
"What is the meaning of this?", She asked him. she tilted her face a little as she looked at the man who stood at the bottom of the garbage hill with a sword pointing upwards and a shivering rabbit on his shoulder.

"The meaning of this is as clear as day, the two of us found this place together. We took care of the Greenwood Spirit together who lead us to this treasure. None of our contributions can be ignored in this whole episode. Thus I feel that we should divide the rewards equally."

Lin Fang stared at her with his glowing eyes. Her words had helped him realise what he had forgotten because of his rage and thirst for revenge. It was her words that reminded him that this was just a game, it didn't matter if he won or lost in this world as it wouldn't really have much of an affect on the real world. It was also her words that helped him realise that he didn't need to be so careful in his every move.

So what if he died once or twice? The only thing he would lose was the his level, experience and gear. But if he kept his head down and used tricks and keeping his head lowered to save these materialistic items, he would lose something far greater, he would lose his self-respect, his honour, his confidence, and, his good heart. That is why he decided to challenge her to a straight out duel instead of a sneak attack like he did previously.

Unknown to him, a trace of appreciation flashed across Flame Princess's eyes as she looked at his confident expression. She would surely have looked down upon him if he had let her take away everything. But he seemed to have changed somehow, he seemed more, how should she put this, yes he seemed more brave and likeable. Maybe it was an affect of his weird awakening she thought.

No matter the cause, she was facing a tough enemy. Initially, their levels were same but their classes and skills had a major difference which created a kind of balance where his escape abilities were better while her battle abilities were stronger.

Now things had changed, his level was higher than hers and the class gap was increased as well, thus while her abilities hadn't changed that much, Lin Fang's strength had grown by leaps and bounds. This is going to be a tough battle, she thought as she raised her staff to chant spells.

Lin Fang seeing her chant instantly charged towards her at full pace. Flame Princess had the same smiling expression as she looked at him rushing towards her but inside, she was sneering at his smile and death seeking behaviour. This guy doesn't even know the duration of chanting various common low levelled spells and yet he still charges forward without a strategy, what a barbarian. The awakening gave him courage but not brains, she thought in her heart.

Lin Fang had only reached half-way to her when her chant finished and five small fireballs appeared which danced on her palms. She took aim on him in less than a seconds with those sharp as an assassin eyes as one of the fireballs shot towards him like a bullet.

Lin Fang instinctively jumped to the left and easily dodged the fireball. What he didn't expect however was that a fireball had been following closely behind the other and was now right in his face. His view had been blocked by the first fireball and this fireball was present exactly in the blindspot.

Since he didn't have time to dodge, he could only use his sword to block the incoming attack. The Fireball blew up on contact as Lin Fang was thrown back. His already damaged blade was damaged even more due to the impact and he was slightly injured with burns all over his body.

Mages are too strong, he thought in his heart. But it was not just the strength of the mage class, it was also the person he was fighting him. Their was no way the manoeuver she pulled just now could be done performed by your average mage. He would have been able to easily kill a normal mage in a head on fight by easily dodging their spells with his fast reflexes. With this the fear he felt of her in his heart increased because of the strength and skills she showed just now, their was also something else inside of him that was pushing him forward to do his best and defeat this humanoid monster. He felt excited, yes excited to have a duel against someone so strong.

Even though his condition looked terrible, the wounds he received could only be called superficial at best. They looked bad but couldn't really do anything to hinder his movements. This was the tyrannical defence of The Demon Wargod Class, something which wasn't easy to break at all by a player lower levelled than himself.

He raised his sword to fight again but looking up at that smiling face, he knew that charging up would be very foolish if she could attack him from such a distance. The only chance he had of winning was if he could bridge the gap between the two. He could only think of one way in this short amount of time. He smiled strangely at Flame Princess as he imagined the revenge he was about to take for the chase across the forest.

Flame Princess felt that something bad was about to happen when she looked at his weird smile. She thought hard about it and still couldn't think of what he could do that would change the situation. Even though his class had broken that weird barrier that she tactfully didn't ask about, he should have used all his aces against the Greenwood Spirit. As a top player of course she wouldn't rule out the possibility that he had other skills but no one could blame her for not thinking that he would suddenly become strong enough to ignore her strongest point i.e her attack.

"TRANSFORM". He shouted as he used his transformation ability. He didn't have to shout 'transform' to use the ability but Lin Fang felt that it was way cooler to use it this way.

To Lin Fang, the rogue's guide steal your stuff was very important and he would do anything in his power to get that book. Of course he considered Flame Princess a friend and wouldn't fall to using his usual level of shamelessness, but that didn't mean that he wouldn't try everything he could in a straight out fight.

The moment he used this ability, the aura which had appeared on the breaking of the seal appeared again. Even the shadow of that metallic monster appeared behind him. But this time something different happened, the shadow pounced onto Lin Fang and started merging with him.

The moment it started merging Lin Fang felt very weird. His skin which was originally pale white in colour started turning silver-ish as if it had scales, his eyes turned bright red and he felt like the world around him had turned completely red. He also seemed to notice more of his surroundings than before. His body grew by a small margin and his upper garments were completely stretched barely keeping themselves together. His body felt like it had boundless strength making him want to roar out loud.

"RRRROOOOOOAAAAARRRRRR", he gave in to his urge after resisting for a bit and a huge sound like that of a thunderclap resounded in the cave. All of this takes a long time to escape but it happened in an instant.

Meanwhile the moment he started transforming the temperature in the cave seemed to rise up by a few degrees as Flame Princess felt a terrifying pressure far stronger than the one she felt when the chains broke bearing down on her. Her body was surrounded by a green glow as she resisted the pressure.

Lin Fang's transformation had completely shaken her. So this was the true might of a legendary class. Her smile grew as she felt her fighting spirit which Lin Fang originally wasn't even able to awaken rising inside of her. This was going to be fun.