Heavenly Daggers' Epic Adventure(Part 2)

"It was the third one, wasn't it.", Lin Fang said.

"How did you know?", Heavenly Dagger asked with a surprised expression on his face.

Because you are a moron, he thought in his heart as his lips twitched and he said, "Just a lucky guess. Anyway, forget about my guess, what happened next?"

Heavenly Dagger expression changed to a shy one as he continued, "So, I ran up to her and did the third routine. I must have done something wrong as I was beaten even more terribly than last time."

If you weren't beaten, were you expecting her to through herself into your arms after such a dialogue? Thought Lin Fang

"Then I did what every logical man would have done after being rejected.", Heavenly Dagger said with a haughty expression.

"I tried the other two methods as well to win her heart."

The little hope which had been rekindled in Lin Fang's heart about this guys future was immediately vanquished, he would die single.

"I feel sorry for you. You must have been devasted due to the multiple rejections from the one you love.", Lin Fang tried to console him but his twitching lips revealed his inner thoughts.

"What do you mean?", Heavenly Dagger asked with a confused expression.

The poor man has been shocked dumb, no wonder he was behaving like this, Lin Fang looked at him with pity in his eyes.

"I mean that she was just a girl, you shouldn't waste your life ov-"

"She accepted my confession.", Heavenly Dagger cut him off.

"No need to tell me how sad- WHAT what did you say?", Lin Fang felt like he had heard something wrong.

"She accepted my confession.", Heavenly Dagger patiently repeated.

This time, Lin Fang was sure that he had heard right. He stopped moving as he looked at Heavenly Dagger with an expression of total disbelief. He was trying to see if the man was lying to save himself some dignity but it didn't seem like it.

"Why did you stop?", Heavenly Dagger asked as he stopped and looked at him with a confused expression, he couldn't get what was wrong with Fallen Angel. First, he was asking stupid questions and now, he suddenly stopped running to stare at him. Was his brain alright?

"Nothing, just continue with your story and explain in detail the part where she accepted your confession.", Lin Fang came back to his senses as he replied with a forced smile. His smile was so ugly that he looked like he wanted to cry. Why was this world so unfair? Even a fool like this could get a girl so why had he never met any girl who liked him.

He compared his face with Heavenly Dagger and he was clearly superior in every single way. Were his skills that bad? It wasn't actually Lin Fang's fault that he couldn't win the hearts of women. Since young, he had been unable to talk to any one of the other gender like a normal person.

Every time he would try to hit on a girl, his body would clamp up and he would behave like a total fool scaring the girl away. This has happened over three times, Just when he thought that he really liked a girl and tried to flirt with her. She would first smile brightly after seeing his handsome ten pointer face but would immediately run away after he tried talking to them. Of course, Flame Princess was not included in the so-called other gender. Her behavior was too much like that of a demon than a girl so she was an exception.

When he complained about this to his grandfather, instead of helping him, he had laughed like a madman every time he saw Lin Fang for the next three days.

This is why Lin Fang couldn't control the jealousy in his heart when he learned that even someone with low IQ like this was able to get a woman. Heavenly Dagger had no idea that he had been the target of jealousy of a certain person who wasn't able to talk to girls.

"So, after being brutally beaten three times, I decided that this wasn't working so I straight up confronted her. I walked up to her and said, I love you but I don't know what you love. So tell me what you love and I will bring it for you so that you can fall in love with me."

There was so much 'Love' in this sentence that Lin Fang felt like he was seeing stars. Even sh*t pick up lines like these worked nowadays. Just where was this world moving towards.

"Unfortunately this didn't work either and once again, I was beaten to a ground but this time something was different. She didn't hit me as hard as she did the last few times. This time, she even left a cheap medicine behind, she is such a softy.", He said with a warm smile on his face while smoke of jealousy came out of Lin Fang's body.

"And thus for the final time, I, after keeping that medicine safe in my storage as a memento and healing my wounds from my own money, I walked up to her and said, you like me don't you, so why all this refusal and running around, come let me take you home and you can beat me as much as you want when we get married. But not in front of the kids."

That accelerated, from like to marriage to kids.

"When I said this, she genuinely laughed for the first time since I had met her. She looked so beautiful that I wanted to keep her in a cage at home and never allow her outside in fear that someone else might see it."

Again, your love is different from what a normal person would define it as. Lin Fang wondered if he should find out the girls name and call her to tell her about how her 'lover' was planning to kidnap and cage her. Since he couldn't be happy, why must other people find love? They should always stay single dogs.

But thinking about the fact that Heavenly Dagger could be considered half-a-friend and that a girl who could fall for such pickup lines would surely not be less weird than this guy, he barely controlled his urge. Love was blind so maybe the woman of this guys dreams wasn't as beautiful as he imagined. Maybe she was very fat and ugly looking, so much so that she lowered her standards and allowed Heavenly Dagger a chance. Yes, that's it, he consoled himself, no need to feel sad.

"But after that, her expression grew pained as she looked at me.", the always oblivious to Lin Fang's thoughts Heavenly Dagger continued, "She said that she was from a major family and she would surely be married to someone else in order to stabilize and strengthen her family."

As Heavenly Dagger said this, the aura around him grew as sharp as a sword and his eyes seemed to have a hint of red. Even though Lin Fang had only read about this in books, he didn't need to waste too many brain cells to realize that this pressure was bloodlust. However, since he was feeling it for the first time he didn't know how to judge if the bloodlust was strong or weak.

If he did, he would realize that the amount of bloodlust released by Heavenly Dagger was too strong. He couldn't have reached this stage without climbing across a mountain of corpses...

But this didn't stop Lin Fang from realizing that Heavenly Dagger's background wasn't simple. Just where does he come from, Lin Fang thought in his heart. Not everyone could have bloodlust. Only those people who had gone through hell or had a terrible experience usually had bloodlust. Since Heavenly Dagger had bloodlust, maybe he really did fall too deep for that girl to the point that her every move could generate waves in Heavenly Dagger's heart, otherwise, his past was...

"I told her that if she told me her real name and location, I would surely come for her but she refused. She said that if I couldn't even defeat her, I had no right to even look for her family", He said as the bloodlust released grew. Lin Fang even started worrying that someone with high perception would notice them if this continued but seeing Heavenly Dagger's expression, he thought that it was better to let this guy release some steam.

"So, we made a deal. If I can defeat her in-game in two months time, she would tell me her real-life details but if I fail, I must forget about her.", The bloodlust vanished as suddenly as it appeared. All that was left on Heavenly Dagger's face was infinite determination.

"And thus, here we are, I took the hidden class quest to improve my strength as quickly as possible and quickly get her.", He looked towards Lin Fang but his expression was still cold and he had red eyes as he looked at Lin Fang, "The only reason I am even following you is for her. If we fail and this gives me a major setback, I will never forgive you."

After he finished his part, both of them continued there journey each with their own thoughts. So he wanted to tell me about why this quest was so important to him, Lin Fang sighed in his heart. They each carried a burden while trying to hide their feelings behind a fake mask they created to protect their fragile heart. The two were too similar, except Heavenly Dagger dared to talk and Lin Fang hid his aching heart inside, not letting anyone see it. That was the difference between the two.

After a while, the Southern Academy came into there view as they covered the distance left quickly.

"We have arrived at our first destination.", Lin Fang said in a quiet voice. The previous atmosphere was shattered as they got ready for what's to come. They both had cold expressions on their faces after their chat.