Illusionary Plans

God has some would call has a weird way of causing pay back to those that tells lies or betray his trust. He doesn't know how to repay kindness though; this boy had just escaped the grasp of death to only be tossed into emotional disarray.

He was still trying to re-find himself through the smoke and daggers of the social world after being locked in a room for a year. Such is the truth of life though, a boy who was ready for death was not given an easy life to walk back into.

In a single movement, he slammed his bare fist into a punching bag. A year before he would follow up with multiple others but he was not accustomed to the pain.

Feeling his phone buzz, he looked down at the caller id before,

"Fuck you!" He shouted, his voice hoarse.

She never gave him a break every time he was on the verge of snapping she would always find a way to text him.

'Hey, how has your day been? Enjoying being back home? We should meet up and talk.' Was what the text had read.

Throwing another fist, he breaks skin on his knuckles from the impact.

'You free for dinner?' He replied after bandaging his knuckles.

Walking upstairs he founds his house to be empty only a note sitting on his counter, 'Hey Raam, saw you were angry so I didn't bother you but your dad is on a trip to France so the house is yours for the month. If you need me, you have my number. Oh, and your dad still wants a grandchild.'

"Well she hasn't changed in years. Wonder why she never got a boyfriend… A grandchild huh? Would need a girlfriend first and that is likely to never happen, who would want such a scarred boy?" Raam told himself before continuing his walk up to the third floor, when getting to his room he can't help but wince in imaginary pain. Taking a deep breath, he makes his way to his closet to look at all his suits.

By the time he chose one, took a shower, and made reservations he found it to be 5pm and 2 hours after he texted her back but was still yet to hear a response.

He kind of expected this as this was the fourth time this had happened.

"Alexa, set timer 30 minutes."

Looking in a mirror he finds his hair slicked back and his eyes completely dull. His right fist wrapped in a bandage clashing with the overpriced azure blue suit jacket and pants. With a pink shirt and golden cufflinks, you wouldn't believe he normally leaves the house in pajamas.

Looking over to his dresser he finds a pair of platinum rings.

"Hope you are doing well Grammy. Your grandchild is single still and may never find a person for the only thing left to me in your will." A sad smile was visible as he spoke.

As he spoke his alarm went off and with still without reply from her.

Taking out his phone he dialed "A Gift"

Without even getting to the second ring he hears their voice,

"Raam? Did you burn down the house already?" The voice was female and speaking with a hint of laughter.

"No, I was going to be going out for dinner with someone but they never got back to me. You want to join me instead?" Raam didn't hesitate to mention he was stood up.

"Uhh? Do you have a fever?"

"You coming or not?"

"Yes! Yes! This is-" He didn't want to hear her go on so he hangs up.

Stretching he walks out of the house still contemplating what to drive there. He was going to bring his '06 Mustang but with his current mood he preferred to bring his '17 Ninja H2 Carbon.

"How you doing baby? If the rings had fit you I would have gave them to you." Not bothering to put on a helmet he quickly shifts from first to third before making his way onto the street. With the wind blowing by Raam was smiling ear to ear, one of his greatest joys was racing through streets be it his car or motorcycle.

Not worrying about anything he made his way Miciah's house. Normally it would take about 20 minutes to get there by at his speed it took half. Straightening his clothes out he makes his way inside.

"I'm here!" Not hearing a reply, he walks into the living room to himself a place to sit down. Not waiting long, he takes out his phone to find it blinking telling him he has a text.

'Busy tonight!' Was short and simple.

These short words brought him great annoyance causing him to almost breaks a second phone in less than a month.

"Raam, you here already?" Miciah questions,

"Yes, got in a little bit ago. We need to take your car I don't think taking a motorcycle is the best answer!" Raam explained not lifting his head from the text screen.

'You bitch!' Typing this out he almost sent it.

'Don't worry about it. Have a good time.' He instead sends with a regretful sigh. Standing up he makes his way into the kitchen to a find photo of a blond hair young lady with her arms around his shoulders. Her head on top of his and her long white legs around his waist. She was beaming with happiness while he was awkwardly smiling his eyes looking up at her and not the camera.

Taking the photo in hand he lightly laughs, "She got it printed. If I wasn't the guy in the photo I would say the two are a couple." Looking on the back it has written, "Raam's trip to Rome. Become more like his father every day."

"I never want to be my father. A man who puts his work before his own family isn't a man I want to be…He does try really hard to be a good man though." Raam told himself.