Lightning Wind Heaven Technique

As Lin Fang read the guide, he realised that his methods from escaping to fighting had many shortcomings. When he escaped Flame Princess in the beginning, she had been able to catch up easily.

It wasn't because she was amazing at tracking, well she was but the main problem was that he was too bad at hiding his retreat. Then, when it came to fighting he was basically moving on instinct without any skill involved. He was only performing elementary actions with his weapons like stabbing, swinging and like. His skill was too far from his peers and he was using brute force to make up for it.

If he wasn't aiming to make it big like many other people who were playing this game for fun, then his playing style was alright. But if he wanted to become a true pro, then he needed better skills.

All his problems had one solution, 'Lightning Wind Heaven Technique'. He had seen the overview of the technique and it was completely heaven defying. The technique was designed for speed and fast attacking. At its peak, a person would be able to escape from the encirclement of hundreds of martial artist weaker than oneself unharmed. Lin Fang had only heard about techniques which allowed you to take on tens of enemies but never hundreds, Another point of interest was that the description said marital artist, not normal humans giving him a better idea of the skill and making him drool and giggle like a fool. Even though he wouldn't have his cultivation in game, he would still be a able to use its attack patterns from the real life and improve his fighting abilities quickly.

Also, in the real world, his immediate goal was the college exam coming soon, so practicing this technique was on the top of his list right now. His body was taking forever to recover so he decided to leave for a bit and check out his martial technique. Since, he was in the wilderness, his body wouldn't disappear when he logged out, thus he left the rabbit to guard his body while he exited the game.

Two and a half hours had passed since the start of the game when Lin Fang came out of the game capsule. The first thing he did when he came out of the game cabin was to stretch his stiff body a bit, as he was stretching he suddenly felt very hungry as if he had been starved for 3 days. So he went to the kitchen to grab a bite, but he was so hungry that he ate the food of the next three days in a single go before feeling full again. The awakening had affected his appetite as his body needed more calories to cope with the increase in bodily functions. By the time he was done eating, fifteen minutes had passed. Due to his awakening, his body felt very light and the surroundings seemed to have more details than before.

Even his five senses had been strengthened to a whole other level. He had a feeling that time had slowed down in his surroundings. Of course, since his body had improved this much, it had excreted a lot of black waste through sweat turning his white as jade skin black. Thus Lin Fang took a bath immediately after eating his fill. He obviously felt a bit disgusted eating his food in such a state but he just couldn't control his hunger and had given in to his urges.

He finally put everything away as he sat down cross legged and checked the technique in his mind. It was a very weird feeling that Lin Fang got when he looked at the Technique. His grandfather had left this technique in his mind for him to access it any time he wanted. Their were even some experience notes of various people who practised the technique which would come in handy in later levels of the technique.

The martial techniques in the modern world could be categorised into 2 types, breathing and fighting. The breathing techniques helped in forging the body while the fighting techniques as the name suggested helped in increasing battle powers through improvement in skills.

But this was only for the lower level martial techniques. The better martial techniques didn't differentiate between the two and came as one set only of breathing and fighting technique together. What this meant was that a good marital technique was could only be considered high levelled if it had both a breathing and fighting technique which complemented and supported each other.

The Lightning Wind Technique was one such technique. It was divided into two parts, the breathing technique and fighting technique. Lin Fang felt that he should start with the breathing technique first as it would lay a better foundation to practice the fighting technique.

The breathing technique of Lightning Wind Heaven Technique was divided into 12 levels, each level led to a major qualitative change in the body. He first memorised the whole steps of the breathing technique before starting. This was because even though the technique existed in his memory, it wasn't an original part or something he had experienced before. Thus he had to digest the knowledge first before utilising it.

The whole procedure of the technique was very complicated, far more than anything he had ever learned. But he learned the whole technique by heart in 15 minutes which was something that even shocked him. Something like this would have originally taken him days to learn. Maybe it was an effect of the awakening, he thought joyfully in his heart. He didn't know the level of his awakening but it shouldn't be that bad considering the improvement in his physical and analytical abilities. He had tried to ask Flame Princess about his awakening but she had refused to comment on it making the whole thing more mysterious.

As he had finished remembering the whole technique he decided to give it a go before trying out the fighting technique. Since he had reached level 1 rather quickly, he wasn't in that much of a hurry as before. He had also taken a glance at the tutorials of his class and gotten a few ideas on how to earn exp. points quickly.

The technique went in a circle and the time taken by each individual on a certain cycle was different so he didn't know when the cycle would end. He noted down the time before starting a cycle of the breathing technique.

As he went according to what he had learned in his memories. It took him a bit over an hour to finish his first cycle. While he was using the breathing technique, he didn't notice that the moment he started using technique, bright purple glow surrounded his body like fog. His body absorbed this fog like a thirst person in a dessert. This phenomena only lasted for the first 10 minutes before ending.

This was the residual affect of his awakening which had been left in his body. It was completely used up to help Lin Fang complete the 1st cycle and also helped to finish his hunger otherwise he would have heard his stomach's grumbling again the moment he finished the cycle.

Lin Fang didn't know about any of this, he just felt that his mind felt clearer after using the technique. Even his body felt like its temperature had fallen by a bit making him feel cool all over. It was a nice feeling. Maybe I am a martial artist genius he thought in his heart. According to the memories left behind in him, his progress today for his first attempt had been quite good. He couldn't help but feel excited in his heart. He felt like he had scored a hundred in one of his exams.

Unfortunately, he was covered in black filth again. Even though it was less than before, the quantity difference wasn't that big. This time he didn't go and take a bath immediately.

"I should try the fighting technique as well first", he thought in his heart as he checked out the information about the fighting technique. He would have to take a third bath as well if practising the fighting technique made him sweat again.

He sat down crosslegged once more and started digesting the second half of the technique.