
I am once again an idiot, thank for the reminder. 55,000 silvers are just 1.9% of Qianyu Kingdom's treasury (I decided that the treasury should have 1 billion USD). 77%....Now that I think about it, it seemed too exaggerated...too poor...even I began to pity his tiny


Was breaking someone's heart cruel?

Staring at her for a bit, Song Hui Yao said, "Anything to get it off my pitiful tail."

"Even the so-called 'Forbidden Relationship'?" Zhu Xiao Wan stopped her eyes from blinking to dry her eyes and make it seemed a bit bloodshot.

Song Hui Yao's eyebrows rose, "Between siblings?"

Zhu Xiao Wan nodded, her eyes had become slightly watery because of the dryness.


Tang Rue was about to show herself in front of they when she heard the voice of a girl saying: "Is it true that Big Brother will be married?"

"Who told you that?"

Once she heard the voice of the person that responded, Tang Rue stood still in her spot.

"Princess You Yan told Xue Lian that Big Brother will marry her..." Zhu Xiao Wan's voice was slightly choked.

Nervously, Tang Rue was waiting to hear the expected answer of Song Hui Yao. But he didn't give an answer nor reply to Song Xue Lian.

Song Xue Lian sniffed, "Why...? Big Brother promised Xue Lian that you'll never leave Xue Lian...!"

Patting her back then Song Hui Yao stroked her head. "When did I said I am going to marry her?"


"Also, when the emperor decided to give her to me as compensation. I said that you will decide for me, didn't I."

"Then Big Brother wouldn't leave Xue Lian again, right?"

"Big Brother had never left you nor will I in the future." Song Hui Yao smiled. His eyes were full of gentleness and affection as he looked lovingly at Song Xue Lian.

She stared at him for a bit before hugging him. "Xue Lian don't like Princess You Yan."

Pat pat

Her head was gently patted by his hand. "Then wait here, Big Brother will go back to reject the emperor's proposal properly."

"Mmm." Nodding her head, Song Xue Lian loosened her grip on him.

Tang Rue at this moment was very angry but was also shocked silly as she stood in the same place dumbfounded. 'Song Xue Lian...Song Xue Lian! It's you! It's you that ruin my happy ending, you slut!!'

As soon as Song Hui Yao left, Tang Rue walked out and strode towards Zhu Xiao Wan. "Xue Lian?"

Zhu Xiao Wan wiped her eyes then turned to Tang Rue, saying, "Your Highness? What are you doing here?"

"What is Xue Lian doing here, then?" She quirked her brow as she asked.

"Xue Lian...Xue Lian is waiting for Big Brother to come back..."

There was a moment of silence and after that while, Tang Rue glanced at Zhu Xiao Wan. "This princess must go back now."

When Tang Rue was passing, intentionally, she put her hand onto Zhu Xiao Wan's shoulder. Zhu Xiao Wan was sitting on the edge of a fountain. With a slight amount of strength, Tang Rue successfully shoved Zhu Xiao Wan into the pond.

"Ahh!" Zhu Xiao Wan screamed. This was quite unexpected, being pushed into the pond.

Grinning, Tang Rue looked at her with delight as she watched Song Xue Lian struggling in the cold pond. She turned and was ready to leave, but...

Unfavourable for her, the scene was watched by Song Hui Yao and another person - the emperor. He followed Song Hui Yao voluntarily because he wanted to check Song Xue Lian's condition. But who would have expected it to be like this? It was unthinkable for Tang Tian to accept the fact that his daughter did such a thing. But it was happening right before his eyes, he witnessed it with his own eyes.


"Father Emperor!" Tang Rue hissed in panic. Then her gaze travelled to Song Hui Yao, upon noticing his freezing cold eyes, her heart quivered.

Song Hui Yao sped to pull Song Xue Lian out of the pond and hugged her, "Are you all right?"

Shivering as she tried to open her eyes, her teeth clattering. "Cold...!"

"Hot tea was not enough that you need to push Xue Lian into the frigid pond, too?" He questioned but it sounded more like he was criticizing her. Song Hui Yao faintly glared at Tang Rue before he turned and left with the soaked Song Xue Lian in his embrace.