the booty slapper

"Ding, congratulations for host you got 1x booty slapper

booty slapper(earth high-rank equipment )

-Damage is as high as an earth low-rank equipment

-If aimed at enemy's butt can trigger booty slapper exclusive skill which will send the target flying at 100km/hr (speed increases/decreases depending on the difference in cultivation levels)

"WTF, do I do with this, do I smack every single one of my opponents A%# with this shovel like weapon?!" Hua yinyue comments with now her entire face twitching(trying to tone down my language here)

Suddenly her face turns into a sinister twist

"Oh my dear wonderful system, do you mind materialising and testing my new toy, I promise it won't hurt". ' for me at least' hua yinyue inwardly chuckles.

For some reason, the system became a little more obedient after that day.

Little does she know that everyone in the 2nd level of the library is staring at her as though she was a mad woman for one moment being bored and another moment being so angry that she looks like she wants to strangle everyone in the room to talking with herself in the next.

Hua yinyue will know that she's received her title as the mad woman from the river flowing sect the next time she appears in class.

(there are classes which disciples are recommended to go to to learn how to spar and be taught by a teacher of river flowing sect. Normally disciples participate in class unless they are going to breakthrough)

"Congratulations host you now have 0 points left"

... "Yay I'm so happy -_-" Hua yinyue says sarcastically and rolls her eyes at the system

she didn't even bother speaking to the system for the rest of the day.

(just because I'm the author, I plan to let the system be able to materialise in the future *sinisterly laughs*, but that's a long way to go according to my long ass plot, 2 more world pals 2 more worlds till we see an asshole get retribution)

Yinyue decided to disguise herself to be a young petite pretty boy and heads out of the sect towards the city to buy actual weapons and pills if possible

Since her luck is so horrible she will probably offend a bigshot accidentally so disguising seems like a great idea.


In a restaurant somewhere to the west of the city, a petite pretty looking boy was seating alone. One look and you can tell that the boy will grow to be the enemies of all women in the future. He donned a white robe with a silver badge belonging to the outer disciples of river flowing sect.

"Ahh the food here all sucks, wheres the instant noodles, the fried chicken wings, the stinky tofu, the strawberries, what the hell is a "puckle pig sandwich" it tastes like stale meat with rocks as bread Hua yinyue complains as she eats an expensive meal that costing her 1 gold coin.

"let me think the according to the unreliable system, the female protagonist of this world is yin mei hua, who suddenly changed her name to Hua qinfeng...

she is an assassin from the 21st century that was transmigrated to this world, broken engagement? outcasted by her clan? betrayed by her sister ? Well, she'll help the previous owner of the body with revenge.

She attracted the male lead to due to her cold and cunning personality.

Apparently, she hated her sister who was a genius doctor as she was always compared with and had to live a life in the darkness while her half-sister lived in a world of luxury and life in her life before she transmigrated"

"She apparently will cause the destruction of clans leading to an unbalance in the 4 countries which will cause an all-out war amongst the world and cause a lot of despair and negative energy to collect which eventually corrupts and destroys the world"

"WAIT A MINUTE! Hua qinfeng, genius assassin, and has a genius doctor as a sister, has a cold personality and hates her sister....isn't that


Weekly chapter 3/4

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Shoutouts to:


ryuxie again!!!!!!