Training Part 1

Two sets of tent materials also appeared along with the green jade stones in front of Shen Xue and Xia Tian.

They picked up their respective tent materials and began setting up their tents. They set up their tents at a five hundred meter distance so they won't disturb each other.

Xia Tian completed setting up his tent and began practicing the cultivation method by sitting cross-legged inside the tent, he knows that every minute is important for him and he should get familiar with his cultivation method and battle technique to survive in this life and death training.

He practiced his cultivation method for two days in the tent without going out, then he started to get familiar with his battle technique supreme heaven overwhelming glide technique. On the third day, he went to bath in the river near his tent and again started to cultivate seriously.

Shen Xue also didn't disturb him in these days and he also don't know what she is doing.

In these ten days, Xia Tian is easily able to grasp the basic fundamentals of both his cultivation method dauntless war god cultivation method and supreme heaven overwhelming glide technique but he is at an impasse when tried to utilize them. Without hands-on experience, it is difficult to gain more insight into those two.

At the end of ten days, Xia Tian is sitting cross-legged inside his tent refining the spirit stones, at first he felt his legs go numb as he sat for hours in cross-legged position but slowly he got used to it and now he is able to sit like that for a complete day.

Due to his faster-refining speed, he quickly consumed fifteen spirit stones in these ten days and is on the verge of a breakthrough to the third level of origin realm. With the spirit stone in his hand going completely out of spiritual energy he felt some barrier broke through in his mind and felt his qi channels getting somewhat wider and there is a smooth flow of profound qi.

A thin smile appeared on the face of Xia Tian, he broke through to the third level of origin realm, he opened his eyes and at the same time, the green jade given by Chi Mu started blinking making a vibrating noise.

The training is going to start in one minute, he quickly changed into the provided training outfit and taking his spear and dagger he stepped outside of his tent.

He saw Shen Xue also standing outside of her tent eagerly waiting for the training to start. Xia Tian waved at her and said, "All the best, enjoy your training."

"same to you, don't die, try to always keep your life safe," replied Shen Xue.

Xia Tian smiled bitterly shaking his head, the next moment they are transported to the battlefield.

Shen Xue battlefield is a deep jungle, she transported to a place where there is ten level three black iron armored wolfs. A level three magical beast is compared to mid-level Nascent soul realm cultivator but for Shen Xue whose body is stronger compared to the humans due to her bloodlines, it is only tough but not life-threatening to fight with these wolfs.

She directly plunged towards them with her sword, after few moments another five large Wolfs added to the previous group, they are stronger than the previous wolfs and all has strength equal to the sixth level nascent soul realm cultivator. Now, she felt the thrill of life and death battle and began to freely use her complete strength and skills in battling the wolfs.

On the other side, Xia Tian transported to a barren place where there are ten level one silver hooked black scorpions are waiting for him eagerly!!! It is a completely barren land without trees and grass. There is no place for Xia Tian even if he wants to hide from the beasts.

A normal level one grown silver hooked black scorpion is compared to the fifth level of origin realm. Their hooks contain poison which is easily able to kill initial Vein opening realm cultivators. It is going to be a tough and life-threatening battle for Xia Tian.

Seeing Xia Tian not taking any action the scorpions rushed towards him with their hooks erect. Seeing the ten scorpions collectively rushed towards him with their hooks erect Xia Tian got frightened and all the courage he built up for this fight crumbled and started running away from them.

This continued for some time but eventually, the energy of Xia Tain began to drain and he got slower. As Xia Tian kept running one scorpion reached the attacking range and swung its tail with the silver hook towards the back of Xia Tian. In the panic Xia Tian unconsciously used the only technique known to him the supreme Heaven overwhelming glide technique and with the body movements, he visualized numerous times while practicing it he easily dodged the attack.

The experience of using the technique while battling is completely different from practicing it in his tent. He got the glimpse how to use his Battle technique. With the delay from this attack he is surrounded by the scorpions from all the sides and they are about to form a complete circle around him, to prevent him from escaping.

He only left with the choice of battling the scorpion at his back to break through the circle of the scorpions. Without any other choice he activated his martial technique and rushed towards the scorpion which is at his back, he now clearly able sense movements of the scorpion and what movements he has to make to pass through it without being attacked by it.

Using the supreme heaven overwhelming glide technique he easily came out of the circle of scorpions and began to run but now he is smiling with a wide grin on his face. He felt ecstatic that he is able to use the technique and successfully got out of the encirclement.

