The First Battle

A loud crackle was heard. Flesh was burnt. The nauseating smell entered Fi's nose. The seconds with no movement from inside the new fluff ball felt like an eternity.

In the end, Fi could let out a breath of relief. Blue moved and fired her rifle towards the original ball of fluff.

The railgun rifle was absolutely silent. The explosion from the impact was the first sound heard. Half of the fissure collapsed instantly. Only a small hole appeared in the rabbits half sized fur. It grew shut quick.

Robin rushed into action, willing his stoneskin to appear. He jumped towards the rabbit aiming to crush it with one punch.

The rabbit was all too nimble to be hit. A fistful of fur puffed onto Robins' chest. Another crackle. Completely unfazed by the rabbit's attacks, Robin smiled. His assumption was correct. Lightning based attacks dealt minimal damage to him.

"Help Blue!" Sawyer yelled as he steadied himself into a firing posture. Robin instantly caught on to Sawyers plan and rushed to Blue ripping off the fluff covering her.

"Blue don't shoot!" Fi yelled fearing for Robins life. Fi didn't forget today's lesson either and got in a similar posture to Sawyer's. The posture wasn't even close to as stable.

Robin got to pulling the fur off Blue. The rabbit was eyeing the group with careful black eyes. Clear intelligence in its expression.

Two plasma pistols started firing towards the rabbit. The rabbit was weaving between the shots as it cried in an ear piercing fashion.

The rabbit wasn't attacking anymore, just trying to dodge. Sawyer, quick to notice something wasn't quite right. He didn't stop firing as he lifted his head to look around them.

Sawyer's expression darkened. At the clearings outskirts, several other white fluffy forms emerged.

Sawyer fired blindly at the half-fluff.

"More rabbits incoming. Total of eight!" Sawyer proceeded to yell. He never stopped firing at the original rabbit.

Robin began tearing off the fluff faster.

"Take it off my eyes so I can shoot" Blue commanded Robin. He did his due diligence clearing Blue's eyes quick as lightning.

Blue didn't hesitate at all. She had lifted the gun before having her eyes cleared. Blue calmed her breath and fired at a new rabbit.

This time she didn't miss and the rabbit blew into pieces.

The other rabbits it instantly scurried towards the dead rabbit absorbing all the electric fur from the dead rabbit.

The threat hadn't eased up with one of the rabbits dead. Fi realized it wouldn't be over until all of the big balls of fluff were dead.

Robin was hesitant but made up his mind. He jumped towards the closest rabbit and left Blue half covered in crackling fur. Blue didn't pay it any attention aiming her rifle for another shot.

Sawyer dashed after Robin swapping his pistol into a knife. A scary expression on his face.

Fi turned her attention to the rabbits further away and shot in their direction. She aimed lower rather than higher. Making them think twice before proceeding through gunfire.

"Good thinking Fi," Blue said. Calmly squeezing another slug towards the rabbit. This time the rabbits knew what the gun did and moved as soon as Blue's finger did.

The slug missed leaving yet another hole beside their campsite.

Sawyer was very experienced backing someone up in a fight. His actions complementing Robin's.

The rabbit was shortly cornered and couldn't keep up with their combined efforts. Robins powerful fist was dodged, but it didn't have time to dodge Sawyers cunning attack. The rabbit's back was pierced.

Robin noticed the weird expression on Sawyers' face. The rabbit melted from the inside leaving a puddle and a bundle of loose fur.

"That is a bit too gruesome isn't it," Sawyer said, displeased with the powers he had gained.

Sawyer was a silent man. His eyes piercing and scary. Fi mused there was a good heart hidden under that shell. At this moment she decided to be unreserved in his presence.

The clearing became silent. The rabbits left, noticing they were disadvantaged.

The small parts of white fur covering Blue fell. Fi sank to her knees with a gaze somewhere far away.

The whole group was breathing hard. Coming close to death was not a thing you got used to.

Blue grabbed the nearest wall steadying herself. Her adrenaline ran out and she felt the pain, reminding her she still lived.

Blue grimaced and started walking supported by the wall. A small pod-doc installed in the scout ship her destination.

Sawyer moved to help Blue. She shook her head and threw a weak thumbs up his direction. Sawyer knew better than to insist and started gathering what was left of the rabbits, hoping there would be something worthwhile left to craft with.

Fi didn't pay any attention to anything. Her gaze still locked into the unknown. Only one left to help Fi was Robin. He approached Fi offering his hand. Fi didn't seem to notice at first. Robin kept his hand outstretched.

Some twenty seconds later Fi saw the hand in front of her and followed it with her gaze. The hand led to Robin, a human, someone safe.

She grabbed the hand and stood up with his help. They both knew no words needed to be shared. What they needed would be time and rest.

Everyone survived. That is what mattered.

Fi didn't head straight to the quickshelter, but took a detour via the scout ship. In one corner of the cargo bay lay one lonely pod-doc. Some images displayed on top blinking in green.

Fi let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. She stepped to the pod-doc, laying her hand on the see-through plastic dome and left a message. Blue would see it when she woke up.

A simple message was left blinking inside the dome, where only Blue could see.

"I am glad you are okay."