Smells Like Trouble 3

Meanwhile, Jodye Trill, Aiken Moon, and Dessa Chimes were scaling buildings and running swiftly and lightly across rooftops. Jodye Trill stopped in the shadow of a building and motioned towards the other two, who immediately stopped at his back. They all hid in the shadows as they awaited Jodye's next action.

"Time to test how serious you've both been taking your ninja training." Jodye Trill had been using his experience as a spy and assassin to teach stealth and murder to the two youths. He was slowly sharpening these dull blades to become dangerous weapons of his in the future. "You're going to split up and gather information. I'll be watching you both the whole time. The one who successfully gains the most Intel, or any important or special intel, will get a special reward."

"What sort of reward, Mr. Jupiter?" asked Aiken Moon. Aiken actually didn't believe there was anything Mr. Jupiter could give him that would compare to the sky flame his master had prepared for him, so he utterly didn't care for a reward. However, he saw Dessa was too timid to ask, so he asked the question that was likely in her heart. Dessa's eyes had indeed brightened as she looked at Jodye expectantly.

"Not telling," Jodye Trill winked at Dessa, who seemed to understand something. She hurriedly dashed off like the ghost of a feather. Aiken was shocked by this, and he realized his understanding of this youngster was far too shallow.

'Perhaps I should probe this young lord Jupiter further,' Aiken thought. However, when the young boy of House Moon turned his attention back to the front, Jodye too had already vanished. This left him feeling like he had lost something.

Dessa Chimes took to the streets and mingled into the crowd. A sword glyph appeared on the back of her left palm as a hazy and inconsistent voice sounded in her mind. "The Moon child... seems smitten with you... will you not... be doing anything about this? He may... sow dissension between your master and others."

"Little Aiken is not like how you think," said Dessa Chimes under her breath. She knew what Autumn Saver said was right, but she also believed in Aiken's character and potential. What the boy felt towards her was just infatuation. In Dessa's opinion, most men were pathetic and weak-willed, quickly enthralled by her looks. In her sixteen years of life, she had already experienced this far too often. How could she not know the way Aiken looked at her?

It was only a bit better than the way every single man on the street was staring at her at this moment. Men were as such, lustful to a fault. At least, all men she ever encountered outside of Mr. Jupiter were this way. After reaching 16 years of age, Dessa even caught her uncle Wyven staring at her from time to time. Dessa felt rage and disdain in her heart towards this, but she didn't show it on her face. She only wore a slight smile, as she nodded amiably at anyone who locked eyes with her. This was a habit she had acquired from so many years as a maid and slave. It was survival instinct and conditioning. Not even Mr. Jupiter was able to help her get rid of these habits in the short-term.

"Watch out... there's an approaching party to the left... they speak of you," Autumn Saver's voice ring out in Dessa Chimes' head. She was instantly vigilant, galvanizing her azure essence pure qi. As a result, Autumn Saver no longer found it so difficult to speak. "Just a motley crew of warriors at the Fledgling Saint realm. Not only that, but they are only at the Revolving Force rank. Even if the one in the lead is at the five-star Revolving Force rank, your strength at the three-star Revolving Force rank still surpasses his. Such a low-level star this is. Your search is for Intel, yes? Listen to me and I'll teach you how to squeeze some information from these dancing clowns."

Although Dessa Chimes possessed a lower cultivation base than these goons, Jodye had already been tempering her flesh, blood, and muscles with astral essence. Her strength was already above her peers at the same level, and her bodily defenses were at 23 BP.

"Hey, toots! Where you headed all lonely?" a burly and tall middle-aged man was approaching Dessa from behind with a group of three other men. The leading burly man had a scraggly beard and wore black leather armor. An enormous iron ruler was seated on his back. "I know of a great place to eat. Why don't you follow us there?"

"Uhm... I don't know about that... It seems a little dangerous," Dessa slowly turned and scanned the entire group with her pretty azure eyes. She spoke in a voice so soft and sweet that it could melt bones. Her sensual temperament visibly lit an evil fire in the loins of these buffoons, making Dessa inwardly sneer. It shouldn't be this easy, right? Are men truly so stupid as Autumn Saver thought?

"Worry not, fair little lady," harrumphed the man in the lead, "I, Edgar Whitewash, will never allow trouble to befall a maiden in my presence. You will be well taken care of."

