
The voice was deep, like a reverberating current from the bottom of the ocean. Fi's body shook with the voice, it had a life of its own. A voice everyone noticed.

Octo jumped from Fi's shoulder transforming into a big man. Black afro hair spiked up, with the sides short shaven, giving him a pineapple-like appearance. His face filled with a bushy black beard, but his most striking features were his yellow glowing eyes.

While the woman with perfect proportion had the strongest pressure, Octo's pressure was all-encompassing.

At first like a wave flushing over you, the undercurrent carrying you to the depths where the heart of the ocean was pulsating.

It took some time for Fi to pull her back from the sensation. Octo was as powerful as they would come.

'Wait a minute,' she thought. 'He was with me at all times…'

Fi stepped forward and a slap landed resoundingly on Octos face.

The pressure receded and Octo's eyes opened wide. He lifted his hand to his cheek, looking at Fi.

"This is for you spying on me in octopus form. I don't mind if I am seen naked, however, it is inexcusable to do so without permission." Fi said with her hand on her chest. Anger and disappointment in her eyes.

She thought persons of such caliber would not stoop so low. She was mistaken. Her expectations lowered, she continued. "Whatever your reason for joining the conversation is I won't accept it. That will be your punishment, I won't pursue it further since you did save my life."

Fi squeezed herself a bit with her one functional arm. She wondered if she went a bit too far. Seeing a smile on Octo's face she wasn't sure if she should be scared or relieved.

"I am sorry. I feel no explanation will suffice and I won't try either." Octo said with a short bow. His yellow eyes held no hostility Fi could see and she was relieved.

A breath she didn't remember holding left her. The anger and disappointment weren't so quick to vanish, only the fear for her own safety subsided.

Octo opened his mouth again after finishing his bow.

"I am Nadish, one of the seven admins. I'll leave you my contact information if you feel the need to collect on this debt." Nadish said with his voice gaining depth again.

His pressure momentarily returning, only to vanish together with himself. The circle of three women was left silent, albeit for different reasons.

Fi's was uncertainty. Uncertainty of Nadish, he did something bad, which lowered her impression of Nadish. On the other hand, he behaved well and apologized without trying to come up with any poor excuses.

While she wasn't certain what to think of Nadish, he had gained enough points, lifting him from the bottom-most rung of people. Fi was also relieved he didn't retaliate for her slap, it was a bit shortsighted of her.

Sweat ran down her back when she thought what Nadish could have done to her if he wanted to.

"You are a brave girl I will give you that," Pruet said, the first to recover. Pruet nodded and looked at Fi over again as if seeing her for the first time.

"I'll have to agree with Pruet here, which I don't usually like to do, you really are a brave girl," Isolda said, her big hand under the chin.

At least Fi thought it was Isolda speaking, who knew if there was a bug on the ground which turned out to be another admin. Fi thought she could never have peace again.

Isolda continued, massaging her shoulder.

"Not everyone can stand up to Nadish, he is quite the character with a presence unrivaled by any."

Fi nodded slowly, she had reacted without thinking it through. If she had waited even for a second longer, she didn't think she would have had the courage for it.

"We will leave you to think about it, becoming a disciple of an admin is a big deal. We both will leave our contact information and you can ask questions of us." Pruet said giving one last glance at Fi, before disappearing in white light.

"I can heal your arm, remember that," Isolda said and disappeared with a flourish.

Fi was left alone in the forest, with thousands of new questions. No answers were found. She walked back to camp for sleep.

When she was laying in bed a message arrived. It was from Isolda.

'No-one else than you will remember my visit. Don't talk about us either. Signed Isolda/Loa'

That was one question less on her mind, a drop in the bucket. A bucket full of questions remained, unanswered. Fi sighed as she received a new message, from Pruet this time.

'I forgot to tell you, I handled your father for you. He is busy now and doesn't have time to contact you. Figure out your answer in peace.'

She had just answered a question and now the bucket overflowed.

What did they do to him? How did Pruet know about her messages? How should Fi handle her father? What about her other family, did she do something to them too?

She had no answers to gain and she felt that if she tried contacting Pruet for answers, even more questions would follow. Fi didn't have the energy for that and closed her eyes for much needed rest.

Her hand was aching. She almost wished to be back on the ship, with a singular goal. Here she had too many things going on.

Questions, an aching body and the soft bed lulled her to sleep.