Jupiter vs. Vik Saver 1

Hearing this voice, Vik Saver and little River both looked up in shock and bemusement. Sitting casually on the branch of a tree not so high above them was a handsome young man in dashing black raiments. He had caramel brown skin and two deep ocean like eyes.

Obviously, this was Jodye Trill.

River felt her little maiden heart start racing the moment she laid eyes on this young hero. Although she was young in age, she was a genius with a sage body. On top of this, she could be considered a genius. Her maturity and intelligence could only be described as freakish.

On the other hand, Vik Saver grimaced immediately. He could feel a weak priest aura coming from this young man in the tree. This brat must have a dual cultivation base. That on top of his sudden appearance gave Vik Saver a sense of foreboding. This seemed to be no ordinary brat. Could it be that this was this her 'so-called' older brother? Vik glanced at the little girl and saw her eyes shining like stars. He was dumbfounded, but he quickly noticed a curious glint in the eyes of the girl.

She didn't seem to know this young man, she looked as if she had just discovered brand new land. Most importantly, how the hell did this brat know his younger brother's name? The last time Vik had spoken to Hemp Saver he was on assignment from his sect, White Serpent Cove. Was this twerp a secret scout from the sect here to recruit him? Or could he be a spy from an enemy of his brother? Vik wasn't sure what to think, but he knew he had to get this brat out of here fast.

"Listen, brat, this has nothing to do with ye. I suggest ye scat on out of here if ya know what's good," shouted Vik Saver from below. Jodye Trill snickered, he landed 20 meters away from the pair as he hopped down from the tree, stirring up a cloud of dirt. Slowly walking toward Vik Saver and Little River, Jodye seemed calm and composed like a scholar observing nature. Nineteen meters…. eighteen meters… at this point, Vik Saver was already incensed. An orange atmosphere burst forth from Vik's body as he withdrew a combat spear from the magic pouch on his hip while shouting, "Boy! I'll not be warning ye again! Stop now, or I attack."

However, did Jodye need to fear a Vik Saver? This Vik seemed weaker than Hemp, even though he was obviously older in age. Furthermore, Jodye was already stronger than when he killed Hemp Saver. Stretching out his divine energy, Jodye registered that the intensity of Vik Saver's physical body was equal to around 10,000 pounds or 100 BP. Jodye knew that this represented the peak of the Essence Formation rank of the True Saint realm, and the origin energy in Vik's body should belong to the Junior Spirit rank of the Earth Science Sage realm. The proof was that origin atmosphere was orange once it emerged from Vik's sage body. Orange atmosphere represented the Junior Spirit rank of the Sage Path. Once one elevated to the Great Scholar rank, their atmosphere would become crimson when ignited.

Jodye's body had initially been a bit weaker than this, as thanks to being at the ninth level of the Wimpy Man realm his body had the strength of 90 BP. However, since Jodye was dual cultivating astral might and true essence to temper his physique, his body's current resistance had increased to around 102 BP. This was because Jodye could fuse two sky forces into astral essence! This was a qualitative change and brought about fantastic benefits to his body every day.

Once the origin qi phenomenon in the sky finished forming, 53 white light spheres were floating in Vik's atmosphere in the shape of a small impish creature. This confirmed Jodye's conjecture.

The combat spear in Vik's hands was a D-grade combat gear, and it didn't seem very impressive. By relying on the inherited memories of Jupiter, Jodye felt confident that the boost this D-grade Combat Spear provided would be less than 15%. This was not scary at all. Thus, Jodye simply smiled gently and kept stepping forward.

Little River was silently staring at this mysterious boy without blinking.

Vik Saver grew nervous when he saw that the boy didn't even flinch in reaction to his aura. He injected his origin energy into his combat spear to increase his intimidation. The white light spheres instantly increased to 63.

"Boss! Eh, what's this now?"

"Boss, you caught her! Eh?"

"Is the boss about to fight someone?"

The six goons in the shack had finally come out to check the commotion, only to see their leader in full battle mode facing a refined looking noble brat.

"Right on time, grab the girl while I take him out boys!" bellowed Vik Saver as he dashed forward full of aggression.

Vik didn't fear that he couldn't slaughter this brat. However, he had been worried that the kid could distract him long enough for the girl to escape! Ultimately, this kid was here for the girl. In Vik's opinion, that was the only logical reason as to why this noble youth had yet to attack. The only way Vik was able to picture this brat rescuing little River in this situation would be her running away while they fought, as it was indeed possible if the brat in front of him had the speed. However, with his gang here, Vik needn't worry about such things. The girl could not escape anymore.

