The Patch

Out of a dreamless sleep, Fi woke up with a start. One second floating, the next tugged into all directions. A kaleidoscope of colors filled her spinning vision. She felt she was upside down, sideways and all different orientations after each other. At one point in time, she was both the right way up and upside down at the same time.

Her muscles tensed up and loosened up after each other. Her vision focusing and blurring. After an eternity of sensory overload, everything stopped and Fi felt ground under her feet. Fi was still in a complete and utter darkness.

Out of the darkness rose a replica of Fi. An user-interface booted up in her vision. It said:

'Welcome to the tutorial of Eden Dream.'

Her waiting had paid off. She was at last in Eden Dream. Fi started jumping uninhibitedly as her pent-up emotions surfaced. It was ten minutes full of tears, laughter and happiness.

With the ten minutes gone, Fi calmed down and read the information on the UI. It informed her that she could control the user-interface with a focused thought.

She was first to close the UI. The focused thought filled her mind. The brain implant would read her brain and learn that this is what she wanted to do and next time it would work flawlessly within normal thoughts.

Within a few minutes she had started to get a hang of using the menu and it started flowing smoother and smoother. Fi heard a soft ping and got a notification telling her she learned to use the user interface.

Another smile spread on her lips as she was yet again one step closer to leaving the tutorial. A smile had crept on her lips, but it immediately vanished, as the avatar moved and started speaking.

"Hello, Fi. I am your avatar and at the moment I look, move and sound exactly like you. Would you like to make any changes?" The avatar said and moved like Fi. Without even a hint of the uncanny valley in the avatar.

Fi's heart started pounding as she saw herself in front of her. Fi pondered for a while and inspected her avatar. Surprised when walking around the avatar and inspecting it from every direction.

Many things that she didn't approve of herself didn't look unflattering from an outside perspective.

In the end, Fi clapped her hands together and spoke.

"I am satisfied with the way I look, move and sound." The avatar sank into the ground disappearing from view.

The world around her brightened up into a jade green cell.

"Congratulations you are player number 300 000 in Eden Dream." a voice with years of authority behind it said. A perfect female form walked through the wall, clad in jeans and a red blouse. Clothes of the same fashion as back on earth. Fi had seen similar clothes in movies from earth.

"Who are you?" Fi spoke stepping towards the woman.

"You don't need to know yet." The woman said while looking Fi up and down.

"Interesting, you are quite much more grown than normal newbies." The woman mused while holding her chin. Fi was to speak, but the woman motioned Fi silent and continued. As the woman started speaking, on Fi's UI a system announcement was reading the same words as the woman spoke.

"Good Evening to everyone on the ship. Today we have reached 300 000 registered players since the start of our journey. Many of the players have since passed leaving the duty to their offspring. In twenty years we will reach Eden and it is time for the final patch before arrival. "

Everyone stopped to listen to the announcement. It had been over fifty years since the last patch that had changed the game. The news about the patch was a grand occasion. Machinery unmoved by the announcement kept on moving.

"This final patch changes everything. All current dreambucks will be retrieved by the system and everyone is allowed to choose a few important items they want to keep. In 5 hours everyone except childcare staff will be put to forced sleep and will remain asleep for the next six months."

Many on the ship gasped in shock. Their hard work during the last fifty years would go down the drain. One half wanted to raise their voices and mutiny against the ship, but they knew it would be for naught and could only silently lament their bad luck. The other half of the people were jumping in joy and hugging everyone close to them as they had the chance to turn their lives for the better.

"The patch will start out in the same manner as we would on landing on Eden. We have gained as much information as we can with our newest probes and everything should be as close as possible to the real conditions on the planet. "

The woman took a short break as she breathed in and a wonderful smile spread on her face as she revealed something she had held inside of herself for quite some time.

"We had also sent a transmitter array to the planet. It has been up and running for the last 50 years. It has been transmitting k20 energy to us from Eden. The k20 tanks on the ships are now full. Everything you learn on Eden Dream about magic will be available to you when you wake up after the six months!"

Everyone gaped in shock as they tried to comprehend what this all would mean. When those words hit the audience the sadness from losing their dreambucks vanished instantly and an endless anticipation for unimaginable powers replaced it. Everyone started rushing to their own bunks and getting their belongings together so that they could be the first enter The new Eden Dream.

K20 energy was the unique energy that existed on planet Eden. The sole reason for the creatures on the planet to have magical abilities. They K stood for kerros, which was a language from earth that a few spoke on the ship, meaning layers or levels. The implication was that K20 energy had twenty different layers of different types of energy that together was this invisible and close to an intangible form of energy.

"You will be able to choose one of four ships in which you will land with or choose the fifth where you will have the ship as a satellite to Eden. All the ships will land in different places and you will found and build the cities. "

A short silence in the announcement as the woman in earth clothes spoke in a solemn tone.

"The name of this patch is Planetfall Generation."