The Dinner

"The price of the drink isn't what decides the taste of the drink, that is determined by the drinker, pourer, and the drink's age. The people who say the more the better are those new to the world of drinks." Raam states with a whiskey in hand.

"You're only 19 don't talk like some 40-year-old man who has been drinking his whole life." Miciah sighs.

"Why does age determine my experience is drinking? I had my first drink at age 9 and have been a drunk since 15. You should tell my dad he should learn how to lock his wine cellar; the keypad was child's play...literally." He argues drinking the whiskey down in gulps.

"Only monsters like you could hack one of the most complex security systems of our generation at age 12!"

"At least the US government was a challenge, too linear though. The holes were in line and the fail-safe was too easy to stop. I should send them my firewall sometime that would be a good laugh."

"How the hell are you failing your computer classes with experience like that! You could teach the course!"

"I'm likely to drop out this year," Raam answers before downing the last of whiskey.

Grabbing his glass out of his hand she slams it onto the table surprisingly not breaking it. "What do you mean you're dropping out! You are one of the smartest people I know how could you drop out! RAAM!"

"Waiter! Can I have another whiskey? Thanks!" Raam calls ignoring Miciah's question.

"RAAM, don't ignore me!" Her voice was cold causing Raam's body to visible shiver as he looked for the exits.

Raam took a deep breath calming his rapid heartbeat before speaking, "Do you know why I started going to college in the first place?" As he spoke he didn't meet her green eyes his gaze far into the distance.

"A better future for yourself right? That's what you have always told me at least." Her voice instantly softened after seeing the distant look in his eyes.

"You're completely right. I'm no Bill Gates so I can't go and create one of the biggest companies ever but I can tell you for me college isn't the answer. I'm not going to be married. I'm not going to have children to take care of and watch grow up. I'm not going to be the normal expected life. I'm going to leave college at age 23 30 grand in debt. I'm then expected to only live 37 years after that. Maybe I'll leave college with a better job but have I ever seemed like that kind of person?" Now having gotten the second whiskey from the waiter before downing the glass in one gulp.

"Raam...You know both your father and I will support you through any choice you make." Miciah comforted.

Shaking his head Raam lost the distant gaze, "That was too serious. Where is our food?" He asks with a forced smile before checking his phone having felt it buzz.

'Hello, this is a bartender at ****** and we were wondering if you were able to come pick this girl, Lilith, up. Thanks.'

"Miciah, is the driver still home?" He asked only now looking her in the eyes. There was a hint of anger held behind his calm voice.

"He should be. Why someone drunk at a bar?" She questions.

"Exactly, can you tell him to go pick up a girl by the name of Lilith at ****** and bring her home."

"You really should use him more; your dad pays him a lot of money and all he does is sit around since you always drive yourself." She pestered while sending the message to the driver.

"More fun to be driving myself places." He simply stated.

"Raam, does your trip to Italy have anything to do with your current view towards school?" Miciah asked as the waiter placed down their meals.

"No, only my grades. I got a sixty on my writing exam, a sixty-five on my political science, a sixty-nine on my accounting, and a dismal forty on my computer science. I do the real-life equivalents but not anything more. I'm one of the most accomplished hackers, writers, stock traders, and political theorists but put me in those classes on those subjects and I'm the worst student. Maybe I'm moving back into the world too quickly." He contemplated, cutting up his large piece of veal.

"I'm sure you'll find your way," Miciah answered.

Following this, the two eat their respective dinners in silence, with Raam constantly look over to his phone in looks of worry whenever he saw it flash with a text message. When they both finished eating Raam wondered out loud, "What is love?"

"What do you mean?" Miciah wondered back,

He elaborated, "What does it mean to be in love? I always read it means to give one's self-up for another person but that feels too simple."

Miciah pondered for a moment before she gained a flash of inspiration from looking at a glass of wine, "Love can be viewed as a feeling of drunkenness. No matter what happens you're always happy. You're impulsive letting your instincts dictate your actions. You don't care about others so long as the one you love likes you.

You are willing to give up everything for a moment of their time. No matter the numerical cost you're willing to give it to see a moment of their smile."

"I feel love is more illusionary, always fleeting or out of reach of the people searching for it. People are more and more nowadays marrying for necessity and not love, much like my father and mother." Raam counters his gaze stuck to his phone screen.

"That would be an unrequited love." She easily explains her gaze stuck on him.