Inside the Castle

Lin Fang and Heavenly Dagger hide in the shadows as they ran towards the two-night shift guards. Since it was night time, the City Lord's castle reduced the guards outside from five to two. The other three would rest inside in their quarters for a period of time and switch with the people outside every hour or so.

The two guards felt the presence of something approaching at roughly the same time but they were too late. Two daggers appeared out of the shadows and flew towards there heads at a fast speed. The two tried to shift out of the way but they weren't fast enough as the daggers sent them to the afterlife. They weren't even given a chance to scream.

Lin Fang and Heavenly Dagger used their hands to catch the bodies before they fell before dragging them to the corner of the bridge and throwing them into the water. The two of them also kept an eye around to see if there was anyone watching the area in their immediate surroundings from the castle wall. The did this even though they had studied the guard's movement patterns as they weren't sure when the shift might change. You could never be too careful.

The two walked up to the door as Lin Fang blew away the torch, someone might realize that the guards weren't there if they saw no one under the torch. It would be better if it was dark as it would take time for the guards to react even if they could find out about what happened or were suspicious.

The gate of the castle was a mixture of two different gates. A small door was built into the bigger gate for daily commuters for whom, the guards didn't need to open the whole gate. They walked up to the small door and Lin Fang pulled out a small keychain which he had taken from the dead guard's body. This was the only set of keys that he had found after searching the two guards.

He tried various keys until he found the suitable one which fit. Finally, one of the keys worked and the small door with a creak. Heavenly Dagger and Lin Fang looked inside before once again giving each other a glance, both of there eyes were bright with determination. The stepped into the castle at the same time. Blood, was about to flow.

The two of them moved as if they had practiced together for many years perfectly completing each other. Heavenly Dagger like Lin Fang was a rogue and unlike what his name suggested, he preferred to use one-handed longswords instead of daggers. According to him, his name was to create a misconception among his enemies making it easier for him to gain an advantage through the element of surprise.

The two of them were quick and clean with there actions not giving the enemy any time to react. Since the only people who could threaten them had left the castle, it would be pretty easy for them to slaughter there way around the castle. They didn't leave anyone in their path alive as they knew that if even one of the dead bodies was found, the whole city would awaken and they would have to escape.

Thus every time they killed somebody, they would hide their bodies, either in the closet or under the bed or in even in the grass. Like this, their kills reached a shocking twenty-five with most of them being Lin Fang's.

The experience bar which had been stagnant for a few days shot up like a fast bullet. Lin Fang felt giddy looking at the bar rising up. Even though it was very easy for him to kill these guards, it didn't mean they were weak. Their strength was actually average but they gave enough experience to Lin Fang.

Soon, he met the requirements for leveling up.

{Would you like to level up}

A notification popped up in front of him. Lin Fang accepted without hesitation. He felt the warm flow of current once again in his body as his strength soared, it was a very comfortable feeling. With this increase in level, Lin Fang wasn't even afraid of fighting a level 6 head-on. This gave the two a lot of free reign in the castle. Every two levels, Lin Fang gained a free stat point which he kept in reserve for now. He would surely use it later carefully.

The rise in his level increased his strength and his killing speed increased as they moved forward from one room to another, looking for the object. They didn't dare to pick a guard randomly as he might scream for his companions before they could even question him ruining the whole plan.

As the two people continued the massacre, Lin Fang realized two problems. The first one was that they were running out of time, since the two of them had entered the castle, forty-five minutes had passed and the City Lord should return in about an hour from now according to him and they still hadn't seen a trace of the stone at all. Not even a hint.

The second problem was that both he and Heavenly Dagger were too calm. The two of them had killed a large number of people, even though those people were given fast deaths, this didn't mean that this was normal underage behavior (Looking at there similarities, Heavenly Dagger is taken to be an underage male).

Heavenly Dagger's past was mysterious so he couldn't really say about him but what was wrong with him, he had lived a sheltered life since young and never even fought someone let alone killing. Was this an effect of his awakening, he thought as his eyebrows scrunched into a frown.

Lin Fang realized that he was changing quickly, before he used to always smile and had a warm aura around him. But since his awakening happened and he started practicing martial arts, he seemed to become cold and even his usual smile was removed to form a cold expression. He realized that he was slowly losing his emotions as if someone was pulling them out of him.

Killing or a murder that would have once bothered him to the point that he vomited blood now, he was performing a massacre and it was as simple and easy as drinking tea or eating food. He pushed his surging emotions to the back of his mind as he and Heavenly Dagger continued the search but he just couldn't get this uneasy feeling out of his heart that he would lose something very important if it continued like this.

Just when he was starting to feel conflicted on whether to continue or not, Heavenly Dagger's excited voice came into his ears as he came back to reality from his thoughts.

"Here, Here Brother Fallen Angel, look at this."

Heavenly Dagger had insisted on calling him Brother Fallen Angel instead of using Fallen Angel direct like Lin Fang had told him to but he continuously ignored him on this topic as if he wouldn't change his mind no matter how much he persuaded. Thus Lin Fang decided to let it be, it's just adding Brother to the front.

Lin Fang walked up behind him to see inside the room and find out what he had found. When he looked inside, Lin Fang was very delighted as there it sat 'The Stone of Ice King, in the middle of the room full of ice which covered the walls, the statues on each side of the path that lead to it and even the ceiling. He felt so excited thinking about the rewards and he even wanted to scream in joy but his expressions didn't show on his face as he looked at there objective with a calm demeanor even if he was bursting inside.

Fortunately, it was in a secluded area of the castle so not many guards were in the surroundings and most of them had been cleared by the duo. Otherwise, the guards would surely have noticed the sudden fall in the temperature and come to check on the stone to see if anything was wrong.

Unfortunately, the place in front of them was clearly boobytrapped and getting the stone out of here and escaping before the CIty Lord arrived would surely not be an easy job.