
The morning sun blossomed over the campsite. The four white shelters surrounding the scout ship. Two of the shelters were empty.

Fi and Robin were still sleeping in their respective shelters. Blue was still recuperating inside the pod-doc.

Sawyer was outside trying to find out the different aspects of the rabbit fur.

He took short breaks between tests and was thinking about good names for the rabbit. His vote was tied between Fluff Lightning and White Lightning Rabbit.

Fi was the first one of the rest to wake up. She had ordered the Dream to wake her up at six sharp. A videofeed of the morning sun started playing on the wall. A light slowly brightening on her face. Fi was brought slowly back from the deep dreams, into a light dream and finally to a gentle wake up.

"Good morning world." Fi called out. She put on a new set of clothes. Well a new jumpsuit at the least.

She had heard that on Eden Dream, right here where she was, she could finally get some other clothes. The universe both gave her the ability to be there from the start, for what she was thankful for, and not to be able to enjoy all the benefits that it gave.

Fi was happy she had saved the little she had and could have a few different types of lingerie to choose between. This way she could still feel special every day she wanted.

Exiting the shelter she called out happily to Sawyer. In his usual taciturn form he didn't bother to give more than a nod.

Fi shuffled quickly to his side. She looked curiously at the white fur in Sawyers hands and was about to ask what he was doing before she remembered.

"Quickly accept my friend request!" Fi said and laid her hand on Sawyer's. Only a small hint of surprise could be seen from his face before he quickly accepted it.

Fi started dancing around Sawyer. His calm face turned into a question mark.

"My first friend ever on Eden Dream." She sang out multiple times. As soon as a smile spread on Sawyers face Fi stopped dancing and clapped her hands once.

"As a friend you have to teach me something so I can stay alive and that way be longer with you." FI said with an earnest expression. Now Sawyer couldn't help but laugh out. His laugh was completely captivating. Anyone hearing the laugh would be infected by the same mirth.

"Well aren't you something, little miss." Sawyer said shaking his head. The smile never left his lips.

"I actually have something to teach you." Sawyer continued while Fi watched him like a hawk. She had turned on the recording function so she could review whatever Sawyer told her later.

"Here we have Fluff Lightnings fur and I have…" Fi's hand in Sawyers face stopped his speech.

"You named the rabbit already?" Fi asked with excitement. Sawyer was completely taken aback and only managed to nod. Fi started listing her ideas to Sawyer on the name.

"Cracklefluff, Dandelion Lightning Rabbit, White-Blue Snowfluff…" Sawyers eyes widened when the flood of names kept on going. He was about to stop her before deciding only to add all the names to the application and let the people vote for it.

It took a while before Sawyer could get back on track and talking about the fur. When Fi was out of ideas he cleared his throat and spoke.

"As I was saying the fur from the creature we met last night." Sawyer said heavily intonating it wasn't named. Fi nodded with a smile.

"I have been checking its properties ever since I took the night watch from Robin." Sawyer said. Fi blushed a bit in shame. She didn't take any part in guarding the camp and was only a burden. She decided silently to definitely take watch next night.

"The rabbits fur seems elastic and able to harness a charge of electricity. With enough of it and a good control of k20 energy you could most probably mould the armor to your liking." Sawyer said stroking is chin.

"It could most definitely be used as an attack item too. If you can control it with lightning energy you can most probably use close to the same attacks as the rabbit itself." Sawyer said and was satisfied with his own explanation.

"How do you know all of this?" Fi asked and moved a stray hair out of her eyes.

"I am a maker. I create items." Sawyer said. Fi nodded, thinking it made sense. Who else would know so much so fast. Fi knew makers where usually quite respected. It wasn't easy to learn how to handle materials with care. Higher end materials became really expensive and losing them to shoddy craftsmanship was infuriating.

"What can you make out of this much?" Fi said. Both of their eyes laying on the white fur. Fi was imagining all kind of magical items. She didn't know enough of what was possible to form any proper opinion.

