One thousand times?
How useless was that!
"I'll answer you, host! Trippy can transfer the first two stages as well as the host's cultivating experience in the first stage for 85% of the host's remaining energy."
"Fine, we'll do it like this." Jodye Trill spoke out loud, drawing Dessa's attention. "Dessa, I'm going to pass you a body transformation art. This art will be the foundation of our future Draconic Titan Hall, so study it well."
As Jodye spoke, hieroglyphics comprised of millions of tiny runes formed in the air above his uraeus crown before flying into Dessa's glabella. Jodye was intrigued by this phenomenon and studied it with his divine awareness. In Dessa's eyes, this was him concentrating while doing something magical. Dessa closed her eyes and processed this change. She didn't resist Mr. Jupiter at all, even though it was slightly painful. It had been a very long time since Dessa feared pain. After ten full breathes, Dessa opened her eyes. A bright gold light shone from them! "This is amazing, Mr. Jupiter! Can we start tonight?"
Dessa and Jodye spent the next 24 hours cultivating next to each other, only waking up afterward to eat and then sleep in preparation for the auction! On this morning, Aiken Moon was pacing back and forth outside of Jodye's room. He was aware that Dessa hadn't come out of this door in over one day and one night! He had no idea what this animal was doing to his pure and delicate Dessa.
The door to Jodye's room opened, and two dazzling youths exited the room. Aiken Moon took a quick glance at Dessa and felt like she appeared to be glowing. The former couldn't help but grimace. She was somehow taller and prettier than before. Her body looked a bit more athlethic as well, and Aiken couldn't help but relate this to the changes caused by passion his eldest sister had once spoken about. Of course, little did Aiken know that Dessa's improved looks came from her vitality increasing. This was a direct benefit of cultivating the Titanic Rage Law. As she trained, the effects would grow even more exaggerated, such as Jodye's case.
"Hey, Unk! You ready yet? The shows starting soon!" shouted Jodye down the hallway.
However, in return, he was met with silence. Confused, he turned to Aiken, "Hey, where is uncle Sigma and old man Cassan?"
"You mean you don't know? You didn't leave with them last night?" asked Aiken Moon puzzled.
"Someone who looked like me left with Unk and Cassan last night?" Jodye was shocked, who would look like him? However, after he thought a little he realized Aiken probably meant the young man in question was a negus. Anyway, why would they vanish without notifying anyone?
This smelled like trouble!
"What should we do?" asked Aiken Moon with worry in his voice.
"There's literally nothing we can do. They have definitely abandoned us. Those jerks!" The reality was that Sigma had already given Jodye a device that could open up a portal to the secret base #3. Merely, this device required a particular magical gemstone called an Emperor Ruby to activate. Jodye currently only had two emperor rubies, which in his opinion was just because Uncle Sigma decided to be stingy. In reality, Sigma himself only had a limited amount of these in stock, and this is was one of the reasons they needed to return to their homeland soon. They were already too low on all their assets!
Of course, this didn't matter to Jodye Trill, "Fine, we'll just go to the auction without them then. They'll miss out on the goods."
"Mr. Jupiter are you confused? The auction is tomorrow!" said Aiken Moon disdainfully. "No matter how much you enjoy yourself, at least keep up with the important dates!"
"Tomorrow?" Jodye Trill scratched his nose in embarrassment. It hadn't been a day yet? He chose to ignore Aiken's insubordinate behavior since he had punched him in the gut earlier. They could be considered even now.
"How can it be tomorrow? Ms. Vanessa clearly said it should be today," inquired Dessa Chimes, who was utterly confident how much time had passed while she was alone with Mr. Jupiter as she enjoyed every instant.
"Ah! That's right you two have been cooped up in the room, doing only ghosts and the gods know what!" Aiken Moon spat these words at the duo as if he had tasted something awful. Dessa blushed, but Jodye was amused. "Well for some reason the auction was put off for another day. It's to be held tomorrow!"
"So this is the case. How curious," Jodye couldn't help but link the disappearance of their elders in the company of this mysterious youth with the auction being delayed. Sigma was a rather influential persona, Jodye wouldn't believe these incidents were unrelated. "Could it be that some high-level event is going on behind the scenes? Well, that means we have an entire day ahead of us right? Let's go adventure!"
"Adventure?" said the other two in unison.
"Precisely that," said Jodye as he jumped over the railing and marched out of the lodge. Dessa and Aiken exchanged excited looks and ran down the stairs to follow after him. They were already in the same boat with this little madman anyway.