For the first time, he felt the thrill of getting out unscathed in life and death situation, his heart is screaming with joy. However it does not last long. He is again encircled by the scorpions, he has now some confidence in dodging the attacks and to break through encirclements.

But this time three scorpions attacked him simultaneously from all the directions while he is trying to break through the encirclement, due to his martial technique he is able to dodge two attacks but the third one is straight at his neck, with the help his spear he able to block the attack but he is pushed back to the center of the encirclement.

While blocking the attack he felt his hand go numb, he felt it is not easy to directly combat them with his strength and cannot always pass through them if they attacked combinedly. His forehead and back are filled with sweat as he his thinking with his full capacity how to dodge the attacks and escape from the encirclement.

He remembered that his cultivation method gives him flexibility and started to rotate his qi in the meridians according to the cultivation method. The scorpions started to attack him with their scissor-like arms and hook-like tails. As Xia Tian began to dodge the incoming attacks he became more flexible and he is able to sense clearly the attack of three scorpions at once and able to make a judgment on how to dodge those attacks. When a gap presented between the two scorpions he slithered away from the encirclement using the glide technique and started to run while gasping for breaths.

He knows that running like this cannot go on forever, he should start killing them or else he would the one who will be killed after all his strength his lost. He now has a slight glimpse of what his cultivation method and technique are capable of and how to use them.

He tightly clutched his spear and is ready to make a kill by constantly encouraging him, this time when the scorpion got closer without waiting for its attack, he quickly turned around and started running towards it. While bypassing it using his glide technique he pierced his spear on the back of the scorpion with his full strength. But to his surprise, the armor on the back of the scorpion is hard as iron and he is not able to pierce through it with his ordinary spear. Instead, he felt his hands go numb from the vibrations of the spear. He quickly dodged the incoming attack and again started running.

For about three hours he repeated this process exhausting his energy and found there are only two weak spots on the scorpion that he can make use of, one is top of its head and other is its mouth where the armor is not covering it, when he is striking at the top of the head he is easily blocked by the scissor-like arms of the scorpion.

He cannot directly attack the moth of the scorpion swiftly when surrounded by the other scorpions as they make use of that time and attack him with their hooks or arms. After pondering for a while he came up with somewhat risky plan.

He now again trapped by the scorpions in the middle, but this time he did not try to break through the encirclement by passing through gaps. He fought with scorpions by dodging and blocking their attacks with his spear and when felt the time is right he directly skid under the bottom of a scorpion and struck his spear through the bottom of its mouth all the way to its head and the spear came out of its head, he quickly took back the spear and started running without looking back, in this way once he is about to strike, other scorpions have no way to attack him.

Green blood flowed out of the impaled scorpion and it started running frenziedly for sometime before seizing its movements. This is the first kill for Xia Tian after four hours from the start of training.

Even the process of killing a scorpion is somewhat risky this way, Xia Tain has no other option because of his low strength. He took almost ten hours following the same to kill eight other scorpions, in this type of battle he is able to grasp his skills quickly. It is also his first time fighting so it took him some time in order to adjust towards the blood after killing and exhaustion due to continuous usage of energy.

Xia Tian is gasping as he is taking a mouthful of air, there is only one scorpion left for him to kill, there are standing opposite to each other, Xia Tian is constantly dodging its attacks from the Silver hook. His battle outfit is torn at several places and his arms and legs are full of rashes. The rashes are all formed due to dodging and sliding beneath the scorpions.

There is a deep cut on one of his arms and blood is oozing from it even though he tied it with a torn cloth to avoid blood loss. This wound is formed when a scorpion caught his arm with its scissor-like arms when he is trying to impale its head from underneath it. Due to his flexibility from cultivating his Dauntless war god cultivation method, he is quickly able to free his hands from its clutches and escaped from it.

Xia Tain is fully exhausted and is at limit of his energy, he directly confronted the last scorpion by dodging its attacks, after some fighting he tricked it by showing the action of thrusting his spear on its head and when it lifted its arms to block the spear, he shifted the spear to his other hand and directly thrust the spear in its mouth and forced it until it is half into the mouth of scorpion. He left the spear in its mouth and backed off. The scorpion struggled for some time and died.

Xia Tain heaved a sigh of relief and went to the scorpion to take his spear back, he looked at the sky and it is already tinged red indicating it is the end of the day. Even though there is no sun or moon in this training field, the day and night are maintained like the outside world.

Xia Tian is totally exhausted and his muscles are aching with pain as he is fighting almost for twelve hours without any rest. The jade inside his trousers vibrated and he teleported to the platform after a moment.