Vik Saver released his perfected nascent voodoo concept and made a strange hand seal, as curse marks appeared all over his arm. The curse mark burst into the atmosphere before pouring into the combat spear. The curse marks on the spear emitted an eerie glow that covered the blade at the end before transforming into a soft violet fire!

"Curse Art: Will-O-Wisp!"

Jodye was shocked! This seemed to be a curse that had already been prepared beforehand and was now being loaded onto the combat gear. Presumably, getting hit with the weapon would mean getting hit with the curse. Jodye felt enlightened, "So just like spells can be saved into a staff, curses can be saved on the body for later use. This indeed makes curse arts more difficult to deal with. I wonder, are there any consequences for this? Spells stored in staffs lack the intensity of a fresh spell. Who knows what crazy curses a voodoo expert would have tattoed on his body? If they didn't lose strength, for instance, or gained more strength instead, how terrifying would that be? There's a reason the south is a Voodoo State. It seems my understanding of the laws of life and death are still far too shallow."

Sigma Octanis taught Jodye and Dessa a lot about alchemy, but true to their arrangement his martial dao lessons were genuinely sparse. Sigma only told Jodye things that he was asked directly. He wanted to lure the boy into accepting him as a master. However, due to Jodye's overwhelming intelligence, he was able to understand some truths from a battle alone. This was how he came to possess his current strength! This was why he looked down on having a master. Plus, why should he accept a master weaker than his mother? This was an insult to her, who was also Jodye's current master.

For example, Jodye learned more about curse arts by watching Vik Saver, someone whose power he simply didn't fear at all!

Meanwhile, Vik didn't stop there. His perfected nascent-level fire concept merged with his origin qi as they both poured into the combat spear. A multicolored force momentum gathered around the combat spear. The violet flames blazing on the blade of the spear were initially indistinct, but they suddenly became slightly more vivid. Finally, the 25 flaming light spheres condensing in the sky next to the 63 white light spheres suddenly vanished, only to be replaced by 75 brown light spheres once Vik poured in his pure essence force into the combat gear!

All together the qi concentrated into the combat gear wielded by this approaching warrior had reached a startling 238 BP!

Jodye was thoroughly intrigued, but also worried. He had no idea you could pour so much energy into combat gears, Vik even poured his true essence and origin energy in together. Jodye still frowned touching his space ring, and his Scarlet Flame Magic sword appeared in his left hand as he released a tremendous golden atmosphere at the same time. Jodye immediately galvanized his combat seeds, as the images of two giant sky wolves and a divine dragon appeared behind him briefly before fading into his aura. In the sky above Jodye, the origin qi phenomenon already formed 26 white spheres of light which quickly became 71.

In Jodye's opinion, this so-called Vik Saver had shown a competence that was genuinely threatening after all. His use of the arts was far more refined than anything Jodye had faced in the past. The Will-O-Wisp curse that Vik Savor used on his weapon seemed to compliment his own qi powers. The fire and voodoo forces he injected into the gear wouldn't deplete if he stopped infusing them now thanks to the curse maintaining them. This meant that as Vik recovered his curse and fire powers, the momentum of his combat spear would skyrocket.

His weapon would just get stronger and stronger for as much as it could handle.

Jodye's divine energy made this entire process as clear as day to him, so he studied the movement of energy carefully as he released his primary calamity qi and fused it with his primary thunderbolt force forming 105 scarlet golden flaming lightning spheres. Jodye injected his origin qi into his B-grade combat gear the Scarlet Flame Sword. With a boosting effect of 35%, in Jodye's hand this boost increased to 65%. The white lights increased once more to 117 BP. This gave Jodye a total of 222 BP!

Jodye's face was indifferent as qi momentum raged around him fiercely. However, his impassive face only served to infuriate the approaching Vik Saver even more. Behind Vik Saver, the image of a Fire Imp manifested as his aura powered up once more!

253 BP...

255 BP...

258 BP with the momentum still rising!

Flames burst to life around Vik as he used his Innate Skill: Flame Drive!

268 BP...

271 BP with the momentum still rising!

When Vik Saver was a mere three meters away from Jodye, his BP had already risen to 280! Jodye Trill frowned, "So this is how the accumulation of force momentum can change the dynamic of a fight. A once too weak opponent is suddenly so fierce because I let him prepare?"

Vik Saver reached the front of Jodye and no longer hesitated, sweeping out with his spear!