I'm walking home from the bus stop. 9:00pm. I sighed. I look up and gazed at the night sky. I can't help but mumble to myself again.

"Am I going to die as an NBSB? I would love to date guys but I just can't seem to get my act together. I'm such a hopeless case." I shake my head and continue on my way home.

My phone suddenly vibrated.

(Aren't you dropping by my place? ) the text message said. I completely forgot that Dawn asked me to.

(Sorry girlfriend. I can't today. I just got home. Let's meet tomorrow.) I replied.

(😖) she texted back. She really like sending emojis as a reply.

(I'm really sorry. I'll make it up with you tomorrow.)

(Heeeelloo? It's Friday today! Movie night.)

(I really can't show up today. I'm quite tired. Promise I'll make it up to you.) I texted back and put my phone inside my jacket.

I didn't receive a reply from Dawn. She must be pissed at me for ditching her. Friday nights has been designated as movie nights since we started working at the academy.

I fished my keys from my bag and opened the door of my apartment. I live alone. I'm an only child and already an orphan. My parents died in a car accident on their way to an event when I was 20. I missed them at times but I get to adjust living without them.

I lie down on the couch and rest my tired feet. I was dozing off when I feel my phone vibrates. I took it out from my jacket and look at the screen. A notification was sent.

[Bored? Alone? Single? Try our new interactive game. Make your own choices in different situations to lead you to your The One. Introducing THE DATING GAME. The newest interactive game in town. Set your own avatar and begin your romantic journey.]

"A dating game app? That's quite interesting," I said. "Should I try this out?"

I clicked on the notification and choose download.

[Download complete.]

I then clicked the Install button.

[The Dating Game successfully installed.]

I clicked the open button which lead me to the application.

The application asked me to sign in using my email address. I typed it in.

[Registration complete. Choose your avatar.]

I choose female.

[Avatar's name.]

I typed my name Aria Kane.

[Aria Kane now online.]

I smiled upon seeing that line on my screen. I continued to explore the game. It asked me to upload a photo of me. I uploaded one and the app made my avatar looked liked me. Dark hair with brown eyes, fair-skinned. I laughed seeing my avatar.

[Someone's at your door. Who is it?

A. Pizza delivery guy

B. Your handsome colleague]

"Woah! This game really ask you for choices. Hmm. I'll choose pizza over a handsome guy for the meantime." I said as I clicked the first choice.

Suddenly someone rung my doorbell. I glance at my wristwatch. 9:30pm. Who could it be? I'm not expecting anyone at all.

"Who is it?" I asked through the intercom.

"Pizza delivery, Ma'am." A deep voice replied from the other line.

I opened my door and see a delivery guy holding a family size pizza.

"I'm sorry you must have gotten it wrong. I didn't order pizza." I said.

"But the order slip says: 1 beef and sausage pizza, Vernon Bldg. Apartment 402. It's under Miss Aria Kane," the guy replied as he read the order slip.

"Yes, that's me. But I didn't order one," I replied with a confused look on my face.

"This one's already been paid Ma'am. A guy actually called our store and requested to deliver this," he replied as he hand me the pizza. "Please sign here." He give me a pen and pointed out the space for me to sign.

I signed it out and handed him his pen. "I didn't see the name of the person who ordered this pizza. Did you forgot to write it down?"

"No Ma'am. The caller didn't give us his name. Some guy dropped by to give the payment for the order. That's what I know."

"Oh." I said trying to think of someone who would do this. But nobody comes to mind. Oh well, guess I'll just enjoy the pizza then.