!"

Zayn continued to hang onto himself, as his surroundings began to clear up.

Zayn was now standing on a stone-like bridge. Right in front of him, an ancient looking castle was situated.

Zayn noticed that his surroundings, better said the space around him was really colorful. The sky, the environment, the depths. It completely seemed surreal. It was obviously not the same world.

Zayn also noticed, that around him many shattered pieces of the castle were floating around. There were many variations of the pieces, which were floating. Some were really just some rocks torn apart from the castle, other pieces were complete structures, for example, a tower was also floating around in the surreal space.

"Kid, be careful! The Mystic Realm seems to be unstable!"