"Hey, old maid! Any plans for tonight?"the woman asked as she entered my office.

"Seriously, Dawn? Will you ever stop calling me that?" I asked. Dawn has been my best friend since we we entered college. That has been 10 years ago.

"Well, unless you get to have a boyfriend, I'll consider that. But since you're not dating at all, endure me until then," she replied smiling.

I rolled my eyes at her. She was always like that. She never misses a chance to slap me in the face that I have been single my whole life. I turned my back at her and continue reading the essays of my students. A few moments later I heard her laughing.

"Will you quit it? Can't you see I'm busy here?" I said with a slightly raised voice. "I have a lot to do today so can you just leave me in peace?"

Dawn stop laughing but there was amusement in her eyes. She really gets to my nerves at times.

"Sorry girlfriend. Okay I'll stop... for now," she teased. "But don't forget to drop by at my place later, okay?" she said as she walked to the door. "Remember, all work and no play makes Aria an old maid."

She then continue to walk out from my office. I then shake my head while watching her disappearing figure. At 28 years old, she still have that childishness of hers which made me smile.

"I better get back to these papers so that I can go home early," I mumbled to myself.

A knock on my door stopped me from my work.

"Principal McClaire, good evening! What can I do for you?" I said as I stand from my seat completely stopping from my work.

"It's quite late Ms. Kane. Aren't you going home?" he said as he walked into my office.

Hearing his reply, I automatically looked at my left wrist. 7:30pm, the time says.

"Oh! I was so busy reading through my students' essays that I didn't notice the time. I guess I'll just continue this at home," I said apologetically as I gather my students' papers.

I heard him chuckle which made me smile.

"You're such a workaholic. Don't you have other plans than working yourself to exhaustion?" he inquired as he walked in front of my table. "Do you really want to be an old maid?"

I was taken aback by his inquiry. I raise my gaze to him and I see the seriousness in his look. I've known Principal McClaire from the time I started working here in St. Agatha Academy, three years to be exact. Although we have conversations from the past, we never talked about our personal lives, especially mine.

"It's not that I want to. I just don't have someone besides me," I replied truthfully. I continue to gather the paperwork and put it inside my bag.

"Would you like me to drive you home?" he offered.

"No thanks, Principal McClaire. I have somewhere to go," I said declining his offer.

"Okay," he replied as he walked out the door. "Good night, Ms. Kane. See you tomorrow."