
Fi was about to lose hope. She was stuck. Her legs and lungs felt like they were about to burst.

With little air left, she stopped struggling to save the last bits. She looked around her to see if there was any solution to her problem.

Suddenly she felt the hold on her legs loosening. Her movement stopped completely in surprise and the seaweeds untightened further.

Fi had to fight her instincts to struggle, but she managed to move slow enough and peel off the rest of the seaweeds.

Fi's air was about to completely run out. She knew she couldn't stay here for longer, but also she couldn't move quickly or she would be caught again.

Fi let herself slowly drift upwards to the surface with the tiniest movements possible. She was about to black out. She still didn't dare to move any faster.

Fi thought she was at a safe distance from the weeds now and with her last ounce of strength reached the surface.

The sweet air filled her lungs again. Her heart was beating faster than it had ever done before. Her brown hair plastered on her face, giving her a disheveled look. A panicked expression painted her face darker.

Blue was already swimming towards Fi. The two on the shore had become worried as she stayed for so long under the surface. A look of relief was painted on Blue's face.

Blue grabbed on to Fi and dragged her towards the shore. Fi was completely out of it and barely even noticed herself being dragged.

Finally on the shore Fi just lay down on the hot sand. She breathed fast and it took her quite a while to calm down.

Blue instructed Robin to go get some provisions and clean water. Robin only nodded curtly and threw one last glance at Fi before he left to fetch what was asked of him.

Blue noticed Fi had finally calmed down and asked.

"Mind telling me what happened?" Blue sat on the sand beside Fi with enough distance to let her breathe, but close enough to feel cared for.

Fi shook as she thought that she had almost died just then. That if she didn't keep her calm she might have died before Blue arrived to save her. Fi's cheeks flushed red and tears welled up in her eyes.

"I almost died there." Fi squeezed out. Blue didn't push to ask questions but let Fi take her time.

"I was swimming and enjoying my time as I swam through some red seaweeds. They grabbed me." Fi felt it hard to continue but pushed through telling her story to the end.

On the beach, only the waves from beyond the lagoon could be heard. Two women sat beside each other, waiting for Robin to arrive.

The monotony of the waves was soothing. Soon steps were heard beside them and Robin arrived carrying a backpack full of provisions.

The three of them sat in silence eating the dry but tasty provisions. The fresh and cold water quenched a thirst that felt impossibly large.

After half an hour Fi had finished her food and almost processed most of her situation. Fi thought about how she should learn to survive. She didn't want to feel that kind of helplessness ever again. Not knowing any other way to learn, she looked with pleading eyes towards Blue.

"Please teach me how to survive!" Fi said with determination. Blue was a bit surprised that she would turn around so quickly. It wasn't the first time Blue had seen a newbie almost die. She had been in the same position herself a long time ago as well.

She knew it wasn't an easy concept to wrap your head around. To feel your mortality.

That death was only a hair's width away.

Robin and Blue nodded.

"Absolutely dear. It isn't my first time looking after a newbie like you." Blue said and pinched Fi's nose gently. Fi's cheeks flushed again. It was a long time ago since she was last treated as a child. It didn't feel bad at all.

A warm feeling rose in Fi's heart. Even if it was a bit embarrassing it felt good to have someone look after her again.

Suddenly she missed her parents. Fi thought she was completely over them not looking after her, but she truly missed them now. Tears started rolling down her cheeks and she bawled like a child.

Through her tears, Fi saw a motherly smile on Blue's face as Fi was wrapped in another hug.

Robin, on the other hand, didn't really know how to react. He wasn't as used to things like this either. Robin felt touched inside and told himself he didn't want to see Fi like this again.

"I'll go set up camp for us. I saw a stream of water on the way here. It seems like a good place as any to spend the first night." Robin spoke with a slightly flushed face as well. He couldn't help but get a bit emotional too seeing Fi like this. He turned around as he spoke not wanting to show his emotional side.

Blue nodded towards him and smiled to herself as she noticed him trying to hide his feelings.

When Fi, in the end, stopped shaking in Blue's arms, Blue spoke softly.

"Tell me about yourself." Fi kept still and spoke with a thin voice on Blue's chest. Fi told all about herself. Her good and fulfilling life before turning twelve. The hardships during the six years on her lonesome.

Six years ago she went into checkups to see that everything was good to go for the brain Implant. Excitement had filled her gaze back then, just as it had when she finally got the implant today. When she heard the news from the doctors she was absolutely devastated.

Shortly afterward her allowance ran out and she couldn't do anything but move to the lower decks. There she had nothing to do and no-one to lean on.

She had a few short friendships over the years, but they broke quite quickly as the others focused their gaze on Eden Dream.

Both luckily and unluckily she was for the most part left alone in the lower decks and no-one did anything untoward to her.

Luckily there were many movies back from earth stored on the ship. Fi spent her time watching movies, relaxing in the greenery and drawing.

Spending every day always wistful about better days. Days when she could finally take her fate into her own hands. It ate at her. The few friendships she managed to have, kept her sane.

She caught up to the current day and the words ran out. Blue told her that everything was going to be alright. Now she was here and the loneliness was behind her.

Sometime later Fi stretched herself as big as she could. The lagoon was still crystal clear with a calm surface. The setting sun painting the world in red.

Birds filled the air with their soft songs. The cooling sand under her naked legs. A soft wind caressing her hair.

Fi had never felt so alive.