No Escape

Heavenly Dagger felt really guilty inside his heart. If not for his hurry, things would never reach such a stage but there was no time to say sorry. The whole City was awakening and the Castle would surely be surrounded quickly. Their biggest priority right now was to escape.

Heavenly Dagger quickly picked up the stone and ran towards the exit. Since the arrow trap had already been disabled it did not attack him again.

Lin Fang did not need someone to specially tell him to escape as he ran at full pace the moment Heavenly Dagger caught up. The both of them exploded with full speed leaving afterimages behind as they dashed towards the main gate of the castle. Heavenly Dagger was a bit slower than Lin Fang even though he was covered in the red glow may be due to using it for an extended period.

A few guards appeared ahead of them and raised there swords and shields to hold them down until reinforcements arrived. Unfortunately, these pitiful guards couldn't do anything to the duo who jumped and ran along the wall like lizards ignoring the blockade and continuing towards the gate like an unstoppable tornado.

They met a lot of guards along the way but using various means, they were always able to escape from a fight until they reached the gate of the castle. The doorway through which the duo had entered the Castle was still a hundred meters away from them (The doorway is in the Castle wall while the Castle Gate is the Doorway into the castle).

But this hundred meters were covered in a shining silver of helmets. There was a massive number of guards that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere blocking there way and standing in front of these guards was a thin and tall figure. Lin Fang and Heavenly Dagger couldn't see his face but the aura he radiated was enough to tell them that he was a strong opponent, a Level 5 at least with a strong class.

"That's far enough Thiefs, surrender and I Meng Liu might let you all live.", the man in the lead shouted. His voice sounded a little hoarse. This was normal for military personnel as they had to scream a lot for there commands to be heard. This cracked their voice due to screaming their lungs out many times a day.

Just a little more, thought Heavenly Dagger, just a little more and we would have made it. It was natural for him to feel frustrated in such a situation. They had done everything amazingly well but due to his mistake they were trapped with no escape, how could he not feel guilty?

Meanwhile, the expression on Lin Fang remained the same as he unconsciously glanced towards his transformation ability. This ability was unnaturally strong but he was not sure that he could make it out of here alive with Heavenly Dagger even after using it, this ability didn't make him a God and the time limit was a major problem.

But looking at the closed door, he couldn't help but feel a bit depressed in his heart. This feeling only lasted for a second before being overtaken by determination. His eyes flashed with fighting spirit as he looked at the closed gate once again a hundred meters away ignoring the massive mountain of blades in the middle. I would never know if I can actually make it across until I try it, Lin Fang thought as he took a battle stance.

Heavenly Dagger was a bit surprised when he saw Lin Fang get ready for a fight. But he only hesitated for a little while then started laughing loudly, "Yes, if I am going down, I won't go down without a fight. So come, COME and try to kill me but know, that the first to attack would surely die."

Heavenly Daggers' name above his head was burning red as he had killed a few people inside further intensifying the effect of his provocation but the group of soldiers seemed unfazed as they stood there ground like they heard nothing.

Heavenly Dagger had already let go of the emotions of guilt in his heart as faced this crowd of well trained and disciplined soldiers. The red aura surrounding him seemed to grow eviler as he also took a battle stance ready to fight to his death as well. Both him and Lin Fang were similar in this way, both had wills that were near impossible to bend.

The leader of this troop seemed surprised by there reaction. He took another glance at these two cloaked figures, hearing the voice of Heavenly Dagger, he could tell that he was quite young. He couldn't help but feel pity that someone as talented as these two who had achieved so much in such a young age had walked on the path of no return. Even though they couldn't compare to the talents living in the capital, they would surely have been a useful asset to the city if they had worked for the good of the people.

But instead, they used their abilities for evil leaving him, the leader of the reserve forces with no choice but to cut there heads and give them to the city lord as an apology from the army for allowing such a breach in the defense of the castle. His eyes flashed with cruelty as he looked at the two people in front as if they were dead men.

"Surround and Kill", he shouted. The soldiers who had been unaffected by Lin Fang and Heavenly Dagger's aura and Heavenly Dagger's speech and had stood in the same place like statues finally started moving. They raised their weapons (Long spear and large shield) as the looked at Lin Fang and Heavenly Dagger ready to retaliate if the two even moved in the slightest. Those in the back ranks started to move to the left and right while those in the middle moved forward trying to form a u-shaped figure with Heavenly Dagger and Lin Fang in the center.

How could Heavenly Dagger and Lin Fang allow such a predictable formation to form itself and give them a predestined death? The two of them roared like the beasts which were trapped in a cage and ready for their final struggle and charged towards the enemies in the middle.

"Defend", Men Liu shouted calmy as he looked at the two from the middle of the formation. His technique was actually too simple to be called a formation, all his men were doing was surrounding the enemy and overpowering them with numbers or this was what it looked like on the surface.

The men listened to his words and raised their shields to block the two incoming enemies. However, the two didn't stop there advance as they moved at lightning speed towards the middle soldiers. All the troops had stopped their advance as they looked at the two silhouettes who were rushing to their deaths with expressionless eyes.

Lin Fang and Heavenly Dagger were so engrossed in their final attempt to save there lives that they didn't notice the sneer forming on Meng Liu's face. Such amateurs, he thought in his heart, how did they even enter the Castle and steal something?

The moment the two reached in attacking range of the spears a changed suddenly happened in the formation. The outer flanks of the middle formation suddenly started moving forward. Lin Fang realized what was wrong and immediately pulled Heavenly Dagger back as they moved to their original position. Heavenly Dagger also realized the perilous situation and allowed Lin Fang to pull him back

"At least you two are not all dumb.", Meng Liu said in a ridiculing tone.

Meanwhile, Lin Fang's back was covered in cold sweat, if the two of them had been surrounded, there already minimal chances of survival would surely hit zero. Just as he was thinking about how to attack the enemy, the two right and left flanks of the original troop started moving again to form that U-shape.

Looking at this scene, Lin Fang couldn't help but feel hopeless. The enemy was playing very carefully and wanted to win without a single casualty. His goal from the start wasn't to kill the two of them at all, he wanted to keep them trapped until the City Lord returned. While Lin Fang and Heavenly Dagger were running out of time, the enemy had all the time in the world to play them to their deaths.

Killing the two would surely lead to a few soldiers of this elite unit dying, thus Meng Liu came up with this idea. If the two attacked any side, the other's would move to surround them so that they could attack the duo from the back.

This meant that if Lin Fang and Heavenly Dagger tried to advance unless they had the ability to self-destruct their bodies, they would be killed before they could even put up a fight and kill anybody. Retreat, the thought came to the duo's mind but they were unwilling. Where could they run to inside the castle? The whole place was already swarming with a bunch of guards and the City Lord could arrive at any time. They had to escape and quickly at that.