Meanwhile, high in the skies hundreds of kilometers above Black Heart city there was 30-meter long and 15-meter wide platform made of violet and black energies and covered in curse diagrams. If Jodye Trill saw this, he would be astounded! He would never be able to imagine that this planet was so massive, let alone know that people would be at this altitude. On top of the platform were thirteen warriors wearing various armors except for two who wore plain old robes.
"Octanis, you are playing the world's most dangerous game," said a robust man with a white serpent tattoo around his left eye. "I will not allow for this farce to continue much longer."
"If we attack Black Heart City now, how exactly will we benefit from it, Garuda? Because of your schemes, they are under martial law and there are currently four commanders who can fight me and you to a draw within the city. What do you expect to gain from attacking in this scenario?" Sigma Octanis wore a black cloak and stood next to Cassan and a brown-skinned young man in a silver brocade robe who possessed devilishly good looks. Sigma spoke unhurriedly, as if this matter was unrelated to himself, "You may, of course, throw all of our plans away. Merely, I won't be joining you in this. On the contrary, I will resist you with my full force."
A cold glint flashed through the eyes of a few of the warriors in attendance. A short and ugly old man with crooked teeth who reeked of death stepped forward with a sneer, "Resist with what force? What will stop this old man from flattening you right now."
"You may try it, Roger," spoke the devilish and handsome youth.
"Hmph," Roger's countenance turned ugly as he withdrew his aura. He didn't dare to offend this lunatic demon in a child's skin. "Since Master Neofrost has spoken I will, of course, consider further."
"Neofrost, you shouldn't be too domineering," said Garuda, his gaze turning cold. "After all, your mother and little sister are still in our custody."
"You threaten me with them again, and we can all die together," two icy spears of light seemed to pierce out from the mysterious youth in a silver brocade robe called Neofrost's eyes.
Garuda suddenly felt chilled and decided to disengage in conflict with this deadly apparition. Neofrost's threats were not idle, and they even slightly intimated one as mighty as Garuda, "Then when do you suggest we attack? We have already lost Oulan to some mysterious threat, and that is no small loss for my group or the collective picture. The items Oulan was transporting are still missing. You know that time is of the essence! We cannot continue to stay idle!"
"What if Oulan's death was to goad you into doing something foolish? He will truly have not died in vain, then," commented Sigma Octanis with a shrug. His sarcasm was evident. Sigma sneered, before chiding Garuda "At any rate, you all do what you want. It's obvious our opinions hold very little weight in your hearts. Are we pawns to be disposed of whenever you please? Very well. Let me see you dispose of us then."
"Courting death!" Roger was no longer able to stand the mouth of this Sigma Octanis. His figure blurred and his arms spread wide as he launched a sudden attack! Curse seals spread out from his fingertips forming a shark diagram. The image within the diagram was like a doodle, but when water concept condensed within the diagram the drawing begin to wriggle and come to life, "Take this!"
Tyrant Shark Curse Art: Petty Diver!
The diagram lit up with purple and cyan light, as a two-meter-long water torpedo that was shaped like a shark and covered in curse marks rapidly launched at Sigma Octanis like an accurate missile. Incantation runes danced into existence in the sky as Sigma Octanis waved his hand. A small silver magic circle condensed in front of him, before transforming into a small sparkling silver ice shield the size of his torso, with a reflective surface. The mirror kept releasing a frosty yin qi from Sigma's serenity concept. The water torpedo collided with the ice shield with a 'splash' and several 'tink' sounds. The water qi was negated entirely, and the remaining curse qi was unable to damage the ice shield.
The two mages attacked so quick that the origin qi phenomena in skies had yet to finish condensing.
"Is this the way you will flatten me?" Sigma Octanis spat in contempt.
As he spoke, more incantation runes entered the ice shield which then broke apart into six dozen rows of silver serene ice shards the length of an adult male's finger. Every single shard seemed to contain the same amount of strength as the ice shield, and they were all deadly sharp. Roger felt as if there were several sharp blades pointed in his direction, and he could smell the scent of death from the aura surrounding these shards. Sigma waved his hand again, and all of the serene ice shards rapidly stabbed forward like a giant dagger. They launched at crazy speeds before anyone could react.
Roger desperately tried to gather his qi momentum at the last minute as he rapidly drew backward in the sky, leaving curse seals in his wake. However, the giant dagger made of ice shards pierced through Roger's chest and shredded his heart and lungs into minced meat. Roger coughed up blood and crashed down onto the platform in the sky.
"ROGER! Quickly, give him support! Use this," Garuda threw an A-grade magic life pill to his subordinate, who immediately rushed over to Roger. Meanwhile, in the sky above Sigma Octanis, five fist-sized spheres of the three-color atmosphere were beginning to form.
