
Fi shook like a leaf during a gale, her world of comfort had come crashing down. Breaths coming in short bursts, a whining sound, her eyes flickering in panic.

"Don't worry Fi, I won't hate you for not calling us," Adrian said, his tone indecipherable. Tears started welling up in her eyes.

Blue noticed Fi wasn't by her side. She stopped and saw Fi at the brink of breaking down crying.

Blue approached Fi, taking her hand, and asked what was wrong.

In her hurry to mute the call from Adrian, to answer Blue, she closed the whole call. When she realized she closed the call she started falling.

Blue managed to catch Fi. The river of tears flowing down onto Blue's jumpsuit. Ragged breaths coming in short bursts close to a panic attack. Blue held on to Fi in silence, not understanding why she broke down.

With Blue's knowledge of Fi it didn't seem like she was the type to start crying on a whim. Blue was confused but still held on to Fi without a word of comfort, knowing it was best to wait. Giving closeness and security the priority number one.

Fi was thankful for meeting Blue. There was a security in being with Blue. Everything was going to be alright when Blue was around.

In the back of her head, a thought came, spurred by the nightmarish imaginations of the heartbroken, what if Blue left her too? This train of thought was too rough to follow and she tried to shake it off the best she could.

The thought was born and would stick in her mind. It wasn't to be shaken off. She would have to try and believe, as hard as she may.

Fi took a deep breath and explained what happened. She got her head around what had happened, her father had contacted her. She didn't know what Adrian wanted. If he was calling the rest of her family had to know too.

When Fi had to leave there were three members of the family. Adrian, Rubella and Gareth. Father, mother and younger brother respectively. A conflicted feeling enveloped her, tying her between choices.

On one hand, Fi wanted to meet up with her family and reconcile. On the other, she wanted to never see them again. She had her things together now, why did they have to call and muck everything up.

Life had been clear. Get into Eden Dream, become stronger there and enjoy life. Now there was her family trying to get back in the picture.

Then she did realize to think that why did they call her now, but couldn't come up with any reason. She abandoned this path of thought and decided to just message them saying she needed time.

Fi did that and sent a message to her father. She would have to call them soon as she was so flustered she couldn't make any good decisions, is what the message contained.

The message was sent after deliberation and the waiting for an answer part began.

Blue and Fi stood there together waiting for an answer. Seconds turned to minutes and minutes to hours, before they decided to move on towards the campsite.

Fi was let down. No jovial steps, no happy smiles. The ordinary Fi was gone and only a husk was left.

Arriving at the camp an answer finally came through. It read 'Fine.'.

The last lights of life in her eyes flickered to darkness. The husk was to stay, her mood not improved.

The two men happily said hello to the arrivers. Fi lifted her hand in the smallest of waves without moving a muscle on her face. Without stopping or looking at anyone she hid in her quickshelter, pulling the covers close.

Robin questioned Blue what this was all about, with a worried look on his face. Sawyer's face reverted into his usually grim expression.

Blue explained briefly about it, since both of the two knew about Fi's upbringing. They were astounded and infuriated by this news.

A dangerous glint could be seen in Sawyer's eyes. He turned away and messaged from outside the camp, that he was going to hunt for food.

Robin was swearing and started training his body to take the edge off. He lifted a big boulder he had brought to camp just for this purpose.

Blue sat down thinking about what to do. They needed Fi back in fighting shape asap. Even if that did come secondary to her mental health. They didn't have much time to spare before the ship would arrive and most of the dangers should be cleared.

Her brows scrunching, leaving Robin to cover the camp, she left for the forest.

* * *

Pruet was all smiles after the proposition went true. It was really a non-issue, everyone wanted to have some sort of impact on the ship. Some of the admins made the motions to disagree but really did only so to show their disagreement with each other.

Now she could help out Fi and gain someone with the potential to become the strongest. She had a unique possibility, she would last for longer in every fight. Bring out even greater power with Silver Exhaust.

In a long fight Fi was the one who would come out on top more times than not.

Pruet logged in to her workstation, reviewing all the information she had about Fi.

She raised her eyebrows when she noticed Fi's estranged father had called out of the blue. Pruet checked out surveillance tapes around the ship and found about the exchange between Harry and Adrian.

"You think you can take advantage of my future disciple," said Pruet smiling while rubbing her hands together.

"A pipsqueak like you rising up against an admin, its like you want to lose," she said, snickered and put a lollipop in her mouth.