Beta Testers

Thrasher kept fighting with Dream Knight and Purple Monarch against the seven-hour turtle.

The turtle was named the seven hour turtle because it required seven hours to kill. However, the question of it could be eaten or not, would be found out until after the items dropped.

Thrasher kept pondering all types of turtle soup, as he jumped away from the tail strikes.

"Hey, this should go well with some tomatoes? Do you guys want to try to eat it after?" Thrasher spun on his foot and then swiped against the turtles claw. After that tap, it sent him flying back before he looked over at Dream Knight.

"Uhm, captain, you have to kill it first… Plus, I don't know if they'll let us eat a world boss…" Dream Knight replied before she cast heal on the struggling Purple Monarch.

"Yeah! If we can eat it, that would be great! Perhaps we should look for a food master to join our guild!"

"I agree, Monarch… Let's kill this thing quickly so we can eat!"

Dream Knight smiled watching the two boys dream about food. "So… you going to go back to attacking it Thrasher, and why are you so nimble?"

"It was my master," Thrasher replied somewhat nonchalantly… "He is much scarier than this turtle… In fact, he would eat this turtle whole!"

"Yikes, glad you had a good master! I only learned archery in high school… I wasn't that good at it…!"

Dream Knight sent out five perfectly delivered holy shots before casting heal right after. For some reason, no one around her believed it. This was including the men waiting in the bushes.

There was a group of twenty people from the beta testers hiding behind the shrubs. They couldn't believe what they were seeing as three men tried to solo the seven-hour turtle.

"Heh… I can't believe it… Guy's turn back on your leader boards…"

"No, but if we do that, won't people see our levels?"

"Its fine! We're all level 23! We won't even be at the top!"

They looked over at Thrashers level of 27 and were appalled by their progress. One of the men named Mighty Cannon opened the list and was shocked.

"Omg! They are ten levels ahead of everyone else… However, that's Thrasher!" Mighty Cannon revealed his list by the click of a button and the others leaned in in disbelief.

"But… he was a button masher, Mighty Cannon… I, Humble Paradise, don't believe it…"

Mighty Cannon sighed and looked at the Beta testers behind him. They were itching to get that turtle as it provided some valuable quest materials.

Quite a few new types of quests were provided in the expansion, and one such quest was to gather boss items for experience. He could only look back at his crew, and call them in.

"So, guys… When its down to 3000 HP, let's go in and rob it! Then we kill them and run!"

"Hehe, I actually already tried to kill him, and it didn't work," Humble Paradise somewhat joked to the group, "Alright, lets spread out!"


Thrasher and Purple Monarch dished out countless normal attacks, and occasionally threw in skills. Normal attacks could be used in conjunction with skills and allowed for certain unique attacks and combos.

For instance, Thrasher just threw out three skills, dividing slash, rampart charge, and whippings blade, before he added a stab into the turtle's eye. Each attack took out roughly 200 HP… However, he was beginning to taste the turtle in his mouth!

'Yes, I don't believe they won't allow me to eat you turtle!' He turned his blade into the skull of the turtle before once again activating whippings blade.

Instantly, the Seven Hour Turtle turned berserk, causing Dream Knight to yawn.

"Ugh, this takes even longer than I remember! Why did they have to call this the seven-hour turtle… It's like they want you to suffer…"

"Who, you mean the GM's DK?" Purple Monarch slammed his shield down and slid against the rocks.

"Yup… It's a nice name," Thrasher said to Dream Knight, "Perhaps it will actually drop the legendary turtle shell tunic…"

"Ha… boss, you still remember that," Purple Monarch laughed and then used shield bash.

"Yup, unfortunately… 1 in 1000… You think I would've got it after 100 times…"

Dream Knight giggled before she heard something coming from the bushes. She rolled her eyes before she sent a message to Thrasher.

"I think we got an admirer…"