Garuda was about to attack in his rage when a bald, middle-aged man wearing red raiments that were covered in a vermillion bird designs suddenly shouted out, "That's enough!"
Along with this red robed man's voice came a stifling pressure. Even Sigma found it somewhat troublesome to stand calmly amidst this pressure. Sigma was dangerously close to becoming an upper expert, the elite of Gaea! He could basically be considered as an upper elite based on his competency. However, not even an upper elite like himself was able to handle such pressure!
"I apologize on behalf of my junior brother, revered one," Garuda cuffed his fist to show respect to the man in Vermillion Bird robes first. He was inwardly terrified by Sigma's origin qi phenomenon and grateful to the man in red for stopping his attack. Garuda knew that to defeat Sigma he would have to reveal his trump cards or reach the next subrank.
"My apologies, Revered Brother Maat," responded Sigma Octanis with a slight bow. If Jodye were here to see this, he would be genuinely shocked! For a powerful expert such as Sigma to bow to another would take sincere respect! Sigma indeed respected this man a lot.
Temple Sheppard Erikah Maat was the Temple Sheppard for Vermillion Bird Temple in the Divine Bird Country of the North Ward. He had come to this area mainly through collaboration with Sigma. Therefore, when he saw White Serpent Cove's Vice Sect Leaders about to lose all decorum and attack, he naturally spoke to cease the hostilities. After all, such an injury couldn't kill a mage. Roger Flankz was merely severely injured. His cultivation may deviate a bit, but he would live on to cultivate again.
"This humble one believes it would be hasty to attack the city at this juncture," Temple Sheppard Maat declared his stance openly. As a Void Door Realm expert at the Perfected Gold Mage rank and the one with the highest cultivation among them, Temple Sheppard Maat's words carried the weight of significance. "The Pharaoh King of the South has labeled White Serpent Cove and Black Mettle Guild as members of the unorthodox religion, or dark guilds. You guys, as a subsidiary branch of White Demon Temple, can no longer move so recklessly. It is also more of a risk for us to continue working with you. You must surely understand this point. However, if we wait until the city makes the first move, we can catch them off guard. After all, it is only the two powers I mentioned earlier whom they consider the enemy."
"Agreed. Even if we remove your two groups from the field, there are still eight of us remaining in this circle, right?" spoke the Neofrost Master. "Pharaoh King Thoth surely doesn't have us in his eyes, I have no doubt of this. It is his advisors who wish to solidify the position of their pieces through war games. Destroy those pieces, and we weaken the imperial advisors."
"I agree with young master Neofrost completely."
"Obviously the Pharaoh isn't worried about the operation of this scale. White Serpent Cove thinks too highly of themselves."
"Can they even back it up? Mr. Octanis flattened Vice-Sect Leader Roger Flankz in no time!"
"That should have been the so-called formless wordless chanting. Truly impressive. This is a skill exclusive to high ranking masters."
The other warriors on the platform all spoke out their opinions, causing Garuda's face to grimace. Since when had his White Serpent Cove suffered insults like this? If that idiot Oulan Mercy hadn't gotten himself cursed and then killed, Garuda wondered how these two-faced cowards would act in front them then. Even if he had suffered an injury, Oulan Mercy's insects all carried a lethal poison that could threaten those of the Void Door Realm, even gold mage rank experts! In addition to Roger's proficiency in high-level curse arts, and Garuda's own Wings of Oblivion, the three Vice-Sect Masters were a combo that was near impossible to defeat under the Void Philosopher realm. With the three of them together, no one here would be able to step out of line.
Unfortunately, Garuda had already received several reports in the last few weeks given by their partners in crime, the Crimson Riders. Oulan Mercy was deader than dead. All his possessions had been stolen as well. However, Garuda knew that the core of Oulan's properties was still in his secret treasure chamber back at the Cove.
As for Oulan's murderer? The only suspect was so laughable that Garuda just didn't believe it at all. A sophomore rank negus brat played some role in defeating the Vice-Sect Master of White Serpent Cove? This was so laughable that it was an insult. Garuda was infuriated and killed the Crimson Rider scout who made the report by slapping her to death.
Get real!
Of course, if Garuda knew the truth, he would likely pass out from the shock. At any rate, the two remaining Vice-Sect Masters could only watch as their so-called partners all turned their noses up at them. Garuda cursed Oulan's ancestors secretly before using his voice to quiet down the crowd, "Fine! I get it. We will be ready to strike at the moment they lower their guards to attack!"
"Deal!" The thirteen warriors reached a consensus and concluded their meeting in the sky.