
The unconscious Lin Fang seemed far more dangerous than the conscious one. Slowly Lin Fang's eyes opened but what appeared in them weren't his bright clear eyes. His eye sockets and completely turned red and his eyeballs had turned a deep shade of purple and his face was expressionless giving him a total murderous look.

Awakening, the name popped up in Flame Princess's mind as she looked at what was happening to Lin Fang. She was completely shaken inside looking at this scene, but how could it happen to an NPC, she thought in her heart. She only knew about it because she had seen her big brother go through one, and happened to have gone through it herself. Awakening was a very weird phenomenon in the modern world and from the looks of it, it even worked in the virtual world. This happened when the brain and body of a human were affected in a way that allowed it to become stronger in all areas. This awakening was like winning a lucky draw. A person who was weak would awaken his hidden potential allowing him to become a dragon from a frog at the bottom well and soar into the skies. It would not only make training martial arts easier, but it would also make other things like memory, retaining power, bones, muscles, organs etc. stronger.

The major families paid a large amount to have their heirs go through an awakening using artificial means, even her family which was amongst the richest in the world could only get her and her brother awakened. This didn't mean that it was weaker than a natural awakening, on the contrary, it was much better but it had a side effect. The person who was going through the artificial awakening would have a mad streak in which his eyes would turn purple and the said person would kill everything in his/her path, it also had a certain degree of risk to the person who was going through it.

From the looks of it, Lin Fang was going through an artificial awakening and it was better than both, her and her brothers. The deeper the color of purple in the eyes the stronger was the awakening and Lin Fang's eyeballs had turned completely purple, something she had never heard about. The most she had heard before was half the eye turning purple, never full. This was what shocked her the most. This man just who is he, she thought already planning on getting Lin Fang to become one of her aids. If word spread that he went through a full purple awakening the world would surely be in an uproar. She couldn't let such a person get away from her.

What baffled her the most was that even if a person went through the awakening whether NPC if they could or human, would go through it in a controlled environment as long as it was an artificial one. If Lin Fang was going to go through one, then he shouldn't have been in such a place. Just what was going on. What she didn't know was that even Lin Fang was clueless that this was about to happen. This was the final gift of his grandfather who affected his brain while transferring the memories blessing him with one of the strongest awakening in the history, something that would completely change his future.

Lin Fang didn't even look at her at all, his eyes were fixed on the Greenwood Spirit without a change in his expression. Suddenly, he disappeared before her very eyes. But the Greenwood Spirit could follow his movements with a serious expression it used its hand to block the incoming sword. The Greenwood Spirit was pushed back by over 2 feet before it could stop Lin Fang. In this Half- Awakened state, Lin Fang's strength was purely terrifying, something that broke the laws of this virtual world itself.

The block didn't seem to affect Lin Fang's mood as he continued his furious attack. Previously, just like Lin Fang, Flame Princess couldn't keep up with the movements of the Greenwood spirit and was fighting it on instincts. Now that Lin Fang had started fighting the spirit, the battle was completely out of her league. Even though Lin Fang's strength was only temporary, she still couldn't help but be shocked by it. She couldn't see their movements but it wasn't hard to guess from the first attack that Lin Fang shouldn't be at much of a disadvantage. So, she continued her preparations for the grand spell.

If this was the real world, a fight like this would have surely shattered the bones in Lin Fang's body and torn his muscles. This was due to the fact that his strength was increasing at a faster rate than his body could handle. Fortunately, this was the virtual world, even though some of the factors affected by awakening did happen like his eyes turning purple, his strength was limited by the environment of the game thus saving him from terrible injuries. This was one of the reasons why and awakenings so dangerous, some people went crazy due to the pain, while others killed themselves due to their large strength that their bodies couldn't handle. This was why an awakening was done in a controlled environment. The success rate of an awakening actually wasn't that high, it barely reached 25%.

The battle had also shed light upon something that had been confusing her before, like why an NPC was able to go through an awakening. During the battle, Lin Fang's human appearance ability which he made sure would be always activated in the presence of others had completely shattered showing Flame Princess that he was a demon. From there it wasn't hard to guess that the only person who could go through an awakening in the Demon Faction was The Devil WarGod. This made her emotions even more complicated as she didn't know what to think about him. On one hand, he would surely give her a lot of exp. when killed, he also belonged to the demon faction so it was completely justified to slaughter him, but on the other hand, he returned for her in his state making him an acquaintance at least if not a friend, plus he would surely become in the real world in the near future.

The only thing she couldn't understand right now was that why would he go through an awakening when he was playing the game, shouldn't something like this be done under better and safer conditions. She decided to ask him if they ever survived this.

While Flame Princess was organizing her thoughts, there was something going on in Lin Fang's brain. The moment he fell unconscious Lin Fang felt like he had arrived at a distant location far from his home and body. His conscious felt weak, like the dying embers of a candle. He tried to open his eyes but before they could finish opening he felt an excruciating pain everywhere on his body and soul. The pain was far higher than the one he felt during the memory transfer, so much so that Lin Fang felt like committing suicide. Every cell, tissue, nerve, and organ of his body was screaming in pain, asking him to end it.

But Lin Fang didn't let go, he knew, knew that if he let himself fall now, all his dreams and hopes would be shattered, all the sacrifices his grandfather and his mother made would go to waste, the enlightenment he gained just now would go to waste. He wanted to Live and live to the fullest at that.

He writhed in pain and tried to scream but no voice came out of him. he didn't know how long this pain continued for but it felt like an eternity. In reality, barely a minute had passed since he started awakening. Lin Fang slowly felt the pain reduce as his thoughts returned to his body, well virtual body at least. He felt relieved in his heart, he made it. The moment he returned to his body he felt something weird, even though he could see and hear everything in his surroundings, his body wasn't in his control. It felt weird, like sitting on the driver's seat of your car but not being able to drive it, except this wasn't a car, it was his body.

He could see the battle between himself and The Greenwood Spirit and couldn't help but feel impressed. Even though he wasn't personally battling the Spirit, it was his body after all which, even though was on the losing end was still fighting continuously not falling in too much of a disadvantageous position.

What he did notice was that his body felt heavy, like it was surrounded by chains and Lin Fang had the urge to break these chains. The chains were like ants crawling on his body which he wanted to remove and throw away this instant.