The group left the campsite heading for the lagoon on Fi's request.
She hovered her hand over the lagoons water and water started getting sucked in. A small tornado of water rose, water not splashing anywhere.
"What are you doing?" Robin asked eyeing Fi's actions. He got closer for a better vantage point.
Fi loosened her concentration on the task when it started to feel more natural. She turned her head towards Robin.
"I am collecting water in my inner crystal, so I don't have to carry it with me," Fi said and smiled. Her eyes were deep, an ocean of green. Looking into her eyes was easy, forgetting her gaze was hard.
"You can do that?" Robin asked taken aback.
"Did you know about it?" Robin said looking at Blue and Sawyer.
Both shook their head as taken aback as Robin. They didn't know of it either.
Fi looked at them surprised herself.
"It was one of our group who told it to me. I learned it yesterday," Fi said thinking they had to be joking. She thought about it however and wasn't sure who told her, she just knew she was told.
The group pondered on it, not coming up with anyone who told it and chalked it up to Fi not remembering correctly. She had been alone after all yesterday.
In the end, they shrugged and decided to continue on the journey, daylight was limited and it was best to engage the ice squirrels while it was still bright.
The trees around them had an icy sheen, they were nearing the ice tree. The chirp of birds and sounds of creatures became less frequent the further they got.
Blue was scanning the treetops for an ambush. The squirrels while not the most intelligent creature on the Island still lay ambushes. That is the way Sawyer found out about the icesquirrels.
He was walking towards the ice tree when four squirrels jumped at him from the tree. His experience saved him, he rolled away from the ambush and dashed fast back to the camp.
Sawyer had shared this encounter with the group and reminded them of it again today.
Fi walked gazing at the ground in front of her it kept changing from frozen to thawed with no noticeable pattern. She wondered how it came to be that some parts were frozen and some weren't.
She questioned the group and the consensus was that it was because of the tree's roots reaching all the way here. The ground right above the roots would be frozen while the ground between would thaw in the tropical sun.
Last night Fi had come up with a new way to use water in battle would be to lock creatures inside a water bubble. She could have the bubble spin making it difficult to escape or she could press with the water locking the enemy completely in space.
A notification dinged stopping her train of thought. Another message had arrived, it was from Adrian again. Fi sighed and opened it up.
'Dear daughter, you sent a package to the Radish Makers Guild, can you send the next one for us instead. We are a big group of makers too. Think of it as a makeup gift to set things right with your family." The message read.
Fi couldn't think straight and bit her lip. Hard. Anger and pain surfaced, sending her into a rage.
Is this what her father wanted all along, materials from Eden, did he think of her as a human being at all.
Suddenly he sends a message out after Fi posts to the forums and after the shipment was sent yesterday he sends another.
Fi wrote a long litany of expletives to her father but deleted the message before sending. It wasn't the right thing to do.
Having reconsidered about it, she found herself hoping this was just the way Adrian showed love. Maybe it was all a coincidence and not that he wanted to take advantage of her daughter. It couldn't be like that, it just couldn't.
Fi refused to answer the message and put it out of her mind. She was to go gain new materials now, have a proper adventure in the ice tree. Her first one.
Deciding to focus on the matter at hand she exited the UI. She began training with water control, making small and cute forms with it. A water octopus appeared beside Octo.
Its form was a bit vague and the movements not convincing.
Octo slapped the water octopus and it lost its form. Fi laughed and splashed Octo with water. Shaking its little tentacle at Fi, introduced another fit of laughter.
Playing with Octo she lost her anger and gained some more control over her powers. She would need to go swimming in the lagoon again, exploring it completely, to train her underwater skills.
They soon arrived at the great tree of ice. It was massive, towering over the other's. Leaves of ice glistening in the sunlight. The tree was bright and seethrough in multiple places. Some parts had a deep blue color, light not able to pierce through completely.
Inside the blue parts were probably dwelling of some beasts, they would serve as perfect material for the group. They had one maker with them and a chance to make friends with new ones.
Sawyer crunched his brows. He had been doing it for the last half of the trip.
"We should have been ambushed by squirrels at least once. They were patrolling eagerly last time, there is no-one here which is odd." Sawyer said peering at the treetop. The others followed his gaze, but found nothing.
The squirrels were gone, not a peep could be heard from them. A flap of great wings was heard and an ice-blue bird left from the top of the tree. It was some five meters in size, its wingspan a massive fourteen meters.
A curved beak with a sharp edge on its face, ready to gut its food.
"Watch out!" Fi yelled seeing the bird preparing to dive. The group rushed to scatter. It was too late.
It dived at the group, pulling its wings to its body. The bird's chest expanded and its head pulled back. A screech loud enough to break windows erupted. Following the screech came a frosty mist enveloping the group.