My sister is my future enemy

"Isn't that my sister?!"hua yinyue realises with an urge to kill the system

"How is it that my half-sister is a bug and I'm not?"hua yinyue questions the system for an explanation as to why her sister is the one that is overpowered in this world and she her half-sister is not.

A system that was expecting it's host to complain about parricide "...."

"Because, unlike host, hua qinfeng has higher intelligence, beauty, personality, qualifications for world domination..."

"alright alright I get the message " Hua yinyue begrudgingly states as she flips the table in her mind

I guess I have to kill my sister now.....Hua yinyue states, though actually crippling her would be a better option but with her proud sister's character she would rather die than be a cripple, and like most protagonist stories she would probably rise up and kill me instead.

Don't get hua yinyue wrong, it's not that she doesn't feel guilty about killing her own blood relative in her previous life, but ..... when she was younger her sister and her never talked much and when their parents died, they were split apart by the age of 4 so hua yinyue pretty much has no memory about her twin sister.

So, in hua yinyue's mind, her blood sister is nothing more than a stranger

what's wrong in killing a stranger who isn't even my blood relative anymore especially in this world where the strong eats the weak.

Although hua yinyue and hua qinfeng have the same surname again in this world, it is only coincidental now.

Nevermind about my sister, she will enter the sect in 5 few years time by then i would of become strong enough to esc... I mean get rid of her.

Hua yinyue enters a blacksmith shop far off in the west side of the shopping district where not as many people go to, where she sees a young man just about 5 years older than her hammering on a scorching hot metal with deep concentration. His face also had a weird black substance that was stuck onto his face due to his sweat(haha charcoal man)

"Hi friend, do you sell weapons?"Hua yueyin asks politely

"Ding, warning host has a damage to the brain cells" the system suddenly warns diligently

Hua yinyue's mouth almost twitched as she asks the young man

The young man not only ignored her he also had a slight trace of annoyance in his eyes

Hua yinyue who didn't notice it continues to shouts for him "hey are you there?..... Look there's a sale on pork chops"

"Look there's an old woman falling down from a skyscraper"

"Look there's a wasp on your clothes"

"did you fart?"

The young man's killing intent almost leaked out as he turned and glared at Hua yinyue making her shut up almost immediately

"Sure, little piggy, we have yellow tier armour all the way to black low-rank weapons" the young man greets hua yinyue with a smile that did not reach his eyes.

Hua yinyue asks the system" Why do i have a tingling feeling that i have just offended him"

"Ding the system excitedly replies Congratulations host for meeting the main Villain of the story Jun mofan , Jun mofan is currently angry at you for disrupting him when he was attempting to make earth low-rank armaments."

-Warning killing intent directed at host

why is the system excited ay my misfortune?


Weekly chapter 4/4

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