Little Kitten in Danger

The little silver kitten didn't ponder on this thought for too long however. Right now, her survival was more important and she was getting close to the forest. It had only taken her less than ten minutes to reach the forest and upon entering she found herself cooled by the shade of a dozen trees. The trees in this forest were quite common, though they were rather large with several twigs intertwining with each other. The blue sky above could only be seen through minute gaps between the dark green shrubbery of the trees.

The little silver kitten took a seat at the entrance of this forest as she had realized a problem. Without seeing the rising smoke, how was she going to locate the people she's trying to find...

Without any alternatives, she could only try her best to walk in a straight line in the right direction and hope not to run into any trouble. She also decided to take a slower pace inside the forest, the reason being was due to her unfamiliarity of this world. Who knows what type of beast can reside in this forest. Who knows, with a split second of carelessness, a beast could swallow her whole. She had to be extra careful. With her new found powers, she was certain that this world was not a simple place!

Her thoughts complete, she entered the forest completely at a cautious pace. She was not quite running but not quite walking as well. Her feet were still coated in this mysterious energy however, as this clever little silver kitten had realized that even while running at incredible speeds for a good distance, she had hardly decreased in stamina. She could tell that this was due to the strengthening effect this mysterious energy bestowed her.

Minutes by minutes passed by. Beside the trees, she found small animals that weren't much different from her old world dashing between the trees and bushes. Thankfully they weren't much bigger than herself and seemed to be cautious of her. She couldn't tell why they would be cautious of a small thing like her. Then she came to a realisation. Maybe they could sense this energy and feared it. That told her that her new found abilities could be sensed by these animals and that it was something that they either couldn't do or at least not as good as her, else they wouldn't seem so scared of her. She couldn't tell between the two possibilities as every animal were quick to retreat upon sight of her.

After nearly half an hour of trekking through this overgrown forest, the little silver kitten sensed something that made her ears twitch. She couldn't hear it nor could she feel the vibrations on the ground. Yet she could just tell that their was a lurking danger nearby, hidden in the darkness cast by the shrubbery above, a feeling of hidden pressure weighed on her. With her jagged eyes, the little kitten slowly moved her gaze to search for the source of this danger until she had done a full 360 degrees. Yet she had failed to find even a hint of this aggressor. This made her doubt herself.

Just when she had loosened her guard, a bush in her peripheral vision suddenly showed a great deal of movement as a shadowed figure shot out of it and headed straight for the little silver kitten. Frightened, she stood frozen as the figure became clear in front of her. This beast was a nimble humanoid animal. In her memories, the little cat remembered coming across a place in her past life where many animals laid behind cages. She remembered an animal called the monkey. This beast was both similar but vastly different to the monkeys she had seen. This beast was rather large, dwarfing the poor kitten. It had fur for the most part, but areas such as its long elongated arms and its forehead in particular were armoured in a strong looking shell. Its large hands had four fingers that were longer than a humans and had frighteningly dangerous looking nails that looked like they could easily dig into flesh.

In all her life, both lives to be exact, the little kitten had never been as scared of death as she was at this fleeting moment as the hideous beast readied its blade like claws as it swung them in an arc, its impending destination: her.