I Will Forgive Your Wrongs

The Greenwood Spirit tried to enter the cave as cracks appeared on both sides of the wall.

"Give me your Life." It screamed at Lin Fang. His voice was so loud that Lin Fang felt his ears bursting. He even had a terrible headache which he related to the annoying voice of the Greenwood Spirit.

The spirit was using brute force to forcefully open the small mouth of the cave. Lin Fang felt despair as he saw the cracks widen. Just when the monster was about to reach Lin Fang, he heard a loud noise as an explosion went off on the Spirits back.

The Greenwood Spirit roared in pain as it tried to move back. Unfortunately, when it tried to move back, the falling rocks trapped its upper body inside while its lower body was trapped outside.

The falling rocks also created a small gap allowing Lin Fang to see what was happening outside. He saw that Flame Princess and crew had surrounded the monster's ass as they started attacking the trapped monster. The highest damage was done by Flame Princess who released fireball after fireball to burn the spirit.

Lin Fang felt so happy that he might decide to forgive the wrongs committed by the Flame Princess. If she heard what he was thinking, then her face would surely have turned black. Why did she need his approval or forgiveness for anything?

As the Greenwood Spirit was being attacked without being able to retaliate, its rage soared and became even more frantic. how could Lin Fang let such a chance for revenge go by, he drew his sword and attacked the spirits face. Since the spirit had initiated the assault, Lin Fang wouldn't get a red name for fighting his own kind.

He used the sword to completely slash up he Greenwood Spirits face who was still screaming in rage. The damage he did was minimal but the satisfaction he got form it was amazing. He was lost in the sweet pleasure of revenge completely missing the weird flash in the monster's eyes.

Flame Princess on the other hand was completely focused on the battle watching out for any unforeseen changes. Even though they were clearly on the winning side, she couldn't help but feel that something wasn't right as if she had missed something important. She just couldn't place her finger on why she felt this way.

Sure enough soon The Greenwood Spirit stopped moving and started laughing like a maniac in its shrill voice. Even though it was laughing, its face clearly showed how much pain it was going through. Lin Fang felt something sink in his heart as he started frantically attacking. A pity it was too late.

"Har-Har-Har, Humans you have forced me to use all the strength that I had been saving for my class breakthrough all these years prematurely and you are going to pay for that. You all better start running now." He shouted. Then he turned its head towards Lin Fang," As for you, I will deal with you once I am done with them, I still need to pay you back for that song you sang for me."

Lin Fang would have attacked the monster again after hearing his statement but he realised that it was useless, all the wounds on the monster had started healing at a rate that was visible to the naked eye. Their was no way he could injure it faster than it recovered.

When Flame Princess heard the words of the Greenwood Spirit, she realised what the problem was. As a boss battle, this was too easy.

"Retreat" She shouted to her men. Even though she was smiling, her voice gave out the anxiousness in her heart. Unfortunately it was too late.

The Greenwood Spirit started reducing in size as its colour went from brown and green to white and green. Its size reduced till it was half that of a human and it actually looked more cute, but no one dared to underestimate this small demon.

Lin Fang checked its states and his face went completely white. Looking at the faces of the other players, it was clear that they had done the same. Its state went like this:

Greenwood Spirit(Unsealed)

Level- 5

Abilities- ??

Specialties- ??

States- ??

This meant that their was at least a 3 state difference in all their states. A jump from level 3 to level 5 was too much. With this number of players, their was no way they could take out a boss of this level and yet the men didn't seem afraid at all. They looked at Flame Princess as if waiting for further orders after the addition of this new factor.

Even though Flame Princess was still smiling, her whole body gave of a gloomy aura. She did expect The Greenwood Spirit to have some hidden cards but never did she expect it to be something like this, their numeric advantage was lost just based on the level of the enemy not to mention its terrifying abilities and even the hidden speciality.

The situation could be summarised in 1 word, terrible. Their was no way they could outrun the spirit if they moved in the same direction and even she, one of the top players of the game didn't see any hope in a head on fight. Their was only one option left-

"Scatter" She ordered. The players as if waiting for her words started running in various directions. She could only hope that some of them would survive and make it to the exit. The Greenwood Spirit seemed to have expected this as its facial expression didn't change at all.

Lin Fang had also started sneaking from the side when he realised something weird. Flame princess stood on the same spot as before not planning on running at all.

Did she want to cover the retreat of her guild mates herself. Lin Fang couldn't help but frown looking at this seen. She wouldn't be able to cover for more than 5 seconds no matter what tricks she had up her sleeve. Their were somethings whose gap couldn't be covered so easily, and one of them was a large level difference like this. So, whats the point of playing the hero?

Even though he thought this, Flame Princess's respect in his heart increased by quite a bit. No wonder her guild members trusted her orders without question. This was a bond that could only be formed by going through many life and death situations together which questioned the loyalty of ones comrades.

Well nothing to do with me, he thought. As he started to move in stealth his headache became worse. He felt that his head would split but he continued walking. He turned back when the 2 were nearly out of his sight to realise that they hadn't moved from their position at all.