Little Kitten is Reincarnated


'Huh? What happened...'

'How?... How can I think like a human...'

Those were her first thoughts when she came into consciousness. Her eyes that laid shut, slowly blinked open, revealing her brilliantly sharp eyes that glittered in a mixture of a red and greenish glow.

Lifting her head she found herself in a field of grass that spanned many acres. Mountains and a forest littered the horizon and the sky was picturesque in a soft orange glow.

Looking at her own body, she found that her previous fluffy orange fur had changed to a soft and luxurious silver. Stuck in shock for a moment, she flew up and began studying her body more intently. She found that not only did her fur's colour and texture change, but she had also shrunken a lot. If she were to guess, she would guess that she was about the size of a 2-3 month old kitten.

'How did this happen. The last thing I remember is being struck by a... What do the humans call them... Ah, a car. And then... I guess I died. So... I've reincarnated?'

'But how did I become so smart, how can I think like this... I understand being reincarnated, but why can I remember my past life as a street cat and why am I already aged a little and where are my parents? Having a different body shows that I've not been teleported...'

'Aaargh. This isn't important. If I don't find myself a way out of here I'm going to eventually starve to death!'

With this thought, the little silver kitten's ethereal eyes began to explore her surroundings intently, hoping to find any signs of humans. For where there are humans, there is also food. As she narrowed her eyes in her search, something really shocking happened as she suddenly felt a mysterious feeling begin to swell up in her eyes as her already good sight of a cat heightened to an astonishing degree. Suddenly she could somehow see things from afar very clearly, helping her in her search.

'What is this... This new body is amazing!'

With this new sight, she flew her gaze over the horizon until she found something that made her little cute mouth twitch in excitement. SMOKE!

Where there is smoke there's fire, and where there is fire there is likely to be humans. With this thought process, the little cat didn't pause before leaping into a sprint. Who knew if they were only staying there temporary, she must quickly find them. Luckily it was just morning, giving her plenty of time to arrive there before night would fall and darkness would cloud her sight... Or...

'Actually, this new sight might improve my night vision as well... I'll have to check at night for that!'

Rushing through the knee high grass (for a little kitten), she continued her mad dash to the forest when she encountered a feeling of deja vu as she felt that swirling of mysterious energy flow around her once again. This time it enraptured her four paws and the little silver cat suddenly felt her paws harden into a never seen before new strength boosting her sprint to normally unimaginable speeds. She was now speeding through the grass in a mad dash.

'Amazing! This body is amazing! Hahahaha!'

The little silver cat's mind was abuzz in her excitement, she had always loved the feeling of the wind flowing through her soft fur as she ran and with this new found speed she loved it even more. Her speed seemed to increase the further along she ran until she was reaching the realms of a cheetah's speed. It was at this point that the little cat had the realization that this really isn't normal. Enhanced vision was one thing, but for her little body to run this fast... It dawned on her that this place might not be the same place she had always known, and with this realization dawned a new found anxiousness...

'Just where am I?...'