Schemes Within Schemes

The man didn't want to waste his time the moment Lin Fang left. He turned around to return to his original position when he felt the wind blow past him.

"Weird, why is it so windy all of a sudden.", he thought. His chain of thought was quickly distracted by his friends who were shouting at him to hurry back.

Lin Fang looked at back at the group of players and sneered in his heart. His stealth skills were really terrible in the past but after reading the guide 'Steal your Stuff', he had realized many of his previous mistakes which led to people with a bit higher preception finding him easily.

With his current stealth skills, even though he wouldn't be able to hide his presence from someone as skilled as Flame Princess, it wasn't too hard to hide from these guards who went for quantity over quality.

Lin Fang quickly dodged his way through the hoard of players to the entrance and jumped inside. He felt excited as this was going to be his first dungeon. Although technically, he couldn't finish a dungeon since he wasn't human.

The moment he entered, he felt a chilly breeze blow from the path ahead making his body cold. He looked around like a villager entering the city at this world of ice. It was completely different from the world outside with trees covered in white, small hills of snow, the snow slowly falling from the bright blue skies gave this place the feeling of a paradise.

Lin Fang was dazed for a few seconds before he returned to reality and walked down the suspiciously clean(without any snow) road as if it had been laid there just so that people don't get lost and wander somewhere else 'accidentally'.

Of course, thoughts like these didn't come to Lin Fang's mind as he moved forward with a smile humming a tune and glanced brightly at anything that looked minutely interesting to him.

If any monster approached him, he would stop using human appearance and scare him away. he didn't meet any other NPC or player the whole way for some reason. All the things were going smoothly until he realized a problem. His human appearance had run out of time forcing his demon marker out.

"Sh*t", he thought in his heart, "Now what?"

He quickly pulled out that black mask from is storage and covered half of his face with it once again looking like a bandit. He checked the surroundings to see if anyone from the human faction was present. After making sure that everything was fine, he left the area moving forward.

Meanwhile, Human Faction capital "Ruby of the North":

The Capital of the Human Faction, also known as 'Ruby of the North' was bustling with people. It was a place surrounded by massive walls to protect from any demon invasions, the streets were full of people dressed in colorful clothes enjoying the hustle. It almost felt like a medieval city with guards patrolling the area, the various inns, and massive old shops.

"Father! Father, this game is amazing", a cute girl of around Lin Fang's age ran up to a serious looking man. This man was standing near a cross section and looking at the surroundings. He was the president of Omni Corp who was sitting in his office not so long ago.

"En", even though his face was still paralyzed, his eyes had warmth in them as he looked at the girl behaving like a brat.

The girl had features similar to the woman that had been in the office but her eyes matched the person in front, making her look stunning. She seemed dissatisfied that the person didn't laugh at her cute act and couldn't help but pout.

"Brat, don't trouble father.", A voice came from behind the girl. The person walking up looked completely similar to the girl except for his gender.

The girl turned her head and greeted the man with a tongue shouting," Who are you calling a brat, you are just ten seconds older than me alright."

The person gave the girl a look of disdain at her actions which were completely unlady like. Even though his expression showed this, his thought was something else completely. This schemer, he thought in his heart, she was clearly acting cute to gain points with father so that she had an edge in the game. He would never allow this. The way they played this game and their achievements would affect the rights of the inheritance, he wasn't foolish enough to allow her to do as she pleased.

Meanwhile, the girl's thoughts were also deeper than what showed on her face. She was sneering at this foolish brothers' of her who thought that the world revolved around him. He wouldn't even know what hit him when the time came for them to battle in the game. Thinking about his lacking IQ she couldn't help but want to laugh till her death.

Both brother and sister were scheming against in each other but didn't let it show on their faces. Aristocrate families were cruel this way, to survive you must be strong and coldblooded to the bones.

As the president of Omni Corp, how could the cold man not see the schemes of his own children who were still wet behind the ears? They had both been hostile towards each other since young as both of them were a bit too smart. While his son felt that as the elder one and being a boy, he should inherit his father's throne, his daughter didn't want to back down easily trying to prove that she was better than her brother at everything.

He had tried many times to bridge the gap between the two but it none of them had worked. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart thinking about how quickly his children grew up.

At this moment, his secretary walked up from one of the roads.

"Sir, young master, young miss", he greeted the three of them. The twins nodded their heads in acknowledgment while the man continued his observation of the surroundings as if he hadn't heard him at all.

Looking at his boss staying silent like usual, he continued speaking, "Sir, we have found a few players in Greenwood City that have agreed to help us contact The Demon WarGod. He seems to have entered a dungeon so we will have to wait until he comes out."

The man nodded his head after hearing his words. The secretary sighed in relief after seeing that his boss had taken the news of delay without getting angry.

"Father, I want to be the one to get in contact with him.", The girl shouted. This was the legendary class Demon WarGod Ah!, how could she let it go so easily. She would surely get a strong aid if she could get him to her side by doing him a favor in real life or something.

The man shook his head immediately after hearing her clearly stating his answer. He needed the person controlling the Demon WarGod's help to manage his children in-game and make sure they didn't fight to the death when he wasn't online. Of course, he would try his best to make sure that this guy didn't pick one of them as his boss.

The girl seemed surprised that her father refused her. She was the star of his eyes, normally he wouldn't say no to her for anything so why now. Did he guess what I was thinking, she thought in her heart.

Meanwhile, her twin brother, sighed in relief when he saw his father shake his head. If she really did get a legendary class's help, things would surely become tricky for him as he would fall to the backfoot. He started cooking up his own strategy to contact and get this person on his side.

Even though the cold man saw through their thoughts in a jiffy, he didn't voice them out as he ordered his secretary to watch Lin Fang's movements closely and contact him the moment he came out.