"Of this much?" Sawyer said eyeing the bundle of fur. He thoughtfully turned it around and measured it in his gaze. Fi waited expectantly. Her eyes opening wider in the same rhythm as Sawyers.

"Gloves. Yes definitely enough for gloves." Sawyer said. He started tinkering with it, sinking deep into his work.

Watching for some minutes was interesting, but soon it lost all of its glamour. It was just like everything else. Hard work and dedication.

Out of nowhere Sawyer grabbed her hand. He measured it quickly and continued on with his work.

'It is for me.' Fi thought with sudden palpitations. Her first item and it was created by her first friend.

Fi willed for music to start playing in her ears. An amazing upbeat song started playing and before she knew it, she was gone with the rhythm dancing away.

Ten minutes passed. Robin crawled out of his shelter to an interesting scene. Fi dancing lost to the world. Sawyer working with steady hands.

Blue took this to be the timing to exit the scout ship too. A tired smile was plastered on her face. The doc-pod could speed up the recovery, not magically heal it. At this point in time that is. Soon when healing magic would be harnessed the healing times would speed up even more.

The two of them just sat and started preparing breakfast, sharing small talk between them.

In the middle of a spin Fi saw the two of them had arrived. She tried to immediately stop and lost her balance.

Fi made a graceful landing on her hands and nose. Mostly her nose. It hurt.

Fi rubbed her nose under the laughing yet silent gaze of the two latecomers. She quickly perked up when she remembered having things to ask Blue.

"Blue Blue Blue" Fi said. She rushed in grabbing Blues hand. She started pouring out words in a neverending flood. Blue put her finger to Fi's lips. Silence fell and Blue handed a plate of food to Fi.

Obediently sitting down and started to eat. Blue nodded at her direction. Fi pouted, only picking at her food. A stomach was yelling for attention. Fi remembered she was actually really hungry and dug in.

Food was soon finished. Morning coffee was brewed and served. The hot drink waking her up Blue finally spoke.

"You had something to say Fi?"

"Yes!" Fi said and was ready to start shotgunning out information. She did remember to speak patiently.

"I noticed I have a skill called Silver Exhaust. I haven't used it but it reads like this." Fi said and touched Blue on the arm.

The skill information was shared over the Dream. Fi didn't forget to send a friend invite at the same time.

Blue accepted the friend invite without thinking. Fi responded with a hug. The hug was completely unexpected.

Robin's coffee almost spilled when Fi lifted her leg during the hug.

"I haven't heard anything about silver exhaust." Blue said enjoying the closeness of another person. Fi didn't let go either and hung on. She turned her light green eyes towards Robin.

He was quick to deny any knowledge about Silver Exhaust as well. He turned in turn to look at Sawyer and asked him the same question.

Sawyer only asked about what the description said, without looking up. Fi told him withholding nothing.

"I do know that all skills aren't equal and they have different ratios of energy conversion." He said and slowed down his work.

"I will give you an example. You start out with 100% energy and start converting it into a spell. You use it all, all 100%. Only 70% of the energy will actually be used for the spell while the 30% are gone and drift away from your body." Sawyer then said. All the others nodded in unison.

It did make sense. Fi didn't really have a problem with understanding it from the start. She was sad there was no answer to the question itself what Silver Exhaust was. She would just have to wait for her to awaken har magical skills.

Standing up Sawyer handed his newest creation to Fi.

"Here for your first Eden Dream friend. So you can live long and be my friend." Sawyer said. He bowed in curtsy.

With shaking hands Fi grabbed the white fur gloves. They were thin and the air flowed through them. They wouldn't be hot even in this climate.

Robin thought they looked extremely cute on Fi. Small blue bolts struck from the gloves. They didn't hurt Fi at all.

Sawyer's price for the gloves was a hug. The thing Fi knew best to give. Really the only thing she could give him right now. Fi wanted to get stronger quick to be able to give back to this amazing bunch of teammates.

Fi struck a pose with one of her hands in the air. It looked quite comical. She then shouted:

"My first item, and they are so heartbreakingly cute!"