"Yeah, the boss is the strongest 'round these parts!" chimed one of Edgar's subordinates.

"Yeah, boss Eddie is way superior to this other riff-raff," chimed in another.

"Enough, guys, you'll embarrass me," Edgar Whitewash smiled wryly before turning back to Dessa. There was actually a dash of red on his cheeks. Dessa was appalled and finally felt that without her treasured sword she may have been easily fooled by a man such as this. He was definitely acting, and it was convincing to a fault. "What is your name, dear miss?"

"My name?" Dessa blanked out for half a second, before generating a name in her mind, "I am Autumn..."

At the other end of the street, Aiken Moon saw Dessa surrounded by goons and immediately grew worried. He wanted to rush over, but logic told him no one would harm Dessa in the middle of such a bustling street. Besides, he had the strongest sense of unease like a pair of eyes were watching him from the sky. This feeling appeared right after Young Lord Jupiter vanished. Still, Aiken retreated to the shadows and tailed behind the group as they left. Ten minutes later, Aiken was hiding at the entrance to an alley. Down in the center of this alleyway, Dessa Chimes walked silently behind Edgar while his subordinate goons joked and commentated next to her ear.

This was no longer a public setting. Aiken Moon started to grow worried again.

Once they were far enough from the street that Edgar couldn't detect any presence around them, the burly man stopped abruptly. Dessa, who was in a daze as she discussed the plan with Autumn Saver via telepathy, walked right into Edgar's solid back, which actually made Edgar lose his balance for a step. This shocked Edgar greatly, but after considering it quickly, he just felt he hadn't steadied himself enough. After all, this chick was also a Fledgling Saint. She naturally was not totally defenseless, even if Edgar was more powerful.

"Hey... what are you doing Mr. Eddie?" Dessa Chimes rubbed her nose confused, "Why did we suddenly stop in this dark alley?"

"Listen, whore," Edgar's previous gentlemanly voice instantly became boorish and aggressive. He pulled a small vial of pink elixer from his back pocket and rocked in front of Dessa with two fingers. Dessa's eyes grew colder than 1,000-year-old ice when she inhaled that familiar scent. This was a charm potion! "Either you can strip on your own, enjoying the best day of your miserable life with the fellas and me, or I will find another way to get you in the mood. The choice is yours."

"That bastard!" Aiken Moon grew enraged and was about to dash into the alley furiously, but he felt a heavy hand land on his shoulder. Looking back in trepidation, he was greeted with a familiar but indifferent gaze, "Mr. Jupiter? Quickly we must..."

"Did I not send you BOTH on a mission? Why is it only Dessa that has taken it seriously? Hmph, no matter. It's better you see it yourself. You know her situation, now know that I will not help either her nor yourself unless you are injured. Be silent and be still," as Jodye spoke he grabbed Aiken's shoulders and moved the boy physically away from the alley entrance. "Dess can handle herself. Quit messing around, or she'll definitely surpass you."

"This... but..." after hearing Jodye Trill's words, Aiken was reluctant, but ultimately he decided to move on and find his own intel. After all, would Dessa fall in harm's way with Mr. Jupiter watching over her? Aiken was a sage so it wasn't difficult for him to realize that the presence he sensed before was indeed the spiritual sense of Mr. Jupiter.

However, how could Aiken know that Jodye merely took a glance to reconfirm the cultivation level of these goons, before turning and walking away? He was watching Aiken, but he wasn't very concerned about Dessa Chimes who possessed Autumn Saver. She had her own great destiny, he couldn't coddle her.

Back in the alley, Edgar was pressuring Dessa heavy, "Hurry up little bitch, your daddy below is waiting for a kiss."

"Hehe. Strip down and let us see that secret garden."

"Heh...her three measurements are quite nice..."

As Dessa Chimes listened to the vulgar words of these brutes, her entire body was visibly shaking uncontrollably. The four men all wore smug faces, thinking they found another coward to drug into an obedient and fearless kitten. However, Dessa was not shaking from fear. What she felt was excitement. A sort of thrill. How long had she been abused like this? How many times was she powerless to defend herself against such treatment. However, now everything was different. Dessa Chimes was no longer the weakling she was a few months ago!

"So, I only have to leave this Mr. Eddie alive, right?" Dessa Chimes seemed to whisper to herself. However, before the others could react to her words, a treasure sword appeared in her left hand. Dessa brought her legs together and raised her sword above her head with one hand. Her battle power burst as she danced with her sword like a fairy in the forest.

Dance of the Autumn Leaves!

Meanwhile, Jodye Trill was casually strolling through the streets of Winter Winds City. He eavesdropped on a myriad of conversations around him by utilizing his divine energy to stretch his psyche perception with a focus on vocal vibrations. By doing this, he was able to maintain his aloof profile, while still investigating thoroughly. This was how he knew where Dessa and Aiken were headed as well. Jodye was currently looking for some exciting news. Of course, it had to be something that could be accomplished within a day. He wasn't willing to miss the auction for anyone or anything, as it was directly related to the promotion of his strength.

However, Jodye's quest was interrupted when he hard something disturbing.

"What do think they're going to do to that little girl?" said quite a pretty young girl wearing a green dress.

"I don't know, child, but it is likely as you imagine," an older woman wearing the same dress replied despondently.

"Oh, if only we could help her," said the young girl. "I thought this was supposed to be a peaceful territory? How could this happen?"

"This city is indeed heaven when compared with the rest of the South Ward of Pangaea," explained the older woman. "However, this is still a voodoo state. The practitioners here are all but used to such behavior."

"What?! No, we must do something," the young girl cried out.

"Hmph, as if we would even benefit. No, we should not expose ourselves too much. How naive is it to run around asking for help? Who would help a stranger to rescue their mother or locate their brother for no reason? Even an adorable little girl like that. She was asking for it," a middle-aged woman wearing a blue dress said disdainfully.

"She was but a child aunty, not six years it seemed to… me?" however, the young girl's words trailed off as she noticed a rather handsome young boy with smooth, caramel brown skin walking up to her. She felt her tiny maiden heart thump at the sight of him, and this was something she was experiencing for the first time. Her curiosity toward this young man was instantly higher than her interest in the previous conversation,"Oh, hello. May I help you, young sir?"

"Pardon the intrusion. Can you tell me more about what happened here, big sister?" asked Jodye Trill politely. The girl's eyes shined as she glanced at this incredibly pretty young man with blue eyes that look like priceless gems. She had never seen a male with a face so attractive or someone around her age with such a well-toned physique. This boy seemed to only be a couple of years her senior.

Little did she know, Jodye was actually the opposite and her junior.

"Boy, why should we tell you anything?" spat the middle-aged woman in a blue dress. Jodye Trill simply ignored her and stared at the young lady. This young lady looked to be around nine or ten-years-old. Jodye could tell that this little girl was the 'M.V.P.' of this group, he didn't need to waste words with this repulsive woman in blue. When she saw that she was being ignored the middle-aged woman in blue became incensed, as a gold atmosphere manifested around her, "Brat, do you even understand…"

"That's enough, Aunt Miran!" commanded the young lady imperiously. The middle-aged woman was startled and quickly turned docile. It was rare for the young miss to become so fierce. Did she recognize this boy? However, Aunt Miran was bound to be disappointed, "This brother, my name is Bilan Moon. I'm here from overseas, so excuse my aunt for being a bit protective. I wonder what I may call this little brother?"

"I'm Jo…" spoke Jodye Trill, momentarily in a daze. He hadn't noticed before she said her last name, but this Bilan Moon was a complete doll! She was so cute it hurt Jodye's eyes a bit.

He had almost said his real name in his dazed state! Jodye had never once said the name Joseph Goldwolf or even Trilleck ever since he had awoken in the old shack. This was considered his big secret identity. Jodye wondered, was it really just because she was pretty that he lost composure? Not only that, Jodye was confident that this girl was at least 75% similar to Aiken Moon in appearance. This was simply not a coincidence. Jodye secretly hid a wisp of his divine sense in the girl's dress before gently holding Bilan's soft hand and planting a kiss on the back of her palm and releasing it. This action sent what felt like an electric shock through Bilan Moon, who had never come in such contact with many people since her life began, let alone a male.

"Jodye Trill. Pleased to make your acquaintance." Jodye gathered his thoughts and spoke with the flawless etiquette he was taught by his mother.

The two older women were about to explode in wrath, but Bilan Moon quickly spoke before they could react, "I am charmed young noble Trill. I don't mind explaining this to you. A beautiful little negus girl came desperately into the market place not long ago. She was prettier than the most elaborate painting, truly a living art piece…"

Bilan Moon explained to Jodye the ins and outs of the situation. A dirty little girl in tattered clothes had come running down the block asking every warrior she saw for help rescuing her mother. When that didn't work, she would ask them to just help her find her elder brother. Mostly everyone ignored her, but finally, the little girl approached a leader of one of the notorious street gangs. The leader pretended to know the little girl's brother and promised to help her find him.

Everyone around knew this gang's reputation for harming women, but none of them spoke out to warn the child. This was also due to the gang's reputation, but the rep they gained by slaughtering innocents. Jodye was disgusted by their cowardice. This type of thing should not be normalized!

"So you all knew what would happen, but everyone was scared to speak out?" said Jodye Trill glancing at this so-called Aunt Miran, "yet you find yourself to be somehow superior to beasts? Laughable. Even a tiger will protect another tiger's cub if it needs too. What are you?"

Aunt Miran almost lost it right there, "You little punk, another word out of you and I'll flay you…ah!"

To Aunt Miran's horror Jodye Trill's face was suddenly right before her. How could he be so fast? If he wasn't a head shorter than herself, then Aunt Miran might have retreated already.

"Do you believe that, if not for young miss Moon and her patron here, you would already be a corpse at my feet?" said Jodye Trill emotionlessly. Ever since he had first slaughtered others in this life, his refined temperament as a ruthless assassin started returning. Aunt Miran fell back three steps unconsciously in the face of this suddenly thick killing intent but didn't utter a word even after noticing her own actions. She was intimidated! Her, a lofty noble of House Moon, was threatened by a mere Sophmore rank brat.

"Can you tell me where they went with this little girl?" Jodye Trill turned and asked Bilan Moon.

"Sure…" responded Bilan in a slight daze. She secretly wondered if this boy was the so-called brother that the child was looking for. She didn't see this boy when he moved either. Even the old woman by her side had an intrigued look on her face when observing the child. After finding out which direction the gang took the girl, Jodye Trill immediately set off in that direction. Bilan was shocked and hurried to call out, "Little brother, do be careful! That Vik Saver is a ruthless one, and he's a warrior with dual path cultivation at the peak of the Essence Formation rank and the initial stage of the Junior Spirit rank! He's been going crazy since his brother went missing."

"Vik...Saver?" Jodye Trill wondered if Vik's missing brother was the Hemp Saver whom Jodye slaughtered previously. Nonetheless, he felt warm hearing Bilan's warning, even though such a level of threat was absolutely nothing to him as far as strength was concerned. He spoke plainly, and unhurried as he disappeared into the alleyways, "Thanks for the advice."

"Vik Saver, eh?" After walking for a few dozen feet, Jodye sneered. Back in little Oasis Town, before Jodye left "First Hemp, then Autumn, and now Vik. I wonder if there's some destiny between myself and the House Saver? Perhaps I'll let this one keep his life, then..."

Fifteen minutes later, Jodye was staring at a run-down shack. The young man now wore black raiments while sitting on a tree branch outside of an old abandoned park on the west end of Winter Winds City. He stretched his divine energy and found seven men surrounding a little girl in a semi-circle. The little girl suddenly threw a ball on the ground that released a blinding light.

"Ah! It's bright!"

"Boss I can't see!"

"Shit, she's getting away!"

Meanwhile, Jodye Trill's eyes sparkled. He was unaffected by the light since he was viewing this scene through his divine energy, "Flash bomb! I wonder who made it and how? Probably won't work that well though, she's simply too puny to escape quickly enough."

Sure enough, he was correct.

The little girl bust through the door and tore out of the house at her top speed with tears streaming down her face. However, a shadow shot out of the house in pursuit and cut her off in no time, laughing like a maniac. "Hahaha! This is great, nothing better than a fighter! Run, Little River, run! Hahahaha."

The little girl was distraught. She appeared to be entirely out of means. Solemness and resolution on a level that made Jodye altogether nervous flashed across this child's face! Just as she was about to use the technique her brother had shown her to end her life in the worst-case scenario, her actions were halted by the appearance of a boy's voice.

"You must be the villainous Vik Saver, no? Color me unimpressed. Hemp was at least more intelligent